---- 日期+1
select date '2018-01-14' + integer '1';
结果: 2018-01-15
---- 日期+1 后 转 20180101 日期字符串
select to_char(date '2018-01-14' + integer '1','yyyymmdd');
---- 获取指定日期的周一日期
select to_char(date '2018-01-14' + integer '5' - (extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' + integer '5') - 1 || ' day')::interval,'yyyymmdd')
--- 周"中文"
select case when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=1 then '一'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=2 then '二'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=3 then '三'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=4 then '四'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=5 then '五'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=6 then '六'
when extract (dow from date '2018-01-14' )=0 then '日'
else '' end
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "ext"."tmp_generate_date"() RETURNS "pg_catalog"."void" AS $BODY$ declare runstr text; strdate date; strweekid text; strweekstart text; -- 周开始第一天(周一) strweek_zh text; numb int :=1; total int :=365; begin WHILE numb < total LOOP execute 'select date ''2018-01-14'' + integer '''||numb::text||''';' into strdate; execute 'select week_id from ext.tmp_weekmapping where '''||to_char(strdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' >= to_char(week_start,''yyyy-mm-dd'') and '''||to_char(strdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')||''' <= to_char(week_end,''yyyy-mm-dd'') limit 1;' into strweekid; execute 'select case when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=1 then ''一'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=2 then ''二'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=3 then ''三'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=4 then ''四'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=5 then ''五'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=6 then ''六'' when extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''')=0 then ''日'' else '''' end' into strweek_zh; execute ' select case when extract(dow from date '''||strdate||''')=0 then to_char(date '''||strdate||''' - integer ''6'',''yyyymmdd'') else to_char(date '''||strdate||''' - (extract (dow from date '''||strdate||''') - 1 || '' day'')::interval,''yyyymmdd'') end ' into strweekstart; insert into ext.tmp_date_tag(ir_date,ir_idx,ir_day,ir_weeka,ir_weekb,ir_month,ir_year,ir_weekday,ir_weekt) values(strdate,to_char(strdate,'yyyymmdd'),'D'||to_char(strdate,'yyyymmdd'), 'W'||strweekstart,'W'||strweekid,'M'||to_char(strdate,'yyyymm'),'Y'||to_char(strdate,'yyyy'),strweek_zh,strweekstart); numb:=numb+1; END LOOP; end $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE COST 100 ; ALTER FUNCTION "ext"."tmp_generate_date"() OWNER TO "execute_role";