1. 二叉树遍历的非递归实现
void Bst::preOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; BstNode* pCur = root; stack<BstNode*> s; while(pCur || !s.empty()){ while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); cout<<pCur->val<<" "; pCur = pCur->left; } if(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); s.pop(); pCur = pCur->right; } } } void Bst::inOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; stack<BstNode*> s; BstNode* pCur = root; while(pCur || !s.empty()){ while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } if(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); cout<<pCur->val<<" "; s.pop(); pCur = pCur->right; } } } void Bst::postOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; stack<BstNode*> s; BstNode* pCur = root; BstNode* pLast = NULL; while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } while(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); s.pop(); if(pCur->right == NULL || pCur->right == pLast){ cout<<pCur->val<<" "; pLast = pCur; } else if(pCur->left == pLast){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->right; while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } } } }
2. 完整测试代码(可直接运行)
/* * @Author: z.c.wang * @Email: iwangzhengchao@gmail.com * @Date: 2018-10-12 21:08:15 * @Last Modified time: 2019-03-16 17:20:31 */ #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<stack> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; class BstNode { public: int val; BstNode* left; BstNode* right; BstNode(int x): val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL){}; }; class Bst{ public: BstNode *root; Bst(): root(NULL){} void insert(int value); void preOrder(BstNode* root); void inOrder(BstNode* root); void postOrder(BstNode* root); void preOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root); void inOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root); void postOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root); }; void Bst::insert(int value){ BstNode* pRoot = root; // 空树 if(pRoot == NULL) root = new BstNode(value); // 非空 else{ BstNode* temp; while(pRoot!= NULL && pRoot->val!=value){ temp = pRoot; if(pRoot->val > value) pRoot = pRoot->left; else pRoot = pRoot->right; } pRoot = temp; if(pRoot->val > value) pRoot->left = new BstNode(value); else pRoot->right = new BstNode(value); } cout<<"the value "<<value<<" is inserted."<<endl; } void Bst::inOrder(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; inOrder(root->left); cout<<root->val<<" "; inOrder(root->right); } void Bst::preOrder(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; cout<<root->val<<" "; preOrder(root->left); preOrder(root->right); } void Bst::postOrder(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; postOrder(root->left); postOrder(root->right); cout<<root->val<<" "; } void Bst::preOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; BstNode* pCur = root; stack<BstNode*> s; while(pCur || !s.empty()){ while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); cout<<pCur->val<<" "; pCur = pCur->left; } if(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); s.pop(); pCur = pCur->right; } } } void Bst::inOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; stack<BstNode*> s; BstNode* pCur = root; while(pCur || !s.empty()){ while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } if(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); cout<<pCur->val<<" "; s.pop(); pCur = pCur->right; } } } void Bst::postOrderWithoutRecursion(BstNode* root){ if(root == NULL) return ; stack<BstNode*> s; BstNode* pCur = root; BstNode* pLast = NULL; while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } while(!s.empty()){ pCur = s.top(); s.pop(); if(pCur->right == NULL || pCur->right == pLast){ cout<<pCur->val<<" "; pLast = pCur; } else if(pCur->left == pLast){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->right; while(pCur){ s.push(pCur); pCur = pCur->left; } } } } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { Bst tree; int arr[] = {62, 58, 47, 35, 29, 37, 36, 51, 49, 48, 50, 56, 88, 73, 99, 93}; for(int i=0; i<16; i++) tree.insert(arr[i]); cout<<endl<<"前序遍历: "; tree.preOrder(tree.root); cout<<endl<<"前序遍历: "; tree.preOrderWithoutRecursion(tree.root); cout<<endl<<"中序遍历: "; tree.inOrder(tree.root); cout<<endl<<"中序遍历: "; tree.inOrderWithoutRecursion(tree.root); cout<<endl<<"后序遍历: "; tree.postOrder(tree.root); cout<<endl<<"后序遍历: "; tree.postOrderWithoutRecursion(tree.root); return 0; }
3. 测试结果
the value 62 is inserted. the value 58 is inserted. the value 47 is inserted. the value 35 is inserted. the value 29 is inserted. the value 37 is inserted. the value 36 is inserted. the value 51 is inserted. the value 49 is inserted. the value 48 is inserted. the value 50 is inserted. the value 56 is inserted. the value 88 is inserted. the value 73 is inserted. the value 99 is inserted. the value 93 is inserted. 前序遍历: 62 58 47 35 29 37 36 51 49 48 50 56 88 73 99 93 前序遍历: 62 58 47 35 29 37 36 51 49 48 50 56 88 73 99 93 中序遍历: 29 35 36 37 47 48 49 50 51 56 58 62 73 88 93 99 中序遍历: 29 35 36 37 47 48 49 50 51 56 58 62 73 88 93 99 后序遍历: 29 36 37 35 48 50 49 56 51 47 58 73 93 99 88 62 后序遍历: 29 36 37 35 48 50 49 56 51 47 58 73 93 99 88 62