• leetcode 1307 口算难题

    地址 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/verbal-arithmetic-puzzle/

    给你一个方程,左边用 words 表示,右边用 result 表示。


    每个字符都会被解码成一位数字(0 - 9)。
    每个 words[i] 和 result 都会被解码成一个没有前导零的数字。
    如果方程可解,返回 True,否则返回 False。

    示例 1:
    输入:words = ["SEND","MORE"], result = "MONEY"
    解释:映射 'S'-> 9, 'E'->5, 'N'->6, 'D'->7, 'M'->1, 'O'->0, 'R'->8, 'Y'->'2'
    所以 "SEND" + "MORE" = "MONEY" ,  9567 + 1085 = 10652
    示例 2:
    输入:words = ["SIX","SEVEN","SEVEN"], result = "TWENTY"
    解释:映射 'S'-> 6, 'I'->5, 'X'->0, 'E'->8, 'V'->7, 'N'->2, 'T'->1, 'W'->'3', 'Y'->4
    所以 "SIX" + "SEVEN" + "SEVEN" = "TWENTY" ,  650 + 68782 + 68782 = 138214
    示例 3:
    输入:words = ["THIS","IS","TOO"], result = "FUNNY"
    示例 4:
    输入:words = ["LEET","CODE"], result = "POINT"
    2 <= words.length <= 5
    1 <= words[i].length, results.length <= 7
    words[i], result 只含有大写英文字母
    表达式中使用的不同字符数最大为 10

    这里参考了其他大佬的思路 然后自己完成的。
    效果还是不太理想 只能说子路是正确的 最后的实现磕磕碰碰效率还比较低。也算是ac了吧

    思路如下 强行的暴力DFS每个字母替代的数字肯定是TLE的

    使用了两个变量 map<char, int> letterMapNum; map<int, int> usedNum;
    记录 字母替换了那些数字 和那些数字被使用了
    还计算出字符串的最大长度 以便确定需要循环的边界 (全部按照最大长度来循环的话 还要识别部分短的字符串是否越界)

    剩下的就是DFS 遍历替换和CHECK最后字母替换数字是否正确

    class Solution {
    map<char, int> letterMapNum;
    map<int, int> usedNum;
    int maxStringLen = 0;
    int GetmaxStringLen(const vector<string>& words)
        int ret = 0;
        for (auto& e : words) {ret = max((int)e.size(), ret);}
        return ret;
    bool Check(const vector<string>& words, const  string& result)
        int sum = 0; int tn = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
            string s = words[i];
            reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
            tn = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < s.size(); j++) {
                int num = letterMapNum[s[j]];
                tn = tn * 10 + num;
            sum += tn;
        string s;
        while (sum != 0) {
            int e = sum % 10;
            sum = sum / 10;
            if (usedNum[e] == 0) {s += "?";}
            else {
                for (auto& ele : letterMapNum) {
                    if (ele.second == e) {
                        s += ele.first;
        if (s.size() != result.size())  return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
            if (s[i] == '?' ) {
                char c = result[i];
                if (letterMapNum[c] != -1)return false;
            else if (s[i] != result[i]) {return false;}
        return true;;
    bool Dfs(int x,int y , int sum ,const vector<string>& words,const  string& result)
        bool ret = false;
        if (x == words.size() && y == maxStringLen) {
            //ret = check
            ret = Check(words, result);
            return ret;
        if (x>= words.size() ) {
            int resultC = result[y];
            if (letterMapNum[resultC] != -1 && letterMapNum[resultC] != sum % 10) return false;
            sum = sum / 10;
            x = 0; y++;
        if (y < words[x].size()) {
            char c = words[x][y];
            if (letterMapNum[c] != -1) {
                sum += letterMapNum[c];
                if (y == words[x].size() - 1 && letterMapNum[c] == 0) {return false;}
                if (Dfs(x + 1, y, sum, words, result)) return true;
            else {
                int start = 0;
                if (y == words[x].size() - 1) start = 1;
                for (int i = start; i <= 9; i++) {
                    if (usedNum[i] != 0) continue;
                    int oldsum = sum; int oldmap =  letterMapNum[c];int oldUsed = usedNum[i];
                    usedNum[i] = 1; letterMapNum[c] = i;
                    sum += i;
                    if (Dfs(x + 1, y, sum, words, result)) return true;
                    sum = oldsum; letterMapNum[c] = oldmap; usedNum[i] = oldUsed;
        else {
            if (Dfs(x + 1, y, sum, words, result)) return true;
        return false;
    bool isSolvable(vector<string>& words, string result) {
        bool ret = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) reverse(words[i].begin(), words[i].end());
        reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
        maxStringLen = GetmaxStringLen(words);
        if (result.size() > (maxStringLen + 1)) return ret;
        for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {char a = 'A';a += i;letterMapNum[a] = -1;}
        ret = Dfs(0,0,0, words, result);
        return ret;
    作 者: itdef
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/itdef/p/12144664.html
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