• 636. Exclusive Time of Functions 进程的执行时间


    Given the running logs of n functions that are executed in a nonpreemptive single threaded CPU, find the exclusive time of these functions.

    Each function has a unique id, start from 0 to n-1. A function may be called recursively or by another function.

    A log is a string has this format : function_id:start_or_end:timestamp. For example, "0:start:0" means function 0 starts from the very beginning of time 0. "0:end:0" means function 0 ends to the very end of time 0.

    Exclusive time of a function is defined as the time spent within this function, the time spent by calling other functions should not be considered as this function's exclusive time. You should return the exclusive time of each function sorted by their function id.

    Example 1:

    n = 2
    logs = 
    Output:[3, 4]
    Function 0 starts at time 0, then it executes 2 units of time and reaches the end of time 1. 
    Now function 0 calls function 1, function 1 starts at time 2, executes 4 units of time and end at time 5.
    Function 0 is running again at time 6, and also end at the time 6, thus executes 1 unit of time. 
    So function 0 totally execute 2 + 1 = 3 units of time, and function 1 totally execute 4 units of time.








    [奇葩corner case]:


    不知道具体怎么写,感觉stack的题目前就是背 暂时没有发现规律



    [输入量]:空: 正常情况:特大:特小:程序里处理到的特殊情况:异常情况(不合法不合理的输入):









    感觉stack的题目前就是背 暂时没有发现规律

    [复杂度]:Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O(n)






    [Follow Up]:


     [代码风格] :

    class Solution {
        public int[] exclusiveTime(int n, List<String> logs) {
            //ini: res, split, String[3], prevTime, stack
            Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
            int[] res = new int[n];
            int prevTime = 0;
            if (logs == null || logs.size() == 0) return res;
            //for loop:
            for (String log : logs) {
                String[] words = log.split(":");
                //update res
                if (!stack.isEmpty()) res[stack.peek()] += Integer.parseInt(words[2]) - prevTime;
                //update prevTime
                prevTime = Integer.parseInt(words[2]);
                //update stack
                if (words[1].equals("start")) stack.push(Integer.parseInt(words[0]));
                else {
            return res;
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/immiao0319/p/9035012.html
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