• php下贝叶斯算法实例

    由于数据是从数据库内读取 故不可能直接照搬 大体思路是利用之前分享的贝叶斯算法实现该机制,在实现过程中发现该算法对于培养的数据要求较高,由于我自己是随意分类,所以结果很差,不过也算是对于该方法的一个实现吧,只要修改了关键词以及分类应该可以得到较好的结果。

        $sunKindrow=11;//sunkind列 正式程序改为7
        $result = mysql_query(" SELECT count(1) FROM `test`  ");//获取样本个数
        $count = $row['count(1)'];    
        //初始化 sunkind
        //计算keyprecent sunkind
            //echo $keyword[$i];
            $result1 = mysql_query(" SELECT count(1) FROM `test` WHERE `title` LIKE '%" . $keyword[$i] . "%'");
            $row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
            $count1 = $row1['count(1)'];    
            $keyprecent[$i] = $count1/$count;
            $result2 = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE `title` LIKE '%" . $keyword[$i] . "%'");
            while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
        $disease_labels = array("编辑", "工程");
        // Where patient is assessed as to whether they exhibit symptom 1 and/or symptom 2
        $symptom_labels = array("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11"); 
        $bayes = new Bayes($keyprecent, $sunkind);
        echo "<p>";
        echo "The probability of each disease type given the presence or absence of symptoms is: ";
        echo "</p>";
        $bayes->setRowLabels($symptom_labels);    // i.e., evidence
        $bayes->setColumnLabels($disease_labels); // i.e., hypothesis
        echo "<br />";
        echo "<p>";
        echo "Here is what a dump of the Bayes object looks: ";
        echo "</p>";
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";


    * Bayes
    * @author  Paul Meagher <paul@datavore.com> 
    * @license PHP License v3.0     
    * Calculates posterior probabilities for m hypotheses and n evidence  
    * alternatives.  The code was inspired by a procedural TrueBasic version 
    * (Bayes.tru) bundled with Grimstead and Snell's excellent online 
    * textbook "Introduction to Probability". 
    * @see http://www.dartmouth.edu/~chance/teaching_aids/books_articles/probability_book/book.html
    class Bayes {
      * Number of evidence alternatives (i.e., number of rows).
      var $m;
      * Number of hypothesis alternatives (i.e., number of columns).
      var $n;
      * Output labels for evidence alternatives.
      var $row_labels = array();
      * Output labels for hypothesis alternatives.
      var $column_labels = array();  
      * Vector container for prior probabilities.
      var $priors = array();
      * Matrix container for likelihood of evidence e given hypothesis h.
      var $likelihoods = array();         
      * Matrix container for posterior probabilties.
      var $posterior = array();
      * Vector container for evidence probabilties.
      var $evidence = array();  
      * Initialize the Bayes algorithm by setting the priors, likelihoods and 
      * dimensions of the likelihood and posterior matrices.
      function Bayes($priors, $likelihoods) {
        $this->priors = $priors;
        $this->likelihoods = $likelihoods;
        $this->m = count($this->likelihoods);  // num rows
        $this->n = count($this->likelihoods[0]); // num cols   
        return true;
      * Output method for setting row labels prior to display.
      function setRowLabels($row_labels) {
        $this->row_labels = $row_labels;
        return true;
      * Output method for setting column labels prior to display.
      function setColumnLabels($column_labels) {
        $this->column_labels = $column_labels;
        return true;
      * Compute the posterior probability matrix given the priors and likelihoods.
      * The first set of loops computes the denominator of the canonical Bayes 
      * equation. The probability appearing in the denominator serves a normalizing 
      * role in the computation - it ensures that posterior probabilities sum to 1.  
      * The second set of loops: 
      *   1. multiplies the prior[$h] by the likelihood[$h][$e]
      *   2. divides the result by the denominator
      *   3. assigns the result to the posterior[$e][$h] probability matrix
      function getPosterior() {
        // Find probability of evidence e
        for($e=0; $e < $this->n; $e++)
        for($e=0; $e < $this->n; $e++) {
          for ($h=0; $h < $this->m; $h++) {
            $this->evidence[$e] += $this->priors[$h] * $this->likelihoods[$h][$e];
        // Find probability of hypothesis given evidence
        for($e=0; $e < $this->n; $e++) {
          for ($h=0; $h < $this->m; $h++) {     
            $this->posterior[$e][$h] = $this->priors[$h] * $this->likelihoods[$h][$e] / $this->evidence[$e];
        return true;    
      * Output method for displaying posterior probability matrix
      function toHTML($number_format="%01.3f") {
        <table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>
            for ($h=0; $h < $this->m; $h++) {         
              <td align='center'><b><?php echo $this->column_labels[$h] ?></b></td>
          for($e=0; $e < $this->n; $e++) {
              <td><b><?php echo $this->row_labels[$e] ?></b></td>
              for ($h=0; $h < $this->m; $h++) {     
                <td align='right'><?php printf($number_format, $this->posterior[$e][$h]) ?></td>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/icysnow/p/3038644.html
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