那么查询的本质是什么呢?我们思考所遇到过的数据结构题,可以发现查询实际上就在做一件事情:把符合本次查询的限制的修改对答案产生的效果合并起来满足。这种限制通常表现为一种序的要求,并且这种序是广义的,符合限制的操作往往是按某种序(或多种序)排序后的操作的前缀。 通常来说,查询一定有时间上的限制,也就是要求考虑发生在某个时刻之前的所有查询,对于一个问题而言,假如所有查询要求的发生时刻相同,那这就是一个静态查询问题,如果要求发生的时刻随着查询而变,那这就是一个动态修改问题,动态修改问题较静态查询而言复杂很多,往往需要高级数据结构,可持久化等手段,而静态查询简单很多,例如时间倒流,twopointers之类的方法都是很好的选择。
Arnooks's Defensive Line [Uva live 5871]
Describe (不想看英语的请往下跳到一句话题意)
Based on the latest intelligence reports, Chief Arnook of the northern tribe has become suspicious of the warrior nations that dwell south of the border. The chief has ordered his warriors to protect the southern border which runs parallel to the 54 o latitude line and stretches between the longitudes of 1 o to 1000, 000, 000 o , inclusive.
Each warrior is assigned the task of protecting a segment of the border defined to lie between longitudes a and b, inclusive. No two warriors are assigned to protect the exact same segment. Bound by loyalty to his chief, a warrior will inform the chief upon his arrival at his appointed post and will never leave once he arrives.
Your task is to write a program that performs the following two operations + a b a warrior assumes his position and protects the segment between longitudes a and b, inclusive. ? c d computes the number of warriors who completely protect the segment between longitudes c and d, inclusive. The segment between the longitudes c and d, inclusive, is said to be completely protected by a warrior X if and only if warrior X protects a segment between a and b, inclusive, and a ≤ c < d ≤ b. to help Chief Arnook track the status of his border protection.
The input starts with an integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 500000), on a line by itself, that indicates the number of operations. Each of the following N lines contains one operation. The description of an operation consists of a character ‘+’ or ‘?’ followed by two integers on a line by itself. The entries on a line are separated by single blank spaces.
There is one output line for each input line that starts with the operation ‘?’. The output consists of a single integer that represents the number of warriors who completely protect the corresponding segment at the time.
There is no output for input lines that start with the character ‘+’.
Sample Input
+ 5 10
+ 7 20
+ 3 15
? 9 12
+ 10 20
? 8 9
+ 6 30
? 8 9
? 9 12
Sample Output
有两种操作(共n个,n<=500000), 一个是插入一个[l,r]的区间,另一个是询问一个区间[l,r],前面有多少个区间完全包含了这个区间。
法二:换种思路,去掉时间限制,把问题看成一个序列,则前面的修改会对后面的询问造成影响。于是我们便想到了CDQ分治中第二点:“对于所有在[l,m]内的修改操作,枚举处理它对于[m,r]内的所有操作影响。”所以我们可以对一个操作序列[a,b], 设m=(a+b)/2,先递归处理[a,m], [m+1,b],然后考虑[a,m]里面的插入区间的操作对[m+1,b]里面询问的影响。也就是转化成静态的问题。可以先把区间按照右端点从大到小排序*,然后扫一边,扫到一个插入区间用树状数组就在l处+1,询问就是原有答案加上sum(l)。
上面*号注意,右端点相同时,左端点一定要从小到大排序,举个例子,如果一个询问是 i+1->j,一个插入是i->j,插入一定要排在询问前面才能被统计到
1 #include<set> 2 #include<map> 3 #include<stack> 4 #include<queue> 5 #include<cstdio> 6 #include<cstring> 7 #include<iostream> 8 #include<algorithm> 9 #define RG register int 10 #define rep(i,a,b) for(RG i=a;i<=b;i++) 11 #define per(i,a,b) for(RG i=a;i>=b;i--) 12 #define ll long long 13 #define inf (1<<30) 14 #define maxn 500005 15 #define lowbit(x) (x&(-x)) 16 using namespace std; 17 int n,cnt; 18 int hash_table[maxn<<1],t[maxn<<1],ans[maxn]; 19 struct Dat{ 20 char type; 21 int l,r,id; 22 }dat[maxn]; 23 inline int read() 24 { 25 int x=0,f=1;char c=getchar(); 26 while(c<'0'||c>'9'){if(c=='-')f=-1;c=getchar();} 27 while(c>='0'&&c<='9'){x=x*10+c-'0';c=getchar();} 28 return x*f; 29 } 30 31 int pre() 32 { 33 char c; 34 n=read(); 35 rep(i,1,n) 36 { 37 scanf("%c",&c);dat[i].l=hash_table[++cnt]=read(),dat[i].r=hash_table[++cnt]=read(),dat[i].id=i; 38 if(c=='+') dat[i].type=1; 39 } 40 sort(hash_table+1,hash_table+1+cnt); 41 cnt=unique(hash_table+1,hash_table+1+cnt)-hash_table-1; 42 rep(i,1,n) 43 { 44 dat[i].l=lower_bound(hash_table+1,hash_table+1+cnt,dat[i].l)-hash_table; 45 dat[i].r=lower_bound(hash_table+1,hash_table+1+cnt,dat[i].r)-hash_table; 46 } 47 } 48 49 inline bool cmp(const Dat &a,const Dat &b){return a.r==b.r?a.l<b.l:a.r>b.r;} 50 51 void add(int x,int val) 52 { 53 while(x<=cnt) 54 t[x]+=val,x+=lowbit(x); 55 } 56 57 int query(int x) 58 { 59 int sum=0; 60 while(x) 61 sum+=t[x],x-=lowbit(x); 62 return sum; 63 } 64 65 void CDQ(int l,int r) 66 { 67 if(l==r) return; 68 int mid=(l+r)>>1; 69 CDQ(l,mid); 70 CDQ(mid+1,r); 71 sort(dat+l,dat+r+1,cmp); 72 for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) 73 { 74 if(dat[i].type&&dat[i].id<=mid) add(dat[i].l,1); 75 if(!dat[i].type&&dat[i].id>mid) ans[dat[i].id]+=query(dat[i].l); 76 } 77 for(int i=l;i<=r;i++) 78 if(dat[i].type&&dat[i].id<=mid) add(dat[i].l,-1); 79 } 80 81 inline bool cnm(const Dat &a,const Dat &b){return<;} 82 83 int main() 84 { 85 pre(); 86 CDQ(1,n); 87 sort(dat+1,dat+1+n,cnm); 88 rep(i,1,n) if(!dat[i].type) printf("%d ",ans[i]); 89 return 0; 90 }