environment { MAGE_REPO_CREDENTIALS = credentials('COMPOSER_REPO_MAGENTO') COMPOSER_AUTH = """{ "http-basic": { "repo.magento.com": { "username": "${env.MAGE_REPO_CREDENTIALS_USR}", "password": "${env.MAGE_REPO_CREDENTIALS_PSW}" } } }""" }
withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'amazon', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) { // available as an env variable, but will be masked if you try to print it out any which way // note: single quotes prevent Groovy interpolation; expansion is by Bourne Shell, which is what you want sh 'echo $PASSWORD' // also available as a Groovy variable echo USERNAME // or inside double quotes for string interpolation echo "username is $USERNAME" }