• docker 镜像管理

    docker:/root# docker search centos
    NAME                            DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   
    centos                          The official build of CentOS.                   2028      [OK]       
    jdeathe/centos-ssh              CentOS-6 6.7 x86_64 / CentOS-7 7.2.1511 x8...   17                   [OK]
    jdeathe/centos-ssh-apache-php   CentOS-6 6.7 x86_64 / Apache / PHP / PHP M...   14                   [OK]
    million12/centos-supervisor     Base CentOS-7 with supervisord launcher, h...   9                    [OK]
    blalor/centos                   Bare-bones base CentOS 6.5 image                8                    [OK]
    nimmis/java-centos              This is docker images of CentOS 7 with dif...   7                    [OK]
    torusware/speedus-centos        Always updated official CentOS docker imag...   7                    [OK]
    nickistre/centos-lamp           LAMP on centos setup                            3                    [OK]
    nathonfowlie/centos-jre         Latest CentOS image with the JRE pre-insta...   3                    [OK]
    centos/mariadb55-centos7                                                        3                    [OK]
    consol/sakuli-centos-xfce       Sakuli end-2-end testing and monitoring co...   2                    [OK]
    softvisio/centos                Centos                                          1                    [OK]
    layerworx/centos                CentOS container with etcd, etcdctl, confd...   1                    [OK]
    yajo/centos-epel                CentOS with EPEL and fully updated              1                    [OK]
    timhughes/centos                Centos with systemd installed and running       1                    [OK]
    pacur/centos-7                  Pacur CentOS 7                                  1                    [OK]
    pacur/centos-6                  Pacur CentOS 6                                  1                    [OK]
    darksheer/centos                Base Centos Image -- Updated hourly             1                    [OK]
    lighthopper/orientdb-centos     A Dockerfile for creating an OrientDB imag...   1                    [OK]
    ustclug/centos                   USTC centos                                    0                    [OK]
    blacklabelops/centos            CentOS Base Image! Built and Updates Daily!     0                    [OK]
    jsmigel/centos-epel             Docker base image of CentOS w/ EPEL installed   0                    [OK]
    grayzone/centos                 auto build for centos.                          0                    [OK]
    lighthopper/openjdk-centos      A Dockerfile for creating an OpenJDK image...   0                    [OK]
    januswel/centos                 yum update-ed CentOS image                      0                    [OK]
    docker run -it centos /bin/bash
    -i 表示让容器的标准输入打开,
    -t 表示分配一个伪终端:
    /bin/bash 容器里面允许的/bin/bash
    docker pull centos:6.5  获取容器:
    docker:/root# docker pull --help
    Usage: docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]  
    Pull an image or a repository from the registry
    拉取一个镜像或者一个存储库 从注册处
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    docker:/root# docker run -it januswel/centos  /bin/bash
    [root@13fe7a3f05cc /]# 
    docker:/root# docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS  
    13fe7a3f05cc        januswel/centos     "/bin/bash"         About a minute ago   Up About a minute          
    docker:/root# docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS   
    13fe7a3f05cc        januswel/centos     "/bin/bash"         2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                
    创建 复制一个镜像:
    docker:/root# docker tag januswel/centos  jj123
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    jj123               latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    docker 删除镜像:
    docker rmi  jj123:latest 
    docker rmi REPOSITORY:TAG
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    jj123               latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    docker:/root# docker rmi  jj123:latest 
    Untagged: jj123:latest
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    docker:/root# docker tag januswel/centos  linux123
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    linux123            latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    docker:/root# docker tag januswel/centos  linux123:jj
    docker:/root# docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    januswel/centos     latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    linux123            latest              088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB
    linux123            jj                  088820de4929        12 days ago         198.3 MB

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hzcya1995/p/13350955.html
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