RabbitVCS won't run in some 64 bit environments
Some distributions, such as 64 bit Fedora, put 64 bit libraries in the /usr/lib64 directory, whereas nautilus-python (the program that lets us extend nautilus) assumes all libraries are in the /usr/lib directory. This is a nautilus-python bug. The current workaround is to create a symlink: ln -s /usr/lib64/libpython2.6.so /usr/lib/libpython2.6.so
$ln -s /usr/lib64/libpython2.6.so /usr/lib/libpython2.6.so。
For nautilus, please make sure of the following:
- You only have v0.15.0.5 installed and no other older versions of
Rabbitvcs. Do 'find /usr | grep rabbitvcs'. If there is something in
/usr/local or something, then delete that.
- Make sure you have Console debugging turned on. With the cli client,
do 'rabbitvcs settings' and in the Log tab, change to Debug/Both.
根据这段话,我运行$rabbitvcs settings时报错了,他说是缺个simplejson,好:
$yum install python-simplejson。
$yum remove rabbitvcs*
9、解压后进入文件夹,su执行$python setup.py install。
Hi , the key point of this issue is the source code , please modify the x/rabbitvcs-,change the parameter as below.it means you should add the /usr before share. #icon_theme_directory = "share/icons/hicolor" icon_theme_directory = "/usr/share/icons/hicolor" #locale_directory = "share/locale" locale_directory = "/usr/share/locale" 11、其实上一步不做也应该没什么影响,我的猜想。 12、执行完第9步那句之后,进入编译好的clients/cli文件,$cp rabbitvcs /usr/bin。这个是命令行工具。 然后进入clients/nautilus $cp RabbitVCS.py /usr/lib64/nautilus/extensions-2.0/python/。(这一步只针对centos 6.3的64位有效) 其实好好看看README你就知道应该怎样做。 13、重启,装好了。如果你发现不行,很有可能是前面有些步骤没做好,请重来,如果你第二遍到这里也不行,不好意思,这个教程不适合你。这个只针对2012年8月30日下载的centos 6.3 64bit(使用 nautilus 2.28做为文件管理器)有效。 14、你知道我有多痛苦吗?前面12步只是我列出来的关键步骤,我要把整个解决问题的每个步骤都列出来,1000步都不止,无效操作太多了,我在这里至少花了5个小时,读了至少1W个英文字母,至少查了有道词典50次。你知道吗?狗日的linux,你斗不过windows是活该。(我承认你很强大,但你老婆强悍而不你喜欢吗?) 注:图标问题没有解决,还不能像windows那样,根据图标一眼看出哪个修改过,哪个冲突。我不解决了,这个 |