• Layabox 世界坐标和屏幕坐标互转



    需要注意的是,unity 和 layabox 坐标系的区别,三维坐标( unity 左手坐标系, layabox 右手坐标系 ) 和 屏幕坐标系都不同( unity原点在左下角,layabox 原点在右下角 )

    https://www.cnblogs.com/mttnor/p/9647850.html 里面的感觉比较明了,参考里面的图片可以更好的理解我的代码

         * 世界坐标转屏幕坐标
         * @param {Laya.Camera} camera   参照相机
         * @param {Laya.Vector3} point   需要转换的点
        static WorldToScreen2(camera, point) {
            var pointA = this.InverseTransformPoint(camera.transform, point);
            var distance = pointA.z;
            var out = new Laya.Vector3();
            camera.viewport.project(point, camera.projectionViewMatrix, out);
            var value = new Laya.Vector3(out.x / Laya.stage.clientScaleX, out.y / Laya.stage.clientScaleY, distance);
            return value;
    /**[SixGod] * 屏幕坐标转世界坐标 * @param {Laya.Camera} camera 参照相机 * @param {Laya.Vector3} point 需要转换的点 */ static ScreenToWorld(camera, point) { var halfFOV = (camera.fieldOfView * 0.5) * Math.PI / 180; let height = point.z * Math.tan(halfFOV); let width = height * camera.aspectRatio; let lowerLeft = this.GetLowerLeft(camera.transform, point.z, width, height); let v = this.GetScreenScale(width, height); // 放到同一坐标系(相机坐标系)上计算相对位置 var value = new Laya.Vector3(); var lowerLeftA = this.InverseTransformPoint(camera.transform, lowerLeft); value = new Laya.Vector3(-point.x / v.x, point.y / v.y, 0); Laya.Vector3.add(lowerLeftA, value, value); // 转回世界坐标系 value = this.TransformPoint(camera.transform, value); return value; } /**[SixGod] * 获取三维场景和屏幕比例 * @param {Number} width 宽 * @param {Number} height 长 */ static GetScreenScale(width, height) { var v = new Laya.Vector3(); v.x = Laya.stage.width / width / 2; v.y = Laya.stage.height / height / 2; return v; } /**[SixGod] * 获取相机在 distance距离的截面右下角世界坐标位置 * @param {Laya.Transform} transform 相机transfrom * @param {Number} distance 距离 * @param {Number} width 宽度 * @param {Number} height 长度 */ static GetLowerLeft(transform, distance, width, height) { // 相机在 distance距离的截面左下角世界坐标位置 // LowerLeft var lowerLeft = new Laya.Vector3(); // lowerLeft = transform.position - (transform.right * width); var right = new Laya.Vector3(); transform.getRight(right); Laya.Vector3.normalize(right, right); var xx = new Laya.Vector3(right.x * width, right.y * width, right.z * width); Laya.Vector3.add(transform.position, xx, lowerLeft); // lowerLeft -= transform.up * height; var up = new Laya.Vector3(); transform.getUp(up); Laya.Vector3.normalize(up, up); var yy = new Laya.Vector3(up.x * height, up.y * height, up.z * height); Laya.Vector3.subtract(lowerLeft, yy, lowerLeft); // lowerLeft += transform.forward * distance; var forward = new Laya.Vector3(); transform.getForward(forward); Laya.Vector3.normalize(forward, forward); var zz = new Laya.Vector3(forward.x * distance, forward.y * distance, forward.z * distance); Laya.Vector3.subtract(lowerLeft, zz, lowerLeft); return lowerLeft; } /**[SixGod] * 世界坐标转相对坐标 * @param {Laya.Transform} origin camera.transform * @param {Laya.Vector3} point 需要转换的点 */ static InverseTransformPoint(origin, point) { var xx = new Laya.Vector3(); origin.getRight(xx); var yy = new Laya.Vector3(); origin.getUp(yy); var zz = new Laya.Vector3(); origin.getForward(zz); var zz1 = new Laya.Vector3(-zz.x, -zz.y, -zz.z); var x = this.ProjectDistance(point, origin.position, xx); var y = this.ProjectDistance(point, origin.position, yy); var z = this.ProjectDistance(point, origin.position, zz1); var value = new Laya.Vector3(x, y, z); return value; } /**[SixGod] * 相对坐标转世界坐标 * @param {Laya.Transform} origin camera.transform * @param {Laya.Vector3} point 需要转换的点 */ static TransformPoint(origin, point) { var value = new Laya.Vector3(); Laya.Vector3.transformQuat(point, origin.rotation, value); Laya.Vector3.add(value, origin.position, value); return value; } /**[SixGod] * 向量投影长度, 向量CA 在向量 CB 上的投影长度 * @param {Laya.Vector3} A * @param {Laya.Vector3} C * @param {Laya.Vector3} B */ static ProjectDistance(A, C, B) { var CA = new Laya.Vector3(); Laya.Vector3.subtract(A, C, CA); var angle = this.Angle2(CA, B) * Math.PI / 180; var distance = Laya.Vector3.distance(A, C); distance *= Math.cos(angle); return distance; } /**[SixGod] * 向量夹角 * @param {Laya.Vector3} ma 向量A * @param {Laya.Vector3} mb 向量B */ static Angle2(ma, mb) { var v1 = (ma.x * mb.x) + (ma.y * mb.y) + (ma.z * mb.z); var ma_val = Math.sqrt(ma.x * ma.x + ma.y * ma.y + ma.z * ma.z); var mb_val = Math.sqrt(mb.x * mb.x + mb.y * mb.y + mb.z * mb.z); var cosM = v1 / (ma_val * mb_val); if (cosM < -1) cosM = -1; if (cosM > 1) cosM = 1; var angleAMB = Math.acos(cosM) * 180 / Math.PI; return angleAMB; }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huojiaoqingchun0123/p/11290143.html
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