• The Performance Manifesto

    Manifesto For Performance Testing And Engineering

    We choose to support others in their quest

    for better performing software and systems as evidenced by our

    commitment to the following:

    We value whole-system monitoring, measurement and awareness in our performance analysis vs. isolated, discrete measures of components.

    We place a priority on the elaboration of the meaning of a performance result vs. providing the test result as the product or outcome.

    We prefer to facilitate clarity in the definition of performance requirements vs. waiting for others to define the requirements for performance.

    We respect a separation between performance engineering (proactive impact) vs. performance testing (reactive validation).

    We favor the explicit disclosure of the context for performance results vs. publishing results without adequate synthesis.

    We eschew arithmetical extrapolation from simulated performance in preference for measurement of real-world performance.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hundredsofyears/p/4654499.html
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