• RateLimiter源码

     * Copyright (C) 2012 The Guava Authors
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
     * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
     * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
     * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
     * the License.
    package com.google.common.util.concurrent;
    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
    import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
    import static java.lang.Math.max;
    import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
    import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
    import com.google.common.annotations.Beta;
    import com.google.common.annotations.GwtIncompatible;
    import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
    import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
    import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SmoothRateLimiter.SmoothBursty;
    import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SmoothRateLimiter.SmoothWarmingUp;
    import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
    import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
     * A rate limiter. Conceptually, a rate limiter distributes permits at a configurable rate. Each
     * {@link #acquire()} blocks if necessary until a permit is available, and then takes it. Once
     * acquired, permits need not be released.
     * <p>Rate limiters are often used to restrict the rate at which some physical or logical resource
     * is accessed. This is in contrast to {@link java.util.concurrent.Semaphore} which restricts the
     * number of concurrent accesses instead of the rate (note though that concurrency and rate are
     * closely related, e.g. see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little%27s_law">Little's
     * Law</a>).
     * <p>A {@code RateLimiter} is defined primarily by the rate at which permits are issued. Absent
     * additional configuration, permits will be distributed at a fixed rate, defined in terms of
     * permits per second. Permits will be distributed smoothly, with the delay between individual
     * permits being adjusted to ensure that the configured rate is maintained.
     * <p>It is possible to configure a {@code RateLimiter} to have a warmup period during which time
     * the permits issued each second steadily increases until it hits the stable rate.
     * <p>As an example, imagine that we have a list of tasks to execute, but we don't want to submit
     * more than 2 per second: <pre>   {@code
     *  final RateLimiter rateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(2.0); // rate is "2 permits per second"
     *  void submitTasks(List<Runnable> tasks, Executor executor) {
     *    for (Runnable task : tasks) {
     *      rateLimiter.acquire(); // may wait
     *      executor.execute(task);
     *    }
     *  }}</pre>
     * <p>As another example, imagine that we produce a stream of data, and we want to cap it at 5kb per
     * second. This could be accomplished by requiring a permit per byte, and specifying a rate of 5000
     * permits per second: <pre>   {@code
     *  final RateLimiter rateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(5000.0); // rate = 5000 permits per second
     *  void submitPacket(byte[] packet) {
     *    rateLimiter.acquire(packet.length);
     *    networkService.send(packet);
     *  }}</pre>
     * <p>It is important to note that the number of permits requested <i>never</i> affects the
     * throttling of the request itself (an invocation to {@code acquire(1)} and an invocation to
     * {@code acquire(1000)} will result in exactly the same throttling, if any), but it affects the
     * throttling of the <i>next</i> request. I.e., if an expensive task arrives at an idle RateLimiter,
     * it will be granted immediately, but it is the <i>next</i> request that will experience extra
     * throttling, thus paying for the cost of the expensive task.
     * <p>Note: {@code RateLimiter} does not provide fairness guarantees.
     * @author Dimitris Andreou
     * @since 13.0
    // TODO(user): switch to nano precision. A natural unit of cost is "bytes", and a micro precision
    // would mean a maximum rate of "1MB/s", which might be small in some cases.
    public abstract class RateLimiter {
       * Creates a {@code RateLimiter} with the specified stable throughput, given as
       * "permits per second" (commonly referred to as <i>QPS</i>, queries per second).
       * <p>The returned {@code RateLimiter} ensures that on average no more than {@code
       * permitsPerSecond} are issued during any given second, with sustained requests being smoothly
       * spread over each second. When the incoming request rate exceeds {@code permitsPerSecond} the
       * rate limiter will release one permit every {@code
       * (1.0 / permitsPerSecond)} seconds. When the rate limiter is unused, bursts of up to
       * {@code permitsPerSecond} permits will be allowed, with subsequent requests being smoothly
       * limited at the stable rate of {@code permitsPerSecond}.
       * @param permitsPerSecond the rate of the returned {@code RateLimiter}, measured in how many
       *     permits become available per second
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permitsPerSecond} is negative or zero
      // TODO(user): "This is equivalent to
      // {@code createWithCapacity(permitsPerSecond, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)}".
      public static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond) {
         * The default RateLimiter configuration can save the unused permits of up to one second. This
         * is to avoid unnecessary stalls in situations like this: A RateLimiter of 1qps, and 4 threads,
         * all calling acquire() at these moments:
         * T0 at 0 seconds
         * T1 at 1.05 seconds
         * T2 at 2 seconds
         * T3 at 3 seconds
         * Due to the slight delay of T1, T2 would have to sleep till 2.05 seconds, and T3 would also
         * have to sleep till 3.05 seconds.
        return create(permitsPerSecond, SleepingStopwatch.createFromSystemTimer());
      static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond, SleepingStopwatch stopwatch) {
        RateLimiter rateLimiter = new SmoothBursty(stopwatch, 1.0 /* maxBurstSeconds */);
        return rateLimiter;
       * Creates a {@code RateLimiter} with the specified stable throughput, given as
       * "permits per second" (commonly referred to as <i>QPS</i>, queries per second), and a <i>warmup
       * period</i>, during which the {@code RateLimiter} smoothly ramps up its rate, until it reaches
       * its maximum rate at the end of the period (as long as there are enough requests to saturate
       * it). Similarly, if the {@code RateLimiter} is left <i>unused</i> for a duration of
       * {@code warmupPeriod}, it will gradually return to its "cold" state, i.e. it will go through the
       * same warming up process as when it was first created.
       * <p>The returned {@code RateLimiter} is intended for cases where the resource that actually
       * fulfills the requests (e.g., a remote server) needs "warmup" time, rather than being
       * immediately accessed at the stable (maximum) rate.
       * <p>The returned {@code RateLimiter} starts in a "cold" state (i.e. the warmup period will
       * follow), and if it is left unused for long enough, it will return to that state.
       * @param permitsPerSecond the rate of the returned {@code RateLimiter}, measured in how many
       *     permits become available per second
       * @param warmupPeriod the duration of the period where the {@code RateLimiter} ramps up its rate,
       *     before reaching its stable (maximum) rate
       * @param unit the time unit of the warmupPeriod argument
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permitsPerSecond} is negative or zero or
       *     {@code warmupPeriod} is negative
      public static RateLimiter create(double permitsPerSecond, long warmupPeriod, TimeUnit unit) {
        checkArgument(warmupPeriod >= 0, "warmupPeriod must not be negative: %s", warmupPeriod);
        return create(
            permitsPerSecond, warmupPeriod, unit, 3.0, SleepingStopwatch.createFromSystemTimer());
      static RateLimiter create(
          double permitsPerSecond,
          long warmupPeriod,
          TimeUnit unit,
          double coldFactor,
          SleepingStopwatch stopwatch) {
        RateLimiter rateLimiter = new SmoothWarmingUp(stopwatch, warmupPeriod, unit, coldFactor);
        return rateLimiter;
       * The underlying timer; used both to measure elapsed time and sleep as necessary. A separate
       * object to facilitate testing.
      private final SleepingStopwatch stopwatch;
      // Can't be initialized in the constructor because mocks don't call the constructor.
      private volatile Object mutexDoNotUseDirectly;
      private Object mutex() {
        Object mutex = mutexDoNotUseDirectly;
        if (mutex == null) {
          synchronized (this) {
            mutex = mutexDoNotUseDirectly;
            if (mutex == null) {
              mutexDoNotUseDirectly = mutex = new Object();
        return mutex;
      RateLimiter(SleepingStopwatch stopwatch) {
        this.stopwatch = checkNotNull(stopwatch);
       * Updates the stable rate of this {@code RateLimiter}, that is, the {@code permitsPerSecond}
       * argument provided in the factory method that constructed the {@code RateLimiter}. Currently
       * throttled threads will <b>not</b> be awakened as a result of this invocation, thus they do not
       * observe the new rate; only subsequent requests will.
       * <p>Note though that, since each request repays (by waiting, if necessary) the cost of the
       * <i>previous</i> request, this means that the very next request after an invocation to
       * {@code setRate} will not be affected by the new rate; it will pay the cost of the previous
       * request, which is in terms of the previous rate.
       * <p>The behavior of the {@code RateLimiter} is not modified in any other way, e.g. if the
       * {@code RateLimiter} was configured with a warmup period of 20 seconds, it still has a warmup
       * period of 20 seconds after this method invocation.
       * @param permitsPerSecond the new stable rate of this {@code RateLimiter}
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permitsPerSecond} is negative or zero
      public final void setRate(double permitsPerSecond) {
            permitsPerSecond > 0.0 && !Double.isNaN(permitsPerSecond), "rate must be positive");
        synchronized (mutex()) {
          doSetRate(permitsPerSecond, stopwatch.readMicros());
      abstract void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, long nowMicros);
       * Returns the stable rate (as {@code permits per seconds}) with which this {@code RateLimiter} is
       * configured with. The initial value of this is the same as the {@code permitsPerSecond} argument
       * passed in the factory method that produced this {@code RateLimiter}, and it is only updated
       * after invocations to {@linkplain #setRate}.
      public final double getRate() {
        synchronized (mutex()) {
          return doGetRate();
      abstract double doGetRate();
       * Acquires a single permit from this {@code RateLimiter}, blocking until the request can be
       * granted. Tells the amount of time slept, if any.
       * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code acquire(1)}.
       * @return time spent sleeping to enforce rate, in seconds; 0.0 if not rate-limited
       * @since 16.0 (present in 13.0 with {@code void} return type})
      public double acquire() {
        return acquire(1);
       * Acquires the given number of permits from this {@code RateLimiter}, blocking until the request
       * can be granted. Tells the amount of time slept, if any.
       * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
       * @return time spent sleeping to enforce rate, in seconds; 0.0 if not rate-limited
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested number of permits is negative or zero
       * @since 16.0 (present in 13.0 with {@code void} return type})
      public double acquire(int permits) {
        long microsToWait = reserve(permits);
        return 1.0 * microsToWait / SECONDS.toMicros(1L);
       * Reserves the given number of permits from this {@code RateLimiter} for future use, returning
       * the number of microseconds until the reservation can be consumed.
       * @return time in microseconds to wait until the resource can be acquired, never negative
      final long reserve(int permits) {
        synchronized (mutex()) {
          return reserveAndGetWaitLength(permits, stopwatch.readMicros());
       * Acquires a permit from this {@code RateLimiter} if it can be obtained without exceeding the
       * specified {@code timeout}, or returns {@code false} immediately (without waiting) if the permit
       * would not have been granted before the timeout expired.
       * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code tryAcquire(1, timeout, unit)}.
       * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the permit. Negative values are treated as zero.
       * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
       * @return {@code true} if the permit was acquired, {@code false} otherwise
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested number of permits is negative or zero
      public boolean tryAcquire(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        return tryAcquire(1, timeout, unit);
       * Acquires permits from this {@link RateLimiter} if it can be acquired immediately without delay.
       * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code tryAcquire(permits, 0, anyUnit)}.
       * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
       * @return {@code true} if the permits were acquired, {@code false} otherwise
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested number of permits is negative or zero
       * @since 14.0
      public boolean tryAcquire(int permits) {
        return tryAcquire(permits, 0, MICROSECONDS);
       * Acquires a permit from this {@link RateLimiter} if it can be acquired immediately without
       * delay.
       * <p>This method is equivalent to {@code tryAcquire(1)}.
       * @return {@code true} if the permit was acquired, {@code false} otherwise
       * @since 14.0
      public boolean tryAcquire() {
        return tryAcquire(1, 0, MICROSECONDS);
       * Acquires the given number of permits from this {@code RateLimiter} if it can be obtained
       * without exceeding the specified {@code timeout}, or returns {@code false} immediately (without
       * waiting) if the permits would not have been granted before the timeout expired.
       * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
       * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the permits. Negative values are treated as zero.
       * @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
       * @return {@code true} if the permits were acquired, {@code false} otherwise
       * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested number of permits is negative or zero
      public boolean tryAcquire(int permits, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        long timeoutMicros = max(unit.toMicros(timeout), 0);
        long microsToWait;
        synchronized (mutex()) {
          long nowMicros = stopwatch.readMicros();
          if (!canAcquire(nowMicros, timeoutMicros)) {
            return false;
          } else {
            microsToWait = reserveAndGetWaitLength(permits, nowMicros);
        return true;
      private boolean canAcquire(long nowMicros, long timeoutMicros) {
        return queryEarliestAvailable(nowMicros) - timeoutMicros <= nowMicros;
       * Reserves next ticket and returns the wait time that the caller must wait for.
       * @return the required wait time, never negative
      final long reserveAndGetWaitLength(int permits, long nowMicros) {
        long momentAvailable = reserveEarliestAvailable(permits, nowMicros);
        return max(momentAvailable - nowMicros, 0);
       * Returns the earliest time that permits are available (with one caveat).
       * @return the time that permits are available, or, if permits are available immediately, an
       *     arbitrary past or present time
      abstract long queryEarliestAvailable(long nowMicros);
       * Reserves the requested number of permits and returns the time that those permits can be used
       * (with one caveat).
       * @return the time that the permits may be used, or, if the permits may be used immediately, an
       *     arbitrary past or present time
      abstract long reserveEarliestAvailable(int permits, long nowMicros);
      public String toString() {
        return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "RateLimiter[stableRate=%3.1fqps]", getRate());
      abstract static class SleepingStopwatch {
        /** Constructor for use by subclasses. */
        protected SleepingStopwatch() {}
         * We always hold the mutex when calling this. TODO(cpovirk): Is that important? Perhaps we need
         * to guarantee that each call to reserveEarliestAvailable, etc. sees a value >= the previous?
         * Also, is it OK that we don't hold the mutex when sleeping?
        protected abstract long readMicros();
        protected abstract void sleepMicrosUninterruptibly(long micros);
        public static final SleepingStopwatch createFromSystemTimer() {
          return new SleepingStopwatch() {
            final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
            protected long readMicros() {
              return stopwatch.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
            protected void sleepMicrosUninterruptibly(long micros) {
              if (micros > 0) {
                Uninterruptibles.sleepUninterruptibly(micros, MICROSECONDS);
      private static void checkPermits(int permits) {
        checkArgument(permits > 0, "Requested permits (%s) must be positive", permits);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/humc/p/9054033.html
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