• 聚合函数

    group by 写在where语句后面


    select count(姓名) 总人数 ,max(总学分) 最高分 from xs

    select count(*) as 总人数 from xs

    select 专业名,count(姓名) 总人数 from xs
    group by 专业名

    select '计算机' 专业, 性别 ,count(*) 人数 from xs
    where 专业名='计算机'
    group by 性别

    select 专业名,性别,count(*) as 人数 from xs --基本查询
    where 专业名='计算机' --原表条件
    group by 专业名,性别 --聚合分组
    having count(*)>5 --分组后的聚合条件
    order by 人数 desc --排序

    select 专业名,avg(总学分) 平均分,count(*) 总人数 from xs
    group by 专业名
    having avg(总学分)>50

    select 姓名,专业名,总学分 from xs where 姓名 like '王%' order by 总学分 desc

    select top 3 * from xs order by 总学分 desc

    select top 3 with ties * from xs order by 总学分 desc

    select 专业名,avg(总学分) as 平均分,count(*) from xs
    group by 专业名
    having avg(总学分)>50

    select 专业名,性别,count(*) as 总人数 from xs
    group by 专业名, 性别 with rollup

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/huanhuan55/p/9766299.html
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