• OpenCV 高斯低通滤波

      1 #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp>
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 using namespace  std ;
      4 using namespace  cv ;
      5 Mat gaussianlbrf( Mat scr, float sigma);//高斯低通滤波器函数
      6 Mat freqfilt( Mat scr,  Mat blur);//频率域滤波函数
      7 static void help(char* progName)
      8 {
      9 cout <<  endl
     10 << "This program demonstrated the use of the discrete Fourier
     11 transform (DFT). " <<  endl
     12 << "The dft of an image is taken and it's power spectrum is
     13 displayed." <<  endl
     14 << "Usage:" <<  endl
     15 << progName << " [image_name -- default ../data/lena.jpg] " <<  endl <<
     16 endl ;
     17 }
     18 int  main ()
     19 {
     20 const char* filename = "1.jpg";
     21 Mat input =  imread (filename,  IMREAD_GRAYSCALE );
     22 if (input. empty ())
     23 return -1;
     24 imshow ("input", input);//显示原图
     25 int w =  getOptimalDFTSize (input. cols ); //获取进行dtf的最优尺寸
     26 int h =  getOptimalDFTSize (input. rows ); //获取进行dtf的最优尺寸
     27 Mat padded;
     28 copyMakeBorder (input, padded, 0, h - input. rows , 0, w - input. cols ,
     29 BORDER_CONSTANT ,  Scalar :: all (0));//边界填充
     30 padded. convertTo (padded,  CV_32FC1 ); //将图像转换为flaot型
     31 Mat gaussianKernel = gaussianlbrf(padded, 45);//高斯低通滤波器
     32 Mat out = freqfilt(padded, gaussianKernel);//频率域滤波
     33 out = out( Rect (0, 0, input. cols , input. rows ));
     34 imshow ("结果图 sigma=40", out);
     35 waitKey (0);
     36 return 0;
     37 }
     38 //*****************高斯低通滤波器***********************
     39 Mat gaussianlbrf( Mat scr, float sigma)
     40 {
     41 Mat gaussianBlur(scr. size (),  CV_32FC1 ); //,CV_32FC1
     42 //高斯函数参数,越小,频率高斯滤波器越窄,滤除高频成分越多,图像就越平滑
     44 float d0 = 2 * sigma*sigma;
     45     for (int i = 0; i < scr. rows ; i++)
     46     {
     47     for (int j = 0; j < scr. cols ; j++)
     48     {
     49     float d =  pow (float(i - scr. rows / 2), 2) +    pow (float(j -
     50     scr. cols / 2), 2);//分子,计算pow必须为float型
     51     gaussianBlur. at <float>(i, j) =  expf (-d / d0);//expf为以e为底求幂
     52     (必须为float型)
     53     }
     54     }
     55     imshow ("高斯低通滤波器", gaussianBlur);
     56     return gaussianBlur;
     57     }
     58     //*****************频率域滤波*******************
     59     Mat freqfilt( Mat scr,    Mat blur)
     60     {
     61     //***********************DFT*******************
     62     Mat plane[] = { scr,  Mat :: zeros (scr. size () ,    CV_32FC1 ) }; //创建通道,存储    dft后的实部与虚部(CV_32F,必须为单通道数)
     63     Mat complexIm;
     64     merge (plane, 2, complexIm);//合并通道 (把两个矩阵合并为一个2通道的Mat类容
     65     器)
     66     dft (complexIm, complexIm);//进行傅立叶变换,结果保存在自身
     67     //***************中心化********************
     68     split (complexIm, plane);//分离通道(数组分离)
     69     int cx = plane[0]. cols / 2; int cy = plane[0]. rows / 2;//以下的操作是移动
     70     图像 (零频移到中心)
     71     Mat part1_r(plane[0],  Rect (0, 0, cx, cy));//元素坐标表示为(cx,cy)
     72     Mat part2_r(plane[0],  Rect (cx, 0, cx, cy));
     73     Mat part3_r(plane[0],  Rect (0, cy, cx, cy));
     74     Mat part4_r(plane[0],  Rect (cx, cy, cx, cy));
     75     Mat temp;
     76     part1_r. copyTo (temp);//左上与右下交换位置(实部)
     77     part4_r. copyTo (part1_r);
     78     temp. copyTo (part4_r);
     79     part2_r. copyTo (temp);//右上与左下交换位置(实部)
     80     part3_r. copyTo (part2_r);
     81     temp. copyTo (part3_r);
     82     Mat part1_i(plane[1],  Rect (0, 0, cx, cy));//元素坐标(cx,cy)
     83     Mat part2_i(plane[1],  Rect (cx, 0, cx, cy));
     84     Mat part3_i(plane[1],  Rect (0, cy, cx, cy));
     85     Mat part4_i(plane[1],  Rect (cx, cy, cx, cy));
     86     part1_i. copyTo (temp);//左上与右下交换位置(虚部)
     87     part4_i. copyTo (part1_i);
     88     temp. copyTo (part4_i);
     89     part2_i. copyTo (temp);//右上与左下交换位置(虚部)
     90     part3_i. copyTo (part2_i);
     91     temp. copyTo (part3_i);
     92     //*****************滤波器函数与DFT结果的乘积****************
     93     Mat blur_r, blur_i, BLUR;
     94     multiply (plane[0], blur, blur_r); //滤波(实部与滤波器模板对应元素相乘)
     95     multiply (plane[1], blur, blur_i);//滤波(虚部与滤波器模板对应元素相乘)
     96     Mat plane1[] = { blur_r, blur_i };
     97     merge (plane1, 2, BLUR);//实部与虚部合并
     98     //*********************得到原图频谱图***********************************
     99     magnitude (plane[0], plane[1], plane[0]);//获取幅度图像,0通道为实部通道,1    为虚部,因为二维傅立叶变换结果是复数
    100     plane[0] +=  Scalar :: all (1);//傅立叶变o换后的图片不好分析,进行对数处理,结
    101     果比较好看
    102     log (plane[0], plane[0]);// float型的灰度空间为[0,1])
    103     normalize (plane[0], plane[0], 1, 0,  CV_MINMAX );//归一化便于显示
    104     imshow ("原图像频谱图", plane[0]);
    105     //******************IDFT*******************************
    106     /*
    107     Mat part111(BLUR,Rect(0,0,cx,cy)); //元素坐标(cx,cy)
    108     Mat part222(BLUR,Rect(cx,0,cx,cy));
    109     Mat part333(BLUR,Rect(0,cy,cx,cy));
    110     Mat part444(BLUR,Rect(cx,cy,cx,cy));
    111     part111.copyTo(temp); //左上与右下交换位置(虚部)
    112     part444.copyTo(part111);
    113     temp.copyTo(part444);
    114     part222.copyTo(temp); //右上与左下交换位置
    115     part333.copyTo(part222);
    116     temp.copyTo(part333);
    117     */
    118     idft (BLUR, BLUR);//idft结果也为复数
    119     split (BLUR, plane);//分离通道,主要获取通道
    120     magnitude (plane[0], plane[1], plane[0]);//求幅值(模)
    121     normalize (plane[0], plane[0], 1, 0,  CV_MINMAX );//归一化便于显示
    122     return plane[0];//返回参数
    123     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hsy1941/p/11381639.html
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