SAP R/3系统的启动...
SAP R/3系统的启动:
2.startsap starts the saposcol 进程, 它是OS资源数据的statistics collector。
3.startsap calls the script. startdb,
4.startsap then starts the central instance.
5.The R/3 System administrator can start additional instances and application servers. To start the instances independently of the database, use the script. startsap.
startsap 有以下选项:
startsap r3: Checks if the database is running; if it is, only the instance is started
startsap db: Starts only the database
startsap all: Default entry; starts both the database and the R/3 instance
SAP R/3 instance的启动:
1. 脚本 startsap 调用叫作SAPSTART的程序.
2. Program SAPSTART reads the START PROFILE and starts the R/3 components and/or services listed in /usr/sap//SYS/profile/START__.
- On a central instance, SAPSTART starts the message server, dispatcher, collector, and the sender.
- On a dialog instance, only the sender and the dispatcher are started. The collector and sender are used to implement the central R/3 System log.
(sapstart creates the dispatcher, collector, and sender. saposcol is started directly from the script. startsap.)
3. The dispatcher forks and creates child processes:
- The work processes (dialog, background, spool, update, . . .) are created according to the information in the profiles /usr/sap//SYS/profile/__ and /usr/sap//SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL.
- The gateway reader. This does not depend on the profiles, and it is always started.
4. All the work processes except the gateway reader connect to the database.
R/3 启动的时候读取parameter的顺序:
1. C source in the R/3 kernel
2. /usr/sap//SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL
3. /usr/sap//SYS/profile/__
4. The R/3 kernel (disp+work) reads the default and instance profile. If you change one of these profiles, you must restart the corresponding R/3 instance.
R3 startup logs and Traces
stderr1 … m Standard error files of program SAPSTART
sapstart.trc Trace files of program SAPSTART
sapstart.log Startup log of program SAPSTART
dev_ms Trace file of the message server
dev_disp Trace file of the dispatcher
dev_w0 … n Trace files of the work processes
Trace的Level可以在instance parameter中定义。
0: Write only errors (no traces)
1: Write error messages and warnings (default)
2: Write error messages and a short trace
3: Write error messages and the complete trace
1.在OS level, you can use UNIX command ‘page’, ‘more’, or ‘cat’.
- In R/3, you can use transaction AL11.
- In R/3, you can use transaction SM50 to see the developer trace for a particular work rocess:
choose Process → Trace → Display file (or click on Display file).
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