• Notepad++ Shortcuts 快捷键

    Ctrl-C   Copy
    Ctrl-X   Cut
    Ctrl-V   Paste
    Ctrl-Z   Undo
    Ctrl-Y   Redo
    Ctrl-A   Select All
    Ctrl-F   Launch Find Dialog
    Ctrl-H   Launch Find / Replace Dialog
    Ctrl-D   Duplicate Current Line
    Ctrl-L   Delete Current Line
    Ctrl-T   Switch the current line position with the previous line position
    F3       Find Next
    Shift-F3 Find Previous
    Ctrl-Shift-F     Find in Files
    Ctrl-F3 Find (volatil)  Find (volatil) Next
    Ctrl-Shift-F3    Find (volatil) Previous
    Ctrl-Shift-I     Incremental Search
    Ctrl-S   Save File
    Ctrl-Alt-S       Save As
    Ctrl-Shift-S     Save All
    Ctrl-O   Open File
    Ctrl-N   New File
    Ctrl-F2  Toggle Bookmark
    F2       Go To Next Bookmark
    Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark
    Ctrl-G   Launch GoToLine Dialog
    Ctrl-W   Close Current Document
    Alt-Shift-Arrow keys or  keys or 
    Alt + Left mouse click   Column Mode Select
    F5       Launch Run Dialog
    Ctrl-Space       Launch CallTip ListBox
    Alt-Space        Launch Word Completion ListBox
    Tab (selection of several lines)         Insert Tabulation or Space (Indent)
    Shift-Tab (selection of several lines)   Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent)

    Ctrl-(Keypad-/Keypad+) or

    Ctrl + mouse wheel button (if any)      

    Zoom in (+ or up) and Zoom out (- or down)
    Ctrl-Keypad/     Restore the original size from zoom
    F11      Toggle Full Screen Mode
    Ctrl-Tab Next Document
    Ctrl-Shift-Tab   Previous Document
    Ctrl-Shift-Up    Move Current Line Up
    Ctrl-Shift-Down  Move Current Line Down
    Ctrl-Alt-F       Collapse the Current Level
    Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F Uncollapse the Current Level
    Alt-0    Fold All
    Alt-(1~8) Collapse the Level (1~8)
    Alt-Shift-0      Unfold All
    Alt-Shift-(1~8)  Uncollapse the Level (1~8)
    Ctrl-BackSpace   Delete to start of word
    Ctrl-Delete      Delete to end of word
    Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace     Delete to start of line
    Ctrl-Shift-Delete        Delete to end of line
    Ctrl-U   Convert to lower case
    Ctrl-Shift-U Convert to UPPER CASE
    Ctrl-B   Go to matching brace
    Ctrl-Shift-R     Start to record /Stop recording the macro
    Ctrl-Shift-P     Play recorded macro
    Ctrl-Q   Block comment/uncomment
    Ctrl-Shift-Q     Stream comment
    Ctrl-Shift-T     Copy current line to clipboard
    Ctrl-P   Print
    Alt-F4   Exit
    Ctrl-I   Split Lines
    Ctrl-J   Join Lines
    Ctrl-Alt-R       Text Direction RTL
    Ctrl-Alt-L       Text Direction LTR
    F1       About
  • 相关阅读:
    Repeater 双向排序
    将具有固定格式的text 类型中的数据分离出来的一种方法
    ASP.NET 快速构建应用程序页面主框架
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    Lucene.net 实现全文搜索
    SQL 中操作日期的几个函数
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/4296816.html
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