uses SysUtils, Classes; // Using BinaryReader procedure ReadBinary(filename: string); var AFile: TFileStream; BR: TBinaryReader; AInteger: Integer; ADouble: Double; AChar: Char; AString: String; begin AFile := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead); BR := TBinaryReader.Create(AFile, TEncoding.Unicode, false); try // read an integer and write it to the console AInteger := BR.ReadInteger; Writeln(AInteger); // read a double and write it to the console ADouble := BR.ReadDouble; Writeln(ADouble); // read a char and write it to the console AChar := BR.ReadChar; Writeln(AChar); // read a string and write it to the console AString := BR.ReadString; Writeln(AString); BR.Close; finally BR.Free; AFile.Free; end; end;