• opencv calcHist3D_Invoker

    opencv  calcHist3D_Invoker

    template<typename T>
    class calcHist3D_Invoker
        calcHist3D_Invoker( const std::vector<uchar*>& _ptrs, const std::vector<int>& _deltas,
                            Size imsize, Mat& hist, const double* uniranges, int _dims,
                            size_t* hstep, int* size )
            : mask_(_ptrs[_dims]),
              mstep_(_deltas[_dims*2 + 1]),
            p_[0] = ((T**)&_ptrs[0])[0]; p_[1] = ((T**)&_ptrs[0])[1]; p_[2] = ((T**)&_ptrs[0])[2];
            step_[0] = (&_deltas[0])[1]; step_[1] = (&_deltas[0])[3]; step_[2] = (&_deltas[0])[5];
            d_[0] = (&_deltas[0])[0];    d_[1] = (&_deltas[0])[2];    d_[2] = (&_deltas[0])[4];
            a_[0] = uniranges[0];        a_[1] = uniranges[2];        a_[2] = uniranges[4];
            b_[0] = uniranges[1];        b_[1] = uniranges[3];        b_[2] = uniranges[5];
            size_[0] = size[0];          size_[1] = size[1];          size_[2] = size[2];
            hstep_[0] = hstep[0];        hstep_[1] = hstep[1];
        void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
            T* p0 = p_[0] + range.begin()*(imageWidth_*d_[0] + step_[0]);
            T* p1 = p_[1] + range.begin()*(imageWidth_*d_[1] + step_[1]);
            T* p2 = p_[2] + range.begin()*(imageWidth_*d_[2] + step_[2]);
            uchar* mask = mask_ + range.begin()*mstep_;
            for( int i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); i++, p0 += step_[0], p1 += step_[1], p2 += step_[2] )
                if( !mask_ )
                    for( int x = 0; x < imageWidth_; x++, p0 += d_[0], p1 += d_[1], p2 += d_[2] )
                        int idx0 = cvFloor(*p0*a_[0] + b_[0]);
                        int idx1 = cvFloor(*p1*a_[1] + b_[1]);
                        int idx2 = cvFloor(*p2*a_[2] + b_[2]);
                        if( (unsigned)idx0 < (unsigned)size_[0] &&
                                (unsigned)idx1 < (unsigned)size_[1] &&
                                (unsigned)idx2 < (unsigned)size_[2] )
                            ( (tbb::atomic<int>*)(globalHistogram_ + hstep_[0]*idx0 + hstep_[1]*idx1) )[idx2].fetch_and_add(1);
                    for( int x = 0; x < imageWidth_; x++, p0 += d_[0], p1 += d_[1], p2 += d_[2] )
                        if( mask[x] )
                            int idx0 = cvFloor(*p0*a_[0] + b_[0]);
                            int idx1 = cvFloor(*p1*a_[1] + b_[1]);
                            int idx2 = cvFloor(*p2*a_[2] + b_[2]);
                            if( (unsigned)idx0 < (unsigned)size_[0] &&
                                    (unsigned)idx1 < (unsigned)size_[1] &&
                                    (unsigned)idx2 < (unsigned)size_[2] )
                                ( (tbb::atomic<int>*)(globalHistogram_ + hstep_[0]*idx0 + hstep_[1]*idx1) )[idx2].fetch_and_add(1);
                    mask += mstep_;
        static bool isFit( const Mat& histogram, const Size imageSize )
            return ( imageSize.width * imageSize.height >= 320*240
                     && histogram.total() >= 8*8*8 );
        calcHist3D_Invoker operator=(const calcHist3D_Invoker&);
        T* p_[three];
        uchar* mask_;
        int step_[three];
        int d_[three];
        const int mstep_;
        double a_[three];
        double b_[three];
        int size_[three];
        int imageWidth_;
        size_t hstep_[two];
        uchar* globalHistogram_;



    QQ 3087438119
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/herd/p/15450208.html
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