• SyntaxAware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

    A Tree-Structured Decoder for Image-to-Markup Generation(https://www.zhuanzhi.ai/document/f09d28ca52b77a13a13bf44a86aba64d)
    Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition via Attention Aggregation based Bi-directional Mutual Learning


    和A Tree-Structured Decoder for Image-to-Markup Generation思路一致,看起来是为了数学公式增加了一些细致的规则。


    The SAN transforms an image into a parse tree, of which the leaf nodes are terminal symbols or relations, and others are non-terminal symbols. There are two non-terminal symbols S and E, where S is the start symbol and servers as the tree’s root.

    作者将SAN分成七个组件,G = (N, Σ, R, S, Γ, C, D):

    1. a finite set of nonterminal symbols (N),
    2. 实际latex符号 a finite set of terminal symbols (Σ, non-terminal symbols), contains all symbols that might be used in a LaTeX expression sequence.
    3. 建树规则 a finite set of production rules (R), production rule can be used to construct the parse tree.
    4. 子树起始符,这个应该属于N a start symbol (S, non-terminal symbols), is the start symbol and servers as the tree’s root.
    5. 关系符号 a finite set of relations (Γ),
    6. an encoder (C)
    7. a decoder (D).




    1) an arbitrary terminal symbol followed by an S on the right

    2) an E

    3) an empty string



    1. 输出σS,表示当前位置为符号σ,下一个S输出修饰σ的子树
    2. 输出E,表示修饰S兄弟符号σ,递归预测
    3. 输出空,表示S的兄弟符号无需修饰




    相邻符号有九种可能关系:left, right, above, below, low left, low right, upper left, upper right(?)


    1.  It follows the standard reading orders: left-to-right, top-to-down.
    2.  The spatial relations between adjacent symbols are used. 相邻符号之间存在关系符号


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hellcat/p/16488714.html
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