• 【动手学深度学习pytorch】学习笔记 8.6. 循环神经网络的简洁实现

    8.6. 循环神经网络的简洁实现 — 动手学深度学习 2.0.0-beta0 documentation (d2l.ai)

    使用深度学习框架的高级API提供的函数 更有效地 实现相同的语言模型:根据用户提供的文本的前缀生成后续文本

    知识点:nn.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers


    LSTM:nn.LSTM()是9.2的内容,这里暂且囫囵吞枣,绕过去。9.2. 长短期记忆网络(LSTM) — 动手学深度学习 2.0.0-beta0 documentation (d2l.ai)

    pytorch中RNN参数的详细解释_lwgkzl的博客-CSDN博客_pytorch rnn

    torch.nn.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)函数解析_Hanjieee的博客-CSDN博客_num_layers



    import torch
    from torch import nn
    ######### 定义模型和输入 #########
    rnn = nn.RNN(2, 3, 1)  # (input_size, hidden_size, num_layers)
    input = torch.randn(5, 1, 2)  # (seq_len, batch_size, input_size)
    h0 = torch.randn(1, 1, 3)  # (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
    ######### 将输入喂入模型 #########
    output, hn = rnn(input, h0)
    # https://blog.csdn.net/Fantine_Deng/article/details/111356280


    ('weight_ih_l0', Parameter containing:
    tensor([[-0.0892,  0.1417],
            [-0.3719,  0.1958],
            [-0.0948, -0.2139]], requires_grad=True)),

    ('weight_hh_l0', Parameter containing:
    tensor([[ 0.4076,  0.2693,  0.0957],
            [ 0.0461,  0.2012,  0.1977],
            [-0.3464, -0.3319, -0.5038]], requires_grad=True)),

    ('bias_ih_l0', Parameter containing:
    tensor([ 0.2128, -0.5474,  0.5349], requires_grad=True)),

    ('bias_hh_l0', Parameter containing:
    tensor([0.4805, 0.4561, 0.0080], requires_grad=True))])

    循环神经网络的简洁实现 源代码:

    import torch
    from torch import nn
    from torch.nn import functional as F
    from d2l import torch as d2l
    batch_size, num_steps = 32, 35
    train_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_time_machine(batch_size, num_steps)
    num_hiddens = 256  # 256个隐藏单元
    rnn_layer = nn.RNN(len(vocab), num_hiddens)
    state = torch.zeros((1, batch_size, num_hiddens))  # 形状是(隐藏层数,批量大小,隐藏单元数)
    print('state.shape', state.shape)
    X = torch.rand(size=(num_steps, batch_size, len(vocab)))
    print('X.shape', X.shape)
    Y, state_new = rnn_layer(X, state)
    print('Y.shape', Y.shape)
    print('state_new.shape', state_new.shape)
    class RNNModel(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, rnn_layer, vocab_size, **kwargs):
            super(RNNModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
            self.rnn = rnn_layer
            self.vocab_size = vocab_size
            self.num_hiddens = self.rnn.hidden_size
            # 如果RNN是双向的(之后将介绍),num_directions应该是2,否则应该是1
            if not self.rnn.bidirectional:
                self.num_directions = 1
                self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens, self.vocab_size)
                self.num_directions = 2
                self.linear = nn.Linear(self.num_hiddens * 2, self.vocab_size)
        def forward(self, inputs, state):
            X = F.one_hot(inputs.T.long(), self.vocab_size)
            X = X.to(torch.float32)
            Y, state = self.rnn(X, state)
            # 全连接层首先将Y的形状改为(时间步数*批量大小,隐藏单元数)
            # 它的输出形状是(时间步数*批量大小,词表大小)。
            output = self.linear(Y.reshape((-1, Y.shape[-1])))
            return output, state
        def begin_state(self, device, batch_size=1):
            if not isinstance(self.rnn, nn.LSTM):
                # nn.GRU以张量作为隐状态
                return  torch.zeros((self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers,
                                     batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device)
                # nn.LSTM以元组作为隐状态
                return (torch.zeros((
                    self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers,
                    batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device),
                            self.num_directions * self.rnn.num_layers,
                            batch_size, self.num_hiddens), device=device))
    device = d2l.try_gpu()
    net = RNNModel(rnn_layer, vocab_size=len(vocab))
    net = net.to(device)
    print(d2l.predict_ch8('time traveller', 10, net, vocab, device))
    num_epochs, lr = 500, 1
    d2l.train_ch8(net, train_iter, vocab, lr, num_epochs, device)

    可以看到,最开始的预测也是很烂:time traveller<unk>pzppppppp


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    time traveller and and and and and and and and and and and and a
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    time traveller held in his hald was that sxistertare pals gs our
    time traveller held in timy beti he trivellem but sowing and wny
    time travellerit s against reason said the medical man there are
    time traveller after the pauserequired for the grome was e begin

    perplexity 1.4, 83962.5 tokens/sec on cpu
    time traveller after the pauserequired for the grome was e begin

    课本结论:与上一节相比,由于深度学习框架的高级API对代码进行了更多的优化, 该模型在较短的时间内达到了较低的困惑度。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hbuwyg/p/16366328.html
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