• 04. PART 2 IdentityServer4 ASP.NET Core Identity .NET Core 3.1

    04. PART 2 IdentityServer4 ASP.NET Core Identity .NET Core 3.1

    如果您已经来到这里,那么祝贺你的坚持,最难的部分已经完成了。我们仅仅需要的 ASP.NET Core Identity 创建数据库迁移,来创建数据库表。我将帮助你理解新的 identity 表。如同 IdentityServer4 的表一样。在后继的教程中,我们将开始为用户添加自定义的属性,来开始扩展功能。

    Database code-first migration

    In Visual Studio open Package Manager Console. First we need to add the migration for ASP.NET Core Identity database context (IdentityDbContext). Like so

    在 Visual Studio 中打开包管理器控制台。我们首先需要添加用于 ASP.NET Core Identity 的数据库上下文 (IdentityDbContext) 迁移。如下所示:

    Add-Migration InitialIdentityDbMigration -c IdentityDbContext -o Data/Migrations/AspNetIdentity/AspNetIdentityDb

    This will add database migration “InitialIdentityDbMigration” to “Data/Migrations/AspNetIdentity” folder right next to the IdentityServer4 migrations for configuration and persisted grants. Let’s update the database structure with ASP.NET Core Identity tables. In Package Manager Console execute update database command like so

    这将会在 Data/Migrations/AspNetIdentity 文件夹中添加名为 InitialIdentityDbMigration 的数据库迁移。相邻于配置和持久授权的 IdentityServer4 迁移。然后,使用 ASP.NET Core Identity 更新数据库表结构。在包管理控制台中执行更新数据库的命令,如下所示:

    Update-Database -Context IdentityDbContext

    That’s it! We previously successfully migrated all temporary in-memory configuration to the database, now we also migrated the user store. Wow. Take a moment and relax now. Moment gone. Let’s see new tables we got to play with.

    PS. Feel free to delete the “ScaffoldingReadme.txt” file from the project root. This readme file was automatically added when we did the ASP.NET Core Identity scaffolding.


    PS:现在可以删除项目根目录中的 ScaffoldingReadme.txt 文件。该文件是在我们架构 ASP.NET Core Identity 的时候自动被添加进来的。

    ASP.NET Core Identity tables

    I used the MSSQL database in this example but it’s pretty much the same for PostgreSQL. Here is the list of tables that we have in the “IdentityServerQuickstart” database. Seven tables that start with the “AspNet” prefix are the ASP.NET Core Identity tables that hold user store (users, claims, roles, logins, and user tokens).

    在该示例中,我使用的是 MSSQL 数据库,但是对于 PostgreSQL 来说及其类似。下面是 IdentityServerQuickstart 数据库中数据表的列表。7 张以 AspNet 为前缀的表是 ASP.NET Core Identity 表,用来持有用户存储 (users, claims, roles, logins 以及用户的令牌)

    Let’s see the relationship between ASP.NET Core Identity tables in a diagram

    下图中是 ASP.NET Core Identity 表之间的关系。

    • “dbo.AspNetRoleClaims” 保存赋予特定角色的声明.
    • “dbo.AspNetRoles” 角色表。保存所有可以赋予用户的角色
    • “dbo.AspNetUserClaims” 用户的声明。声明与角色不同,声明就是一个键值对。你可以有角色或者没有。声明为特定的声明提供值,从另一个角度看,可以看作赋予用户的可选的属性。
    • “dbo.AspNetUserLogins” 该表连接外部用户到本地用户。table is connecting external users to local users. All users specified in
    • “dbo.AspNetUsers” table are local users. Say you want to login with Google and you want to link your Google account with your local account. This table holds that link so once you are linked you don’t have to go through the linking process again.
    • “dbo.AspNetUserRoles” table is a many-to-many relationship table that connects users with assigned roles.
      “dbo.AspNetUsers” table is holding users. All of the user properties like username, email, password are stored here. We can also add custom user properties here to extend the user.
    • “dbo.AspNetUserTokens” table is holding external authentication tokens. This table is also used for keeping TOTP authenticator keys and recovery codes for user.


    We added migration for ASP.NET Core Identity, updated the database with new tables and learned about each table. I explained the rest of the tables (the non “AspNet” prefix tables) in my previous tutorial.

    In my next tutorial we will start adding custom attributes to the user. “Hard” stuff is pretty much over, we are now off to customization and adding new features.

    You can find the project here.

    我们添加了针对 ASP.NET Core Identity 的迁移,使用新的表更新了数据库,学习了每张表的用途。其他非 AspNet 前缀的表在前面的教程中已经做过介绍了。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haogj/p/12766014.html
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