• mariadb数据库中select用法


    create table students (
        id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
        name varchar(20) default '',
        age tinyint unsigned default 0,
        high decimal(5,2),
        gender enum('男', '女', '中性', '保密') default '保密',
        cls_id int unsigned default 0,
        is_delete bit default 0

    create table classes(
        id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,
        name varchar(20) not null

    insert into students values

    -- 查询所有列
        --select * from 表名
        select * from students;
        select * from where id=5;
        -- 查询指定列
        select id,name from students;
        -- 使用as给字段起别名
        select id,name as '姓名', age, high, gender from students;

        -- 通过表名字段查询
        select students.name from students;

        -- 给表起别名查询
        select s.id,s.name,s.age from students as s;

        -- distinct
        select distinct age from students;

            -- 查询年纪大于18岁的信息
            select * from students where age > 18;
            select * from students where age >= 18 and age =< 28;
            select * from students where age >= 18  &&  age =< 28;
            select * from students where age between 18 and 28
            select * from students where age > 18 or high > 180;
    select * from students where age > 18 || high > 180;


        -- 模糊查询
            -- like
            -- % 替代1个或者多个甚至是没有
            -- 查询姓名中有‘小’的所有名字
            select * from students where name like '%小%';
            -- 查询两个字人的名字
            select * from students where name like '__';
            -- 查询至少有2个字的名字
            select * from students where name like '%__%';

            -- in (1,3,8)表示在一个非连续的范围内
            -- 查询 年纪为18和34的人
            select * from students where age in (18, 34);
            --查询 年龄在17岁到34岁之间的信息
            select * from students where age between 17 and 34;
            --查询 年纪不在18到34岁的信息
            select * from students where age not between 17 and 34;
        -- 空判断
            -- 判断is null
            -- 查询身高为空的信息
            select * from students where high is null;
            -- 判断非空is not null
            select * from students where high is not null;

        -- 排序   
            -- order by 字段
            -- asc从小到大排列,即升序
            -- desc从大到小排序,即降序
            -- 查询年纪在18到34岁之间的男性,按照年纪从小到大
            select * from students where gender=1 and age between 18 and 34 order by age;
            -- 查询年纪在18到34岁之间的女性,身高从高到矮
            select * from students where gender=2 and age between 18 and 34 order by high desc;
            -- order by 多字段
            -- 查询年纪在18到34岁的女性,身高从高到矮排序,如果身高相同的情况下按照年纪从小到大排序
                select * from students where age between 18 and 34 and gender=2 order by high desc, age asc;
            -- 查询年纪在18到34岁的男性,身高从高到矮排序,如果身高相同的情况下按照年纪从小到大排序,如果年龄也相等那么按照id从大到小排序;
                select * from students where age between 18 and 34 and gender=1 order by high desc, age, id desc;
        -- 总数
        -- count
        -- 查询男性有多少人
        select count(*) from students where gender=1;
        -- 最大值
        -- max
        -- 查询最大的年纪
        select max(age) from students;
        -- 查询女性的最高 身高
        select max(high) from students where gender=2;

        -- 最小值
        -- min
        select min(high) from students;

        -- 求和
        -- sum
        -- 计算所有人的年龄总和
        select sum(age) from students;

        -- 平均值
        -- avg
        -- 计算平均年纪
        -- 计算平均年纪 sum(age)/count(*)
        select sum(age)/count(*) from students;
        select avg(age) from students;
        -- 保留2位小数
        select round(avg(age),2) from students;
    -- 分组
        -- group by
        -- 按照性别分组,查询所有的性别
        select gender from students group by gender;
        -- 计算每组性别的人数
        select gender, count(*) from students group by gender;

        -- 查询男性组中的姓名 group_concat                                                                                                  
        select gender,group_concat(name) from students where gender=1 group by           gender;
        -- having
        -- 查询每个性别平均年纪超过30岁的性别,以及姓名 having avg(age) > 30
        select gender, group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age) > 30;
        -- 查询每种性别中的人数多于4个的组的信息
        select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*)>4;
    -- 分页
        -- 显示5页
        select * from students limit 5;

        -- 分页显示,每页显示2条数据
        select * from students limit 0, 2;

        -- 按照身高从高到矮排序,查找出所有女性,并且分页显示,每页显示2条数据
        select * from students where gender=2 order by high desc limit 0,2;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hao6/p/12863648.html
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