☆ Assert.notNull(haha, "未找到需要导入的计划1");//haha必须不能为null,if为null则抛出message的异常; Assert.hasText((message, "输入信息错误!"); <==> if (message== null || message.equls("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("输入信息错误!"); } Assert.notNull(Object object, "object is required") - 对象非空 Assert.hasText(String text, "text must not be empty") - text 不为null且必须至少包含一个非空格的字符 Assert.notEmpty(Collection collection, "collection must not be empty") - 集合map非空 Assert.isTrue(Object object, "object must be true") - 对象必须为true Assert.hasLength(String text, "text must be specified") - 字符不为null且字符长度不为0 Assert.isInstanceOf(Class clazz, Object obj, "clazz must be of type [clazz]") - obj必须能被正确造型成为clazz 指定的类