• Delphi System.Insert 从指定位置开始,将子字符串插入字符串(或将动态数组插入动态数组)

    Delphi System.Insert -从指定位置开始,将子字符串插入字符串(或将动态数组插入动态数组)


    procedure  _Insert{ source : ShortString; var s : openstring; index : Integer };
    {     ->EAX     Pointer to source string        }
    {       EDX     Pointer to destination string   }
    {       ECX     Length of destination string    }
    {       [ESP+4] Index                   }
            PUSH    EBX
            PUSH    ESI
            PUSH    EDI
            PUSH    ECX
            MOV     ECX,[ESP+16+4]
            SUB     ESP,512         { VAR buf: ARRAY [0..511] of Char       }
            MOV     EBX,EDX         { save pointer to s for later   }
            MOV     ESI,EDX
            XOR     EDX,EDX
            MOV     DL,[ESI]
            INC     ESI
    {       limit index to [1 .. Length(s)+1]       }
            INC     EDX
            TEST    ECX,ECX
            JLE     @@smallInx
            CMP     ECX,EDX
            JG      @@bigInx
            DEC     EDX     { EDX = Length(s)               }
                            { EAX = Pointer to src  }
                            { ESI = EBX = Pointer to s      }
                            { ECX = Index           }
    {       copy index-1 chars from s to buf        }
            MOV     EDI,ESP
            DEC     ECX
            SUB     EDX,ECX { EDX = remaining length of s   }
            REP     MOVSB
    {       copy Length(src) chars from src to buf  }
            XCHG    EAX,ESI { save pointer into s, point ESI to src         }
            MOV     CL,[ESI]        { ECX = Length(src) (ECX was zero after rep)    }
            INC     ESI
            REP     MOVSB
    {       copy remaining chars of s to buf        }
            MOV     ESI,EAX { restore pointer into s                }
            MOV     ECX,EDX { copy remaining bytes of s             }
            REP     MOVSB
    {       calculate total chars in buf    }
            SUB     EDI,ESP         { length = bufPtr - buf         }
            MOV     ECX,[ESP+512]   { ECX = Min(length, destLength) }
    {       MOV     ECX,[EBP-16]   }{ ECX = Min(length, destLength) }
            CMP     ECX,EDI
            JB      @@1
            MOV     ECX,EDI
            MOV     EDI,EBX         { Point EDI to s                }
            MOV     ESI,ESP         { Point ESI to buf              }
            MOV     [EDI],CL        { Store length in s             }
            INC     EDI
            REP     MOVSB           { Copy length chars to s        }
            JMP     @@exit
            MOV     ECX,1
            JMP     @@cont1
            MOV     ECX,EDX
            JMP     @@cont1
            ADD     ESP,512+4
            POP     EDI
            POP     ESI
            POP     EBX
            RET 4


    procedure Insert(
      Substr: String;     //要插入的字符串
      var Dest: String; //源字符串
      Index: Integer    //从第几个字符前开始插入


    procedure Insert(
        Source: <string or dynamic array>; //支持动态数组
        var Dest: <string or dynamic array>;   
        Index: Integer


      s:='Hello TaoRoy';
      InStr:=',I am ';
      ShowMessage(s);  //Hello ,I am TaoRoy


      A: array of integer;
      Insert(6,A,2); // A 的值: [1,2,6,3,4,5]




    创建时间:2022.07.13  更新时间:

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