Function RegExp(text As String, reg As String) As String
Dim mRegExp As Object '正则表达式对象
Dim mMatches As Object '匹配字符串集合对象
Dim mMatch As Object '匹配字符串
RegExp = ""
Set mRegExp = CreateObject("Vbscript.Regexp")
With mRegExp
.Global = True 'True表示匹配所有, False表示仅匹配第一个符合项
.IgnoreCase = True 'True表示不区分大小写, False表示区分大小写
.Pattern = reg '匹配字符模式 ".*[款].*[号][\d]+[、](.*)"
Set mMatches = .Execute(text) '执行正则查找,返回所有匹配结果的集合,若未找到,则为空
For Each mMatch In mMatches
If (Not mMatch.SubMatches(0) = "") Then
RegExp = Trim(mMatch.SubMatches(0))
End If
End With
Set mRegExp = Nothing
Set mMatches = Nothing
End Function