• Win32 ListCtrl控件点击列标题排序


    int MyMainDialog::OnNotify(NMHDR* pNMhdr)
        if (pNMhdr->idFrom == IDC_LIST1)
            QListCtrl listCtrl(pNMhdr->idFrom, this);
            NMLISTVIEW* pNmListView = (NMLISTVIEW*)pNMhdr;
            switch (pNMhdr->code)
            case LVN_COLUMNCLICK:
                int nCol = pNmListView->iSubItem;
    //获得列标题中图标的索引 int nColImage = listCtrl.GetColumnImageIndex(nCol);
    listCtrl.SortItem(SortItemFunc, MAKELPARAM(nCol, nColImage));
    //排序后把图标索引改变(就在0和1之间) listCtrl.SetColumnImageIndex(nCol, (nColImage == 0 ? 1 : 0)); }break; case LVN_DELETEITEM: //关闭窗口后删除行中保存New出来的内存地址 { if (pNmListView->lParam != 0) { delete (StudentStruct*)pNmListView->lParam; pNmListView->lParam = 0; } }break; } } return 0; }


    int CALLBACK SortItemFunc(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM sortID)
    StudentStruct* pStu1 = (StudentStruct*)lParam1; StudentStruct* pStu2 = (StudentStruct*)lParam2; int nCol = LOWORD(sortID); //要比较的列索引 int nAcs = HIWORD(sortID); //按升序或是降序排序 int nRet = 0; switch (nCol) { case 0: //姓名 nRet = _tcscmp(pStu1->name, pStu2->name); break; case 1: //性别 nRet = _tcscmp(pStu1->sex, pStu2->sex); break; case 2: //年龄,这是字符比较,如果是数字比较就要自己处理<,=,>的结果 //nRet = _tcscmp(pStu1->age, pStu2->age); if (pStu1->age < pStu2->age) nRet = -1; if (pStu1->age == pStu2->age) nRet = 0; if (pStu1->age > pStu2->age) nRet = 1; break; case 3: //电话 nRet = _tcscmp(pStu1->tel, pStu2->tel); break; } return (nAcs == 0 ? nRet : -nRet); }





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