• maptalks 开发GIS地图(24)maptalks.three.17

    1. 在飞线的基础上加入移动轨迹,很像飞机飞过的轨迹。这个效果在百度地图里也有。

    2. 在 ArcLine 对象中,加入了 speed 参数,在 ArcLine 的类中加入 _animation 动画代码。

    3. 添加 Line。

     1   function loadRoad(geojsonURL, textureURL) {
     2             fetch(geojsonURL).then(function (res) {
     3                 return res.text();
     4             }).then(function (text) {
     5                 return JSON.parse(text);
     6             }).then(function (geojson) {
     7                 const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(textureURL);
     8                 texture.anisotropy = 16;
     9                 texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
    10                 texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
    11                 const camera = threeLayer.getCamera();
    12                 const material = new MeshLineMaterial({
    13                     map: texture,
    14                     useMap: true,
    15                     lineWidth: 13,
    16                     sizeAttenuation: false,
    17                     transparent: true,
    18                     near: camera.near,
    19                     far: camera.far
    20                 });
    21                 const multiLineStrings = maptalks.GeoJSON.toGeometry(geojson);
    22                 for (const multiLineString of multiLineStrings) {
    23                     const lines = multiLineString._geometries.filter(lineString => {
    24                         const len = lineLength(lineString);
    25                         return len > 800;
    26                     }).map(lineString => {
    27                         const len = lineLength(lineString)
    28                         const line = new ArcLine(lineString, { altitude: 0, height: len / 3, speed: len / 100000 }, material, threeLayer);
    29                         line.setToolTip(len);
    30                         return line;
    31                     });
    32                     threeLayer.addMesh(lines);
    33                     meshes = meshes.concat(lines);
    34                 }
    35             });
    36         }

    4.  ArcLine 扩展类

      1  var OPTIONS = {
      2             altitude: 0,
      3             speed: 0.01,
      4             height: 100
      5         };
      7         class ArcLine extends maptalks.BaseObject {
      8             constructor(lineString, options, material, layer) {
      9                 super();
     10                 options.offset = material.uniforms.offset.value;
     11                 options.clock = new THREE.Clock();
     12                 //geoutil.js getLinePosition
     13                 options = maptalks.Util.extend({}, OPTIONS, options, { layer, lineString });
     14                 this._initOptions(options);
     16                 const { altitude, height } = options;
     17                 const points = getArcPoints(lineString, layer.distanceToVector3(height, height).x, layer);
     18                 const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
     19                 geometry.vertices = points;
     20                 const meshLine = new MeshLine();
     21                 meshLine.setGeometry(geometry);
     23                 const map = layer.getMap();
     24                 const size = map.getSize();
     26                 material.uniforms.resolution.value.set(size.width, size.height);
     28                 this._createMesh(meshLine.geometry, material);
     30                 const z = layer.distanceToVector3(altitude, altitude).x;
     31                 const center = lineString.getCenter();
     32                 const v = layer.coordinateToVector3(center, z);
     33                 this.getObject3d().position.copy(v);
     34                 this._setPickObject3d();
     35                 this._init();
     36             }
     38             _animation() {
     39                 this.options.offset.x -= this.options.speed * this.options.clock.getDelta();
     40             }
     42             _init() {
     43                 const pick = this.getLayer().getPick();
     44                 this.on('add', () => {
     45                     pick.add(this.pickObject3d);
     46                 });
     47                 this.on('remove', () => {
     48                     pick.remove(this.pickObject3d);
     49                 });
     50             }
     53             _setPickObject3d(ps, linewidth) {
     54                 const geometry = this.getObject3d().geometry.clone();
     55                 const pick = this.getLayer().getPick();
     56                 const color = pick.getColor();
     57                 const {
     58                     lineWidth,
     59                     sizeAttenuation,
     60                     transparent,
     61                     near,
     62                     far
     63                 } = this.getObject3d().material;
     64                 const material = new MeshLineMaterial({
     65                     lineWidth,
     66                     sizeAttenuation,
     67                     transparent,
     68                     near,
     69                     far,
     70                     color
     71                 });
     72                 const map = this.getMap();
     73                 const size = map.getSize();
     75                 material.uniforms.resolution.value.set(size.width, size.height);
     76                 const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
     77                 mesh.position.copy(this.getObject3d().position);
     79                 const colorIndex = color.getHex();
     80                 mesh._colorIndex = colorIndex;
     81                 this.setPickObject3d(mesh);
     82             }
     84             identify(coordinate) {
     85                 return this.picked;
     86             }
     87         }
     89         function getArcPoints(lineString, height, layer) {
     90             const lnglats = [];
     91             if (Array.isArray(lineString)) {
     92                 lnglats.push(lineString[0], lineString[lineString.length - 1]);
     93             } else if (lineString instanceof maptalks.LineString) {
     94                 const coordinates = lineString.getCoordinates();
     95                 lnglats.push(coordinates[0], coordinates[coordinates.length - 1]);
     96             }
     97             const [first, last] = lnglats;
     98             let center;
     99             if (Array.isArray(first)) {
    100                 center = [first[0] / 2 + last[0] / 2, first[1] / 2 + last[1] / 2];
    101             } else if (first instanceof maptalks.Coordinate) {
    102                 center = [first.x / 2 + last.x / 2, first.y / 2 + last.y / 2];
    103             }
    104             const centerPt = layer.coordinateToVector3(lineString.getCenter());
    105             const v = layer.coordinateToVector3(first).sub(centerPt);
    106             const v1 = layer.coordinateToVector3(last).sub(centerPt);
    107             const vh = layer.coordinateToVector3(center, height).sub(centerPt);
    108             const ellipse = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3([v, vh, v1], false, 'catmullrom');
    109             const points = ellipse.getPoints(40);
    110             return points;
    111         }

    5. 页面显示

    6. 源码地址


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