• SoapUI中Groovy的实用方法


    import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStepResult.TestStepStatus
    myTestStepResult = testRunner.runTestStepByName("Verify Step one")
    myStatus = myTestStepResult.getStatus(
                         if( myStatus ==TestStepStatus.OK)
                         ** execute the next testRunnerStep **


    def iAssertionName = assertionNameList[j]
    def iAssertionStatus = testStep.getAssertionAt(j).getStatus().toString()
    def tstep = testStep.getName()
    def gStatus =  testStep.getAssertionAt(j).status
    def expect = testStep.getAssertionAt(j).getToken()
    log.info "Expected Content: " + expect


    def datasink = testCase.testSteps["DataSink"]
    String[] props = new String[datasink.getPropertyCount()]
    props = datasink.getPropertyNames();
    for (int i=0;i<props.size();i++)

    4.从test step中获取到结果

    import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.*
    import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.*
    def suiteRunner = (TestSuiteRunner) runner.getRunContext().getTestRunner()
    def listResults = suiteRunner.getResults()
    for (TestCaseRunner run : listResults){
        def stepResults = run.getResults();
        for(TestStepResult step : stepResults){
                def local = step.getTestStep()
                def caseName = local.getTestCase().getName();
                def modalItem = local.getModelItem() 
                log.info modalItem
                if (modalItem instanceof JdbcRequestTestStep){
                    log.error "TestCase " + caseName + " step " + local.getName() + " failed"
                    log.error "JDBC step failed, query was: " + local.getQuery() 
                    log.error "Response content:" + local.getResponseContent() 
                if(modalItem instanceof WsdlTestRequestStep){
                    log.error "TestCase " + caseName + " step " + local.getName() + " failed"
                    log.error "Request: " + modalItem.getTestRequest().getResponse().getRequest().getRequestContent()
                    log.error "Response: " + modalItem.getTestRequest().getResponse().getContentAsXml()         
                if(modalItem instanceof WsdlRunTestCaseTestStep){
                    log.error "TestCase " + caseName + " step " + local.getName() + " failed"
                    def target = local.getTargetTestCase()              

    5. 使用context

    def myVar = context.expand( ‘${#TestCase#SourceTestStep}’) //expand TestCase property value into the new variable
    context.testCase  // returns the current testCase handle
    context.expand( '${QuerySubsPlanList - Request 1#Response#//count(*:QuerySubsPlanListResponse[1]/SubsPlanDtoList[1]/SubsPlanDto)}')

    for ( i in 1..numElements.toInteger()) {
        collection2.add(context.expand( '${QuerySubsPlanList - Request 1#Response#//*:QuerySubsPlanListResponse[1]/SubsPlanDtoList[1]/SubsPlanDto['+ i + ']/SubsPlanCode[1]}'))

    6. 获取TestRunner的参数


    7. 转换String和Integer

    anyStringVar = anyIntegerVar.toString()
    anyIntegerVar = anyStringVar.toInteger()

    8. 获取到project,testsuite,testcase,teststep

    def project = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
    def project = context.testCase.testSuite.project
    def myTestSuite = project.getTestSuiteAt(IndexNumber)
    def myTestSuite = project.getTestSuiteByName(“Name of the TestSuite”)
    def myTestCase = myTestSuite.getTestCaseAt(IndexNumber)
    def myTestCase = myTestSuite.getTestCaseByName(“Name of the TestCase”)
    def myTestStep = myTestCase.getTestStepAt(IndexNumber)
    def myTestStep = myTestCase.getTestStepByName(“Name of the TestStep”)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/goldenRazor/p/4850701.html
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