• (转)system verilog 初探







    1,关于clocking block



    module COUNTER (input Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, input [7:0] Data, output reg[7:0] Q); 
    always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) 
    if (Reset) 
    Q <= 0; 
    else if (Enable)
         if (Load) 
            Q <= Data; 
         else if (UpDn) 
            Q <= Q + 1; 
            Q <= Q - 1;



    module Test_Counter_w_clocking; 
    timeunit 1ns; 
    reg Clock = 0, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn; 
    reg [7:0] Data; 
    wire [7:0] Q; 
    // Clock generator 
    #5 Clock = 1; 
    #5 Clock = 0; 
    // Test program 
    program test_counter; 
    // SystemVerilog "clocking block" 
    // Clocking outputs are DUT inputs and vice versa 
    clocking cb_counter @(posedge Clock); 
    default input #1step output #4; 
    output negedge Reset; 
    output Enable, Load, UpDn, Data; 
    input Q; 
    endclocking // Apply the test stimulus

    initial begin 
    // Set all inputs at the beginning 
    Enable = 0; 
    Load = 0; 
    UpDn = 1; 
    Reset = 1;
    ##1 cb_counter.Reset <= 0; // Will be applied 4ns after the clock! 
    ##1 cb_counter.Enable <= 1; 
    ##2 cb_counter.UpDn <= 0; 
    ##4 cb_counter.UpDn <= 1; 
    // etc. ... 

    // Check the results - could combine with stimulus block
    ##1 // Sampled 1ps (or whatever the precision is) before posedge clock 
    ##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000); 
    ##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000); 
    ##2 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000010); 
    ##4 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b11111110); 
    // etc. ... end // Simulation stops automatically when both initials have been completed 

    // Instance the counter 
    COUNTER G1 (Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, Data, Q); 
    // Instance the test program - not required, because program will be 
    // instanced implicitly. 
    // test_COUNTER T1 (); 




    interface chip_bus; // 定义接口
    wire read_request, read_grant;
    wire [7:0] address, data;
    endinterface: chip_bus
    module RAM (chip_bus io, // 使用接口
    input clk);
    // 可以使用io.read_request引用接口中的一个信号
    module CPU(chip_bus io, input clk);


    reg error _flag; // 全局变量
    function compare (...); // 全局函数
    always @(error_flag) // 全局语句
    module test;
    chip1 u1 (...)
    module chip1 (...);
    FSM u2 (...);
    always @(data)
    error_flag = compare(data, expected);
    module FSM (...);
    always @(state)
    error_flag = compare(state, expected);
    logic,4 states

    typedef unsigned int uint;
    uint a, b;

    enum {red, yellow, green} RGB;
    enum {WAIT=2’b01, LOAD, DONE} states;
    typedef enum {FALSE=1’b0, TRUE} boolean;
    boolean ready;
    boolean test_complete;

    struct {
    reg [15:0] opcode;
    reg [23:0] addr;
    } IR;
    union {
    int I;
    shortreal f;
    } N;

    IR.opcode = 1; // 设置IR变量中的opcode域
    N.f = 0.0; // 将N设置成浮点数的值
    typedef struct {
    reg [7:0] opcode;
    reg [23:0] addr;
    } instruction; // 命名的结构体
    instruction IR; // 结构体实例
    instruction = {5, 200}; //IR = {5,200}???jyz

    assert (A == B); // Asserts that A equals B; if not, an error is generated

    9,A class is a user-defined data type. Classes consist of data (called properties) and tasks 
    and functions to access the data (called methods). Classes are used in object-oriented programming. 
    In SystemVerilog, classes support the following aspects of object-orientation – encapsulation, data 
    hiding, inheritance and polymorphism.

    10,Classes may be parameterised in the same way that modules may.
    class #(parameter int N = 1) Register;

    It is also possible to pass a data type to a class:
    class #(parameter type T = int) Register; T data; ... endclass Register Rint; 
    // data is int Register #(bit [7:0]) Rint; // data is bit [7:0]

    11,One of the key features of object-oriented programming is the ability to create new classes that are based on existing classes. A derived class by default inherits the properties and methods of its parent or base class. However, the derived class may add new properties and methods, or modify the inherited properties and methods. In other words, the new class is a more specialised version of the original class.
    In SystemVerilog the syntax for deriving or inheriting one class from another is this:
    class Derived extends BaseClass; // New and overridden property and method declarations. endclass
    12,vitual class

    Sometimes, it is useful to create a class without intending to create any objects of the class. The class exists simply as a base class from which other classes can be derived. In SystemVerilog this is called an abstract class and is declared by using the word virtual:
    virtual class Register; ... endclass

    13,Traditionally, simulation-based verification has used a directed testing approach. In other words, 
    a testbench implements tests using specific data values.
    14,struct packed { bit [10:0] ID; // 11-bit identifier bit RTR; // reply required? bit [1:0] rsvd; // "reserved for expansion" bits bit [3:0] DLC; // 4-bit Data Length Code byte data[]; // data payload bit [14:0] CRC; // 15-bit checksum } message;
    We have used struct packed to define a packed data structure. This means that the data structure can be packed into a single vector,

    15,Constraints direct the random generator to choose values that satisfy the properties you specify in your constraints. Within the limits of your constraints, the values are still randomly chosen. The process of choosing values that satisfy the constraints is called solving. The verification tool that
    does this is called the solver;

    SystemVerilog 3.1a adds important new constructs to Verilog-2001, including:
    a, New data types: byte, shortint, int, longint, bit, logic, string, chandle.
    b, Typedef, struct, union, tagged union, enum
    c, Dynamic and associative arrays; queues
    d, Classes
    e, Automatic/static specification on a per variable instance basis
    f, Packages and support for Compilation Units
    g, Extensions to Always blocks for modelling combinational, latched or clocked processes
    h, Jump Statements (return, break and continue)
    i, Extensions to fork-join, disable and wait to support dynamic processes.
    j, Interfaces to encapsulate communication
    k, Clocking blocks to support cycle-based methodologies
    l, Program blocks for describing tests
    m, Randomization and constraints for random and directed-random verification
    n, Procedural and concurrent assertions and Coverage for verification
    o, Enhancements to events and new Mailbox and Semaphore built-in classes for inter-process communication.
    p, The Direct Programming Interface, which allows C functions to be called directly from SystemVerilog (and vice versa) without using the PLI.
    q, Assertions and Coverage Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and extensions to the Verilog Procedural Interface 
      (VPI) – details of these are outside the scope of the SystemVerilog Golden Reference Guide
    17,The clocking event of a clocking block can be accessed directly by using the clocking block name, e.g. @(cb) is equivalent to @(posedge Clk).


    19,The program block can read and write all signals in modules, and can call
    routines in modules, but a module has no visibility into a program. 

    20,However, using a module to
    hold the testbench often causes timing problems around driving and sampling,
    so SystemVerilog introduces the program block to separate the testbench,
    both logically and temporally.

    21,The simplest interface is just a bundle of nondirectional signals. Use
    logic so you can drive the signals from procedural statements.

    22,The modport construct
    in an interface lets you group signals and specify directions.仅仅是interface的一个子集而已。

    23,you should always declare your
    program block as automatic so that it behaves more like the
    routines in stack-based languages you may have worked with,
    such as C.

    24,In SystemVerilog you can put tasks, functions, classes, and initial
    blocks in a program, but not always blocks.

    25,fork join_none指的是到了该执行这个语句块的是,不执行,然后执行,该语句块后面的语句。然后再执行该语句块。
       fork join_any,执行完第一个以后
       fork...join_none is non-blocking, so all processes in the
    fork...join_none start at the same time as the code following the
    fork......join_none and the following code continues on.


    @(posedge clk);

    $display("Error: Possible lock-up in task_that_may_lock_up");

    // Finish will be called even if task_that_may_lock_up never completes


    fork  join;指的是fork join这个语句块和外面的begin end其他的语句串行执行,fork join内部的执行完毕才执行之后的语句。

    fork join_none:指的是,这个fork join_none语句块和其后的其他语句块是并行的,也就是说这个fork join_none并不影响其后的语句的执行。

    而fork join_any:要执行了fork join_any语句块中的第一个语句,然后fork join_any后面的语句开始执行,同时fork join_any之内的其他语句也开始并行的执行。

    reg[5:0] a ;


    a = 6'd0;




            #1 a = 6'd1;#2  a = 6'd2;#3 a = 6'd3; #4 a = 6'd4;


    #5 a = 6'd5;

    # 7 a = 6'd6;

    #10 a = 6'd7;


    结果:0   2    3   4    5   10   17    27 

                0   1    2   3    4    5     6      7


    a = 6'd0;




            #1 a = 6'd1;#2  a = 6'd2;#3 a = 6'd3; #4 a = 6'd4;


    #5 a = 6'd5;

    # 7 a = 6'd6;

    #10 a = 6'd7;


    结果:0   2    3   4    5   6    13     23 

                0   1    2   3    4    5     6      7



    a = 6'd0;




            #1 a = 6'd1;#2  a = 6'd2;#3 a = 6'd3; #4 a = 6'd4;


    #5 a = 6'd5;

    # 7 a = 6'd6;

    #10 a = 6'd7;


    结果:0   2    3   4    5    7   14    24 

                0   1    2   3    4    5     6      7

    26,How do you pass information between two threads?
    The solution is a SystemVerilog mailbox.

    From a hardware point of view,
    the easiest way to think about a mailbox is that it is just a FIFO, with a source
    and sink. The source puts data into the mailbox, and the sink gets values from
    the mailbox. Mailboxes can have a maximum size or can be unlimited.

    27,Consider what happens if a block of code is missing from the
    design. Code coverage cannot catch this mistake, but functional coverage can.

    28,All storage is static, meaning that
    all variables are alive for the entire simulation and routines cannot use a stack
    to hold arguments and local values.
    the classic reg data type so that it can be driven by
    continuous assignments, gates and modules,

    SystemVerilog stores each element on a longword (32-bit) boundary. So a
    byte, shortint, and int are all stored in a single longword,
    The unpacked array of bytes, b_unpacked, is stored in three longwords.
    Figure 2-1 Unpacked array storage,浪费了72bits的空间。

    VCS对systemverilog  编译的时候要加上选项 -sverilog 才可以。

    int dyn[], d2[]; // Empty dynamic arrays
    initial begin
    dyn = new[5]; // Allocate 5 elements
    foreach (dyn[j])
    dyn[j] = j; // Initialize the elements
    d2 = dyn; // Copy a dynamic array
    d2[0] = 5; // Modify the copy
    $display(dyn[0],d2[0]); // See both values (0 & 5)
    dyn = new[20](dyn); // Expand and copy
    dyn = new[100]; // Allocate 100 new integers
    // Old values are lost
    dyn.delete; // Delete all elements

    When you copy a fixed-size array to a dynamic array, SystemVerilog calls
    new[] constructor to allocate space, and then copies the values.

    29,You can take even more shortcuts with declaring routine arguments. The
    direction and type default to “input logic” and are sticky, so you don’t have to
    repeat these for similar arguments.

    task T3;
    input a, b;
    logic a, b;
    output [15:0] u, v;
    bit [15:0] u, v;
    You could rewrite this as follows.
    Example 3-9 Routine arguments with sticky types
    task T3(a, b, output bit [15:0] u, v);

    主要就是task,function,program  class等。

    class BusTran;
    endclass: BusTran

    BusTran b; // Declare a handle
    b = new; // Allocate a BusTran object

    by using a virtual interface that is merely a handle to
    a physical interface.


    A SystemVerilog interface is more than just signals — you can put executable
    code inside.

    ?? Class – a basic building block containing routines(methods) and variables(properties). The
    analogue in Verilog is a module.
    ?? Object – an instance of a class. In Verilog, you need to instantiate a
    module to use it.
    ?? Handle – a pointer to an object. In Verilog, you use the name of an
    instance when you refer to signals and methods from outside the
    module. An OOP handle is like the address of the object, but is stored
    in a pointer that can only refer to one type.
    ?? Property – a variable that holds data. In Verilog, this is a signal such
    as a register or wire.
    ?? Method – the procedural code that manipulates variables, contained
    in tasks and functions. Verilog modules have tasks and functions plus
    initial and always blocks.
    ?? Prototype – the header of a routine that shows the name, type, and
    argument list. The body of the routine contains the executable code.

    How does SystemVerilog know which new function to call? It looks at the
    type of the handle on the left side of the assignment.


    2,A scope is a block of code such as a module, program, task, function,
    class, or begin-end block.
    A name can be relative to the current scope or absolute starting with

    In Example 4-16, the keyword “this”
    removes the ambiguity to let SystemVerilog know that you are assigning the
    local variable, oname, to the class variable, oname.

    class Scoping;
    string oname;
    function new(string oname);
    this.oname = oname; // class oname = local oname

    Either way,
    when you call the routine, you pass a handle to the object, not the object itself.

    A common coding mistake is to forget to use ref on routine
    arguments that you want to modify, especially handles.

    如果想在routing中改变handles,必须将此routing的argument 生命为ref

    The core of OOP is to encapsulate(压缩) data and related routines into a class.

    The calc_crc
    function in the extended class calls calc_crc in the base class using the
    super prefix. You can call

    terms. As explained in Chapter 4, the OOP
    term for a variable in a class is “property,” and a task or function is called a

    clocking block 中的input delay 和outputdelay:
    inputdelay:就是说我testbench需要你design在active edge 之前的这个delay输出有效的结果,我好进行分析比较。
    outputdelay:就是在active edge之后的delay输出给design的信号。


    module COUNTER (input Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, input [7:0] Data, output reg[7:0] Q); 
    always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) 
    if (Reset) 
    Q <= 0; 
    else if (Enable)
         if (Load) 
            Q <= Data; 
         else if (UpDn) 
            Q <= Q + 1; 
            Q <= Q - 1;

    module Test_Counter_w_clocking; 
    timeunit 1ns; 
    reg Clock = 0, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn; 
    reg [7:0] Data; 
    wire [7:0] Q; 
    // Clock generator 
    #5 Clock = 1; 
    #5 Clock = 0; 
    // Test program 
    program test_counter; 
    // SystemVerilog "clocking block" 
    // Clocking outputs are DUT inputs and vice versa 
    clocking cb_counter @(posedge Clock); 
    default input #1step output #4; 
    output negedge Reset; 
    output Enable, Load, UpDn, Data; 
    input Q; 
    endclocking // Apply the test stimulus

    initial begin 
    // Set all inputs at the beginning 
    Enable = 0; 
    Load = 0; 
    UpDn = 1; 
    Reset = 1;
    ##1 cb_counter.Reset <= 0; // Will be applied 4ns after the clock! 
    ##1 cb_counter.Enable <= 1; 
    ##2 cb_counter.UpDn <= 0; 
    ##4 cb_counter.UpDn <= 1; 
    // etc. ... 

    // Check the results - could combine with stimulus block
    ##1 // Sampled 1ps (or whatever the precision is) before posedge clock 
    ##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000); 
    ##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000); 
    ##2 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000010); 
    ##4 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b11111110); 
    // etc. ... end // Simulation stops automatically when both initials have been completed 

    // Instance the counter 
    COUNTER G1 (Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, Data, Q); 
    // Instance the test program - not required, because program will be 
    // instanced implicitly. 
    // test_COUNTER T1 (); 

    In SystemVerilog, most methods should be declared virtual to give
    the possibility of being adapted to the extensions of each derived
    class and maintain the behavior expected by existing code that uses
    the original base class.

    我们自己的验证主要是基于functional verification

    test 和 verification 这两个概念还是有很大区别的。


    The SystemVerilog class construct deserves some explanation because classes are core to the
    VMM methodology.

    VMM represents a methodology supported by a standard library
    that consists of a set of base and utility classes to implement a VMM-compliant verification
    environment and verification components.

    channel 的概念:其实就是一个fifo的意思,先进先出。

           put()   |nthput ......2sedput 1stput|     get()                       
    Transactor is a term used to define and identify component of verification that acts upon or executes and observes transactions over various paths and cycle time in dynamic verificaiton environments.


    class Packet;
    // The random variables
    rand bit [31:0] src, dst, data[8];
    randc bit [7:0] kind;
    // Limit the values for src
    constraint c {src > 10;
    src < 15;}
    Packet p;
    initial begin
    p = new; // Create a packet
    assert (p.randomize());

    This class has four random variables. The first three use the rand modifier,
    so that every time you randomize the class, the variables are assigned a

    每次调用class object.randomize就可以随机产生一些数据。


    used to hold the expected data for ease of comparison against the
    monitored output values.Each scoreboard is designed to
    meet the needs of the self-checking requirements.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/god_like_donkey/p/2135246.html
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