• CodeForces 487A Fight the Monster

     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int judge(int hy,int ay,int dy,int hm,int am,int dm)//计算特定的攻击与防御之下,需要加多少hp
     5 {
     6     if(am <= dy)
     7         return 0;
     8     int d1 = am - dy;
     9     //cout<<" d1 = "<<d1<<endl;
    10     int t1 = (hy + d1 - 1) / d1;
    11     //cout<<" t1 = "<<t1<<endl;
    12     int d2 = ay - dm;
    13     //cout<<" d2 = "<<d2<<endl;
    14     int t2 = (hm + d2 - 1) / d2;
    15     //cout<<" t2 = "<<t2<<endl;
    16     if(t1 > t2)
    17         return 0;
    18     int t = t2 * d1 - hy + 1;
    19     //cout<<" t = "<<t<<endl;
    20     return t;
    21 }
    22 int main()
    23 {
    24     int hy,ay,dy,hm,am,dm,hp,ap,dp;
    25     cin>>hy>>ay>>dy;
    26     cin>>hm>>am>>dm;
    27     cin>>hp>>ap>>dp;
    28     long long ans = 0;
    29     if(dy >= am)  //y防御高过m攻击时,只要攻击高过防御即可
    30     {
    31         if(ay > dm)
    32             cout<<0<<endl;
    33         else
    34         {
    35             ans = ap * (dm - ay + 1);
    36             cout<<ans<<endl;
    37         }
    38     }
    39     else
    40     {
    41         long long ans0 = 0;//保证y攻击高过m防御需要的代价
    42         if(ay <= dm)
    43         {
    44             ans0 = ap * (dm - ay + 1);
    45             ay = dm + 1;
    46         }
    47         //cout<<"ans = "<<ans<<endl;
    48         ans = ans0 + judge(hy,ay,dy,hm,am,dm) * hp;
    49         //cout<<"ans = "<<ans<<endl;
    50         for(int i = 0; i*ap <= ans; i++) //枚举增加攻击防御的值并计算对应需要的hp,找最小值
    51         {
    52             for(int j = 0; i*ap + j*dp<= ans; j++)
    53             {
    54                 long long tmp = ans0 + i * ap + j * dp + judge(hy,ay+i,dy+j,hm,am,dm) * hp;
    55                 if(tmp < ans)
    56                 {
    57                     //cout<<" i = "<<i<<" j = "<<j<<endl;
    58                     ans = tmp;
    59                 }
    60             }
    61         }
    62         cout<<ans<<endl;
    63     }
    64     return 0;
    65 }
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     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <algorithm>
     4 #include <cstdlib>
     5 #include <cstring>
     6 #include <cmath>
     7 #include <stdio.h>
     8 #include <algorithm>
     9 #include <iostream>
    10 #include <cstdio>
    11 #include <cstring>
    12 #include <algorithm>
    13 #define sc1(x) scanf("%s",&(x))
    14 #define sc(x) scanf("%d",&(x))
    15 #define sc3(x,y,z) scanf("%d%d%d", &(x), &(y), &(z))
    16 #define pf(x) printf("%d
    ", x);
    17 #define pf1(x) printf("%s
    ", x);
    18 #define p(x) printf("%d ", x)
    19 #define P printf("
    20 #define pf2(x, y) printf("%d %d
    ", x, y)
    21 #define FOR(i,b,e) for(int i=b; i<=e; i++)
    22 #define FOR1(i,b,e) for(int i=b; i>=e; i--)
    23 #define CL(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x))
    24 #define INF 0x7fffffff
    25 int min(int x, int y)
    26 {
    27         return x < y ? x : y;
    28 }
    29 int main()
    30 {
    31     int wh, wa, wd, mh, ma, md, ch, ca, cd;
    32     sc3(wh, wa, wd);
    33     sc3(mh, ma, md);
    34     sc3(ch, ca, cd);
    35     int cost = INF;
    37     for(int da=0;da<=200;da++)
    38     {
    39         for(int dd=0; dd <=200;dd++)
    40         {
    41             for(int dh=0; dh<=1000;dh++)
    42             {
    43             if(wa+da-md <= 0) continue;
    44             int t = (mh-1) / (wa+da-md) + 1;
    45             if(dh < t*(ma-wd-dd)-wh+1)     continue;
    46             cost = min(cost, ca*da+cd*dd+ch*dh);
    47             }
    48         }
    49     }
    50     pf(cost);
    51     return 0;
    52 }
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     1 #include <iostream>
     2 using namespace std;
     3 int main()
     4 {
     5     int hy,ay,dy,hm,am,dm,h,a,d;
     6     cin>>hy>>ay>>dy>>hm>>am>>dm>>h>>a>>d;
     7     int i,j,k,ans=100000,sum,tmp;
     8     for(j=0;j<=max(0,dm+hm-ay);j++)
     9     {
    10         for(k=0;k<=max(0,am-dy);k++)
    11         {
    12             if(ay+j-dm<=0)
    13                 break;
    14             if(ay+j-dm>0)
    15             {
    16                 tmp=hm/(ay+j-dm);
    17                 if(hm%(ay+j-dm)!=0)
    18                     tmp++;
    19                 i=max(0,tmp*max(0,(am-dy-k))-hy+1);
    20             }
    21             sum=i*h+j*a+k*d;
    22            if(ans>sum)
    23                 ans=sum;
    24         }
    25     }
    26     cout<<ans<<endl;
    27     return 0;
    28 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ghostTao/p/4396002.html
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