--查看表生成脚本 sql server --- ' '是回车,' '是换行 /t相当于键盘的Tab键 --- 操作系统的不同,换行符操也不同:/r Mac /n Unix/Linux /r/n Windows USE [master] --设定为系统用的,就是在各数据库中都可以调用。如果写在当前数据库中,只能用于当前数据库 GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO /* **************************************************************************** 功能描述: 获取指定表的创建脚本,包括表和字段的属性、外键(注释掉的) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 参数列表: 1: @TableName 需要创建脚本的表的名称 **************************************************************************** */ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_HelpTable]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_HelpTable] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_HelpTable](@TableName sysname) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ObjectID int DECLARE @TableScript table(Iden int IDENTITY(1, 1), ScriptLine nvarchar(4000)) SET @ObjectID = object_id(@TableName) IF @ObjectID IS NULL OR OBJECTPROPERTY(@ObjectID, 'IsTable') = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR('指定的对象不是表对象', 16, 1) RETURN END --获取表的创建脚本 --插入表头 INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) SELECT N'CREATE TABLE [' + USER_NAME(OBJECTPROPERTY(@ObjectID, N'OwnerId')) + N'].[' + object_name(@ObjectID) + N'](' --插入字段 INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) SELECT N' [' + a.Name + N'] [' + b.name + N']' + CASE WHEN c.Object_id IS NOT NULL THEN N' IDENTITY(' + CONVERT(nvarchar, c.seed_value) + N', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, c.increment_value) + N')' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN b.xusertype IN (167, 175, 231, 239) THEN N'('+CONVERT(nvarchar, a.prec) + N')' WHEN b.xusertype in (106, 108) THEN N'('+CONVERT(nvarchar, a.xprec) + N', ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, a.xscale) + N')' ELSE '' END + CASE a.isnullable WHEN 1 THEN N'' ELSE N' NOT' END + N' NULL' + CASE WHEN d.Name IS NOT NULL THEN N' DEFAULT ' + d.Definition ELSE N'' END + N',' FROM sys.syscolumns a LEFT JOIN sys.systypes b ON a.xusertype = b.xusertype LEFT JOIN sys.identity_columns c ON c.Object_id = a.ID AND c.Column_ID = a.ColID LEFT JOIN sys.default_constraints d ON d.Parent_Object_ID = a.ID AND d.Parent_column_ID = a.ColID WHERE a.[ID] = @ObjectID ORDER BY a.ColOrder --插入主键和索引 DECLARE @IndexID int, @IndexScript nvarchar(4000) DECLARE IndexCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT b.Index_ID, N' CONSTRAINT [' + a.Name + N'] ' + CASE a.Type WHEN 'PK' THEN N'PRIMARY KEY ' WHEN 'UQ' THEN N'UNIQUE ' END + CASE b.Type WHEN 1 THEN N'CLUSTERED' WHEN 2 THEN N'NONCLUSTERED ' END + N'(' FROM sys.key_constraints a LEFT JOIN sys.indexes b ON b.Object_ID = a.Parent_Object_ID AND b.index_id = a.unique_index_id WHERE a.Parent_Object_ID = @ObjectID OPEN IndexCursor FETCH NEXT FROM IndexCursor INTO @IndexID, @IndexScript WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @IndexScript = @IndexScript + N'[' + INDEX_COL(object_name(@ObjectID), 2 , 1) + N'],' FROM sys.index_columns WHERE Object_ID = @ObjectID AND Index_ID = 2 SET @IndexScript = LEFT(@IndexScript, LEN(@IndexScript) -1) + N'),' INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(@IndexScript) FETCH NEXT FROM IndexCursor INTO @IndexID, @IndexScript END CLOSE IndexCursor DEALLOCATE IndexCursor --除去最后一个,号 UPDATE @TableScript SET ScriptLine = LEFT(ScriptLine, LEN(ScriptLine) - 1) WHERE Iden = (SELECT MAX(Iden) FROM @TableScript) INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(N')') INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(N'GO') INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(N'') --获取表备注 DECLARE @PropScript nvarchar(4000) INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) SELECT N'EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N''' + a.Name + N''', @value=N''' + CONVERT(nvarchar, a.Value) + N''' ,@level0type=N''SCHEMA'', @level0name=N''' + USER_NAME(OBJECTPROPERTY(a.major_Id, N'OwnerId')) + N''', @level1type=N''TABLE'', @level1name=N''' + b.Name + N'''' FROM sys.extended_properties a LEFT JOIN sys.objects b ON b.[Object_ID] = a.major_Id WHERE a.major_Id = @ObjectID AND Minor_ID = 0 INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES('GO') DECLARE PropCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT N'EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N''' + a.Name + N''', @value=N''' + CONVERT(nvarchar, a.Value) + N''' ,@level0type=N''SCHEMA'', @level0name=N''' + USER_NAME(OBJECTPROPERTY(a.major_Id, N'OwnerId')) + N''', @level1type=N''TABLE'', @level1name=N''' + b.Name + N'''' + N', @level2type=N''COLUMN'', @level2name=N''' + c.[Name] + '''' FROM sys.extended_properties a LEFT JOIN sys.objects b ON b.[Object_ID] = a.major_Id LEFT JOIN sys.syscolumns c ON c.[ID] = a.major_Id AND c.ColID = a.Minor_ID WHERE a.major_Id = @ObjectID AND Minor_ID <> 0 OPEN PropCursor FETCH NEXT FROM PropCursor INTO @PropScript WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(@PropScript) INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(N'GO') FETCH NEXT FROM PropCursor INTO @PropScript END CLOSE PropCursor DEALLOCATE PropCursor INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES('') --获取表外键 DECLARE @ConstID int, @i tinyint, @keyCnt tinyint, @TempletSQL nvarchar(400), @SQLScript nvarchar(500), @FColName sysname, @RColName sysname, @ForeignLine nvarchar(4000), @ReferencesLine nvarchar(4000), @ReferencesAction nvarchar(4000) DECLARE @ConstIDTable table(ConstID int) SELECT @FColName = '', @RColName = '', @TempletSQL = N'SELECT @eFColName = ''['' + col_name(FkeyID, Fkey%d) + '']'', @eRColName = ''['' + col_name(RkeyID, Rkey%d) + '']'' FROM sys.sysreferences WHERE ConstID = @ConstID' INSERT INTO @ConstIDTable SELECT ConstID FROM sys.sysreferences WHERE FKeyID = @ObjectID OR RKeyID = @ObjectID ORDER BY FKeyID WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ConstIDTable) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @ConstID = ConstID FROM @ConstIDTable DELETE FROM @ConstIDTable WHERE ConstID = @ConstID INSERT INTO @TableScript SELECT N'--ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + object_name(FKeyID) + '] WITH CHECK' FROM sys.sysreferences WHERE ConstID = @ConstID INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES('-- ADD' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)) SELECT @ForeignLine = N'-- CONSTRAINT [' + object_name(ConstID) + '] FOREIGN KEY(', @ReferencesLine = N'REFERENCES [dbo].[' + object_name(RKeyID) + '] (', @ReferencesAction = CASE b.Delete_Referential_Action WHEN 0 THEN N'' WHEN 1 THEN N'ON DELETE Cascade' WHEN 2 THEN N'ON DELETE SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN N'ON DELETE SET DEFAULT' END + ' ' + CASE b.Delete_Referential_Action WHEN 0 THEN N'' WHEN 1 THEN N'ON UPDATE Cascade' WHEN 2 THEN N'ON UPDATE SET NULL' WHEN 3 THEN N'ON UPDATE SET DEFAULT' END, @keyCnt = KeyCnt FROM sys.sysreferences a LEFT JOIN sys.foreign_keys b ON a.ConstID = b.Object_ID WHERE a.ConstID = @ConstID --取字段 SET @i = 1 WHILE @i <= @keyCnt BEGIN SET @SQLScript = REPLACE(@TempletSQL, '%d', CONVERT(nvarchar, @i)) EXEC sp_executesql @stmt = @SQLScript, @params= N'@eFColName sysname output, @eRColName sysname output, @ConstID int', @eFColName = @FColName output, @eRColName = @RColName output, @ConstID = @ConstID print @SQLScript SET @ForeignLine = @ForeignLine + CASE WHEN @i > 1 THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + @FColName SET @ReferencesLine = @ReferencesLine + CASE WHEN @i > 1 THEN ', ' ELSE '' END + @RColName SET @i = @i + 1 END INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(@ForeignLine + N') ' + @ReferencesLine + N')') IF @ReferencesAction <> '' INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(@ReferencesAction) --INSERT INTO @TableScript(ScriptLine) VALUES(N'GO') END --返回表的创建脚本 SELECT ScriptLine FROM @TableScript SET NOCOUNT OFF GO --测试 USE LibrarySystem EXEC sp_HelpTable 'BookInfoList' 对于查看视图,存储过程等系统有现成的.sp_helptext ---表结构 SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc [dbo].[sp_table] (@tableName varchar(200) ,@ColumnLike varchar(200)=NULL) as --/******************************************** --根据表名得到表信息,包括字段说明 --*********************************************/ --DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(200); --DECLARE @ColumnLike VARCHAR(200); --SET @tableName='purchase' --SET @ColumnLike=NULL; --如果表明不存在,就直接选出相似表 if not exists( select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id(@tableName) and type = 'U') begin select name from sysobjects where name like '%'+@tableName + '%' and type = 'U' return end --筛选相似列明 if(@ColumnLike is null) set @ColumnLike = '' declare @ColumnTable table(cName varchar(200)) insert @ColumnTable(cName) select a.name from syscolumns a,sysobjects d where a.id=d.id and d.name = @tableName and a.name like '%'+ @ColumnLike +'%' --查询表结构信息 SELECT 表名=case when a.colorder=1 then d.name else '' end, 表说明=case when a.colorder=1 then isnull(f.value,'') else '' end, 字段序号=a.colorder, 字段名=a.name, 字段说明=isnull(g.[value],''), 标识=case when COLUMNPROPERTY( a.id,a.name,'IsIdentity')=1 then '√'else '' end, 主键=case when exists(SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=a.id and name in ( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in( SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id = a.id AND colid=a.colid ))) then '√' else '' end, 类型=b.name, 占用字节数=a.length, 长度=COLUMNPROPERTY(a.id,a.name,'PRECISION'), 小数位数=isnull(COLUMNPROPERTY(a.id,a.name,'Scale'),0), 允许空=case when a.isnullable=1 then '√'else '' end, 默认值=isnull(e.text,'') FROM syscolumns a left join systypes b on a.xusertype=b.xusertype inner join sysobjects d on a.id=d.id and d.xtype='U' and d.name<>'dtproperties' left join syscomments e on a.cdefault=e.id left join sys.extended_properties g on a.id=g.major_id and a.colid=g.minor_id left join sys.extended_properties f on d.id=f.major_id and f.minor_id=0 --where d.name='要查询的表' --如果只查询指定表,加上此条件 where d.name = @tableName and exists(select 1 from @ColumnTable where cname = a.name) order by a.id,a.colorder GO ---查看函數,存儲過程代碼 create procedure dusp_helptext @objname nvarchar(776) ,@columnname sysname = NULL as set nocount on declare @dbname sysname ,@objid int ,@BlankSpaceAdded int ,@BasePos int ,@CurrentPos int ,@TextLength int ,@LineId int ,@AddOnLen int ,@LFCR int --lengths of line feed carriage return ,@DefinedLength int /* NOTE: Length of @SyscomText is 4000 to replace the length of ** text column in syscomments. ** lengths on @Line, #CommentText Text column and ** value for @DefinedLength are all 255. These need to all have ** the same values. 255 was selected in order for the max length ** display using down level clients */ ,@SyscomText nvarchar(4000) ,@Line nvarchar(255) select @DefinedLength = 255 select @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 /*Keeps track of blank spaces at end of lines. Note Len function ignores trailing blank spaces*/ CREATE TABLE #CommentText (LineId int ,Text nvarchar(255) collate database_default) /* ** Make sure the @objname is local to the current database. */ select @dbname = parsename(@objname,3) if @dbname is null select @dbname = db_name() else if @dbname <> db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end /* ** See if @objname exists. */ select @objid = object_id(@objname) if (@objid is null) begin raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname) return (1) end -- If second parameter was given. if ( @columnname is not null) begin -- Check if it is a table if (select count(*) from sys.objects where object_id = @objid and type in ('S ','U ','TF'))=0 begin raiserror(15218,-1,-1,@objname) return(1) end -- check if it is a correct column name if ((select 'count'=count(*) from sys.columns where name = @columnname and object_id = @objid) =0) begin raiserror(15645,-1,-1,@columnname) return(1) end if (ColumnProperty(@objid, @columnname, 'IsComputed') = 0) begin raiserror(15646,-1,-1,@columnname) return(1) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0 and number = (select column_id from sys.columns where name = @columnname and object_id = @objid) order by number,colid FOR READ ONLY end else if @objid < 0 -- Handle system-objects begin -- Check count of rows with text data if (select count(*) from master.sys.syscomments where id = @objid and text is not null) = 0 begin raiserror(15197,-1,-1,@objname) return (1) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from master.sys.syscomments where id = @objid ORDER BY number, colid FOR READ ONLY end else begin /* ** Find out how many lines of text are coming back, ** and return if there are none. */ if (select count(*) from syscomments c, sysobjects o where o.xtype not in ('S', 'U') and o.id = c.id and o.id = @objid) = 0 begin raiserror(15197,-1,-1,@objname) return (1) end if (select count(*) from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0) = 0 begin raiserror(15471,-1,-1,@objname) return (0) end declare ms_crs_syscom CURSOR LOCAL FOR select text from syscomments where id = @objid and encrypted = 0 ORDER BY number, colid FOR READ ONLY end /* ** else get the text. */ select @LFCR = 2 select @LineId = 1 OPEN ms_crs_syscom FETCH NEXT from ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText WHILE @@fetch_status >= 0 begin select @BasePos = 1 select @CurrentPos = 1 select @TextLength = LEN(@SyscomText) WHILE @CurrentPos != 0 begin --Looking for end of line followed by carriage return select @CurrentPos = CHARINDEX(char(13)+char(10), @SyscomText, @BasePos) --If carriage return found IF @CurrentPos != 0 begin /*If new value for @Lines length will be > then the **set length then insert current contents of @line **and proceed. */ while (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR) > @DefinedLength begin select @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength-(isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded) INSERT #CommentText VALUES ( @LineId, isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N'')) select @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1, @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 end select @Line = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @CurrentPos-@BasePos + @LFCR), N'') select @BasePos = @CurrentPos+2 INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line ) select @LineId = @LineId + 1 select @Line = NULL end else --else carriage return not found begin IF @BasePos <= @TextLength begin /*If new value for @Lines length will be > then the **defined length */ while (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded + @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ) > @DefinedLength begin select @AddOnLen = @DefinedLength - (isnull(LEN(@Line),0) + @BlankSpaceAdded) INSERT #CommentText VALUES ( @LineId, isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @AddOnLen), N'')) select @Line = NULL, @LineId = @LineId + 1, @BasePos = @BasePos + @AddOnLen, @BlankSpaceAdded = 0 end select @Line = isnull(@Line, N'') + isnull(SUBSTRING(@SyscomText, @BasePos, @TextLength-@BasePos+1 ), N'') if LEN(@Line) < @DefinedLength and charindex(' ', @SyscomText, @TextLength+1 ) > 0 begin select @Line = @Line + ' ', @BlankSpaceAdded = 1 end end end end FETCH NEXT from ms_crs_syscom into @SyscomText end IF @Line is NOT NULL INSERT #CommentText VALUES( @LineId, @Line ) select Text from #CommentText order by LineId CLOSE ms_crs_syscom DEALLOCATE ms_crs_syscom DROP TABLE #CommentText return (0) -- sp_helptext
---2005附加數據庫 ---ATTACH DATABASE TEMPLATE exec sp_attach_db 'Asset5','D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAsset5.mdf','D:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataAsset5_log.ldf' GO ---列出存儲過程 exec sp_stored_procedures GO --系統視圖 select * from sys.objects ---列出存儲過程 select * from sys.objects WHERE TYPE='P' select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='P' order by [name] GO ---列出所有表 select * from sys.objects WHERE TYPE='U' order by [name] select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='U' order by [name] GO --列出視圖 select * from sys.objects WHERE TYPE='V' order by [name] select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='V' order by [name] GO -- select * from sysobjects GO --列出所有表 select [name] from sysobjects where xtype='u' order by [name] GO /* select name from sysobjects where xtype='u' --- C = CHECK 约束 D = 默认值或 DEFAULT 约束 F = FOREIGN KEY 约束 L = 日志 FN = 标量函数 IF = 内嵌表函数 P = 存储过程 PK = PRIMARY KEY 约束(类型是 K) RF = 复制筛选存储过程 S = 系统表 TF = 表函数 TR = 触发器 U = 用户表 UQ = UNIQUE 约束(类型是 K) V = 视图 X = 扩展存储过程 */ --得到数据库存储过程列表: select * from dbo.sysobjects where OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1 order by name --得到某个存储过程的参数信息:(SQL方法) proc_Insert_BookAdministratorListOutput select * from syscolumns where ID in (SELECT id FROM sysobjects as a WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1 and id = object_id(N'[dbo].[proc_Insert_BookAdministratorListOutput]')) --得到数据库所有表: select * from dbo.sysobjects where OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1 order by name ---得到某个表中的字段信息:dbo.BookInfoList select c.name as ColumnName, c.colorder as ColumnOrder, c.xtype as DataType, typ.name as DataTypeName, c.Length, c.isnullable from dbo.syscolumns c inner join dbo.sysobjects t on c.id = t.id inner join dbo.systypes typ on typ.xtype = c.xtype where OBJECTPROPERTY(t.id, N'IsUserTable') = 1 and t.name='BookInfoList' order by c.colorder; select a.name,b.name,a.length,a.isnullable from syscolumns a,systypes b,sysobjects d where a.xtype=b.xusertype and a.id=d.id and d.xtype='U' and a.id =object_id('BookInfoList') --得到存储过程内容 EXEC Sp_HelpText '[proc_Insert_BookAdministratorListOutput]' --得到视图View定义:dbo.View_BookInfoList --获取View, Procedure, Trigger, Function的源代码 EXEC Sp_HelpText 'View_BookInfoList' -- EXEC Sp_HelpText 'BookInfoList' SELECT b.name, a.name AS Expr1, a.id, a.xtype, a.typestat, a.xusertype, a.length, a.xprec, a.xscale, a.colid, a.xoffset, a.bitpos, a.reserved, a.colstat, a.cdefault, a.domain, a.number, a.colorder, a.autoval, a.offset, a.collationid, a.language, a.status, a.type, a.usertype, a.printfmt, a.prec, a.scale, a.iscomputed, a.isoutparam, a.isnullable, a.collation, a.tdscollation FROM syscolumns AS a INNER JOIN sysobjects AS b ON b.id = a.id WHERE (b.xtype = 'U') AND (b.name <> 'dtproperties') --得到数据库存储过程列表 select * from dbo.sysobjects where OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1 order by name --列出所有数据库 SELECT name FROM sys.sysdatabases order by name asc --查詢數據庫中的表所占用空間 exec sp_spaceused '表名' --取得表占用空間 exec sp_spaceused ''--數據庫所有空間