• java: Prototype Pattern

     * 版权所有 2022 涂聚文有限公司
     * 许可信息查看:
     * 描述:
     * 原始模型 Prototype Patterns
     * 历史版本: JDK 14.02
     * 2022-09-12 创建者 geovindu
     * 2022-09-12 添加 Lambda
     * 2022-09-12 修改:date
     * 接口类
     * 2022-09-12 修改者:Geovin Du
     * 生成API帮助文档的指令:
     *javadoc - -encoding Utf-8 -d apidoc PandaToClone.java
     * */
    package com.javapatterns.prototype;
    import java.lang.Object.*;
    public class PandaToClone implements Cloneable {
        private int height, weight, age;
        public PandaToClone (int height, int weight)
            this.age = 0;
            this.weight = weight;
            this.height = height;
        public void setAge(int age)
            this.age = age;
        public int getAge()
            return age;
        public int getHeight()
            return height;
        public int getWeight()
            return weight;
        public Object clone()
            PandaToClone temp = new PandaToClone(height, weight);
            return (Object) temp;



                thisPanda = new PandaToClone(15, 25);
                // Create the second object by cloning the first
                thatPanda = (PandaToClone) thisPanda.clone();
                // Now describe these objects on the system console :
                System.out.println(" Age of this panda : " + thisPanda.getAge());
                System.out.println("            height : " + thisPanda.getHeight());
                System.out.println("            weight : " + thisPanda.getWeight());
                System.out.println(" Age of that panda : " + thatPanda.getAge());
                System.out.println("            height : " + thatPanda.getHeight());
                System.out.println("            weight : " + thatPanda.getWeight());



     Age of this panda : 3
                height : 15
                weight : 25
     Age of that panda : 3
                height : 15
                weight : 25


     * 版权所有 2022 涂聚文有限公司
     * 许可信息查看:
     * 描述:
     * 原始模型 Prototype Patterns
     * 历史版本: JDK 14.02
     * 2022-09-12 创建者 geovindu
     * 2022-09-12 添加 Lambda
     * 2022-09-12 修改:date
     * 接口类
     * 2022-09-12 修改者:Geovin Du
     * 生成API帮助文档的指令:
     *javadoc - -encoding Utf-8 -d apidoc Monkey.java
     * */
    package com.javapatterns.prototype;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.OptionalDataException;
    import java.io.Serializable;
     * 大圣,猢狲
     * */
    public class Monkey implements Cloneable, Serializable{
        private int height;
        private int weight;
        private GoldRingedStaff staff;
        private Date birthDate;
         * 构造
         * */
        public Monkey()
            this.birthDate = new Date();
            this.staff = new GoldRingedStaff();
         * */
        public Object deepClone()
                throws IOException, OptionalDataException, ClassNotFoundException
            //write to stream
            ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oo = new ObjectOutputStream(bo);
            //read from stream
            ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(bo.toByteArray());
            ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(bi);
            return (oi.readObject());
         * 浅克隆方法
         * */
        public Object clone()
            Monkey temp = null;
                temp = (Monkey) super.clone();
            catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
                System.out.println("Clone failed");
                return temp;
         * */
        public int getHeight()
            return height;
         * */
        public void setHeight(int height)
            this.height = height;
         * */
        public int getWeight()
            return weight;
         * */
        public void setWeight(int weight)
            this.weight = weight;
         * */
        public Date getBirthDate()
            return birthDate;
         * */
        public void setBirthDate(Date birthDate)
            this.birthDate = birthDate;
         * */
        public GoldRingedStaff getStaff()
            return staff;


     * 版权所有 2022 涂聚文有限公司
     * 许可信息查看:
     * 描述:
     * 原始模型 Prototype Patterns
     * 历史版本: JDK 14.02
     * 2022-09-12 创建者 geovindu
     * 2022-09-12 添加 Lambda
     * 2022-09-12 修改:date
     * 接口类
     * 2022-09-12 修改者:Geovin Du
     * 生成API帮助文档的指令:
     *javadoc - -encoding Utf-8 -d apidoc GoldRingedStaff.java
     * */
    package com.javapatterns.prototype;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.io.Serializable;
     * 金箍棒
     * */
    public class GoldRingedStaff  implements Cloneable, Serializable{
        private float height = 100.0F;
        private float diameter = 10.0F;
         * */
        public GoldRingedStaff()
            //write your code here
         * */
        public void grow()
            this.diameter *= 2.0;
            this.height *= 2;
         * */
        public void shrink()
            this.diameter /= 2;
            this.height /= 2;
         * */
        public void move()
            //write your code for moving the staff
         * */
        public float getHeight()
            return height;
         * */
        public void setHeight(float height)
            this.height = height;
         * */
        public float getDiameter()
            return diameter;
         * */
        public void setDiameter(float diameter)
            this.diameter = diameter;


     * 版权所有 2022 涂聚文有限公司
     * 许可信息查看:
     * 描述:
     * 原始模型 Prototype Patterns
     * 历史版本: JDK 14.02
     * 2022-09-12 创建者 geovindu
     * 2022-09-12 添加 Lambda
     * 2022-09-12 修改:date
     * 接口类
     * 2022-09-12 修改者:Geovin Du
     * 生成API帮助文档的指令:
     *javadoc - -encoding Utf-8 -d apidoc TheGreatestSage.java
     * */
    package com.javapatterns.prototype;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException;
     * 大圣
     * */
    public class TheGreatestSage {
        private Monkey monkey = new Monkey();
        public TheGreatestSage()
        { }
         * */
        public void change() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
            try {
                Monkey copyMonkey;
                for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
                copyMonkey = (Monkey) monkey.deepClone();
                System.out.println("Monkey King's birth date=" + monkey.getBirthDate());
                System.out.println("Copy monkey's birth date=" + copyMonkey.getBirthDate());
                System.out.println("Monkey King == Copy Monkey? " + (monkey == copyMonkey));
                System.out.println("Monkey King's Staff == Copy Monkey's Staff? " +
                        (monkey.getStaff() == copyMonkey.getStaff()));
            catch (ClassNotFoundException cex)
            catch(IOException ioException)



                TheGreatestSage theGreatestSage=new TheGreatestSage();
            catch (Exception exception)



    Monkey King's birth date=Fri Sep 16 22:08:46 CST 2022
    Copy monkey's birth date=Fri Sep 16 22:08:46 CST 2022
    Monkey King == Copy Monkey? false
    Monkey King's Staff == Copy Monkey's Staff? false


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/16701194.html
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