• 快速搭建MongoDB分布式集群


    1. Prerequisites

    (1) you have deploy a functioning network to install mongodb cluster.
    (2) you have gained the latest releases of MongoDB from 10gen.
    (3) you have installed mongodb in the path $MongoHome.
    (4) there are three folders, that are bin,dbs,logs, in $MongoHome folder.
    (5) there are four servers here to make four shards in the cluster.
    (6) their IP4 addresses are:

    2. Steps to follow

    #1 biuld up mongod instance on every node.
        using the following CMD in Terminal on every shard marchine:
        -bash bash-install-shard...files.


    #2 set up mongod instance of config server
        using the following CMD in Terminal on every config server marchine:
        -bash bash-install-config


    #3 initiate every replica set
        ssh every shard server, run mongo to login its local mongod instance,
        then write a config file for the relica set, and run rs.initate(config).
        see "shard initialize"file for more information.


    #4 start mongos server
        using the following CMD in Terminal on every mongos server marchine:
        -bash bash-install-mongos


    #5 add shards to the cluster
        login one of the mongos, use sh.addShard("shard1/") CMD to add every shard.
        see "Add shards to the cluster" file for more information.


    Up to now a distributed MongoDB cluster with replica set has established, and its architecture may go like this:


    3. Configuring your cluster to make it sharded

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/geosky/p/3248076.html
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