merge into 表名 a using( select from where group by ) on ( 条件 ) --如果条件成立,执行更新 when matched then update set 只需更改条件即可 --如果条件不成立,执行添加 when not matched then insert ( ) values( ); commit;
create or replace procedure PDW_DAY_HISTORY(o_status out integer, o_info out varchar2) /************************************************** * 作 者:XX 日 期:2018-06-25 功 能: 汇集银行端、开发商端、个人端历史每日报卷量 算 法: 1.按日期、各个系统汇总 源 表: bank_pledge、deve_dcxx 目 标 表: dw_bank_deve_per_day(sys_type,个人端:0 银行端:1 开发商端:2 ) 修改历史: 时间 内容 修改人 ------------ ----------------------------------- -------- 2014-3-3 添加注释说明 XXX **************************************************/ is begin o_status:=0; delete from dw_bank_deve_per_day; --插入银行端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) SELECT TO_char(A.gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd') date_id,0,A.count_addres count_addres ,nvl(B.count_accept,0) count_accept,nvl(C.count_refuse,0) count_refuse FROM ( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_commit, count(1) count_addres from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag = '1' group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) A LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_accept from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag = '1'and realestatecaseno is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) B ON A.gmt_commit = B.gmt_update LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_refuse from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag = '1'and deal_info is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) C ON B.gmt_update = C.gmt_update ORDER BY date_id; commit; --插入银行端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) SELECT TO_char(A.gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd') date_id,1,A.count_addres count_addres ,nvl(B.count_accept,0) count_accept,nvl(C.count_refuse,0) count_refuse FROM ( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_commit, count(1) count_addres from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag = '1' group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) A LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_accept from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag = '1'and realestatecaseno is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) B ON A.gmt_commit = B.gmt_update LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_refuse from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag = '1'and deal_info is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) C ON B.gmt_update = C.gmt_update ORDER BY date_id; commit; --插入开发商端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) SELECT TO_char(A.gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd') date_id,2,A.count_addres count_addres ,nvl(B.count_accept,0) count_accept,nvl(C.count_refuse,0) count_refuse FROM ( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_commit, count(1) count_addres from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag = '1' group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_commit, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) A LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_accept from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag = '1'and realestatecaseno is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) B ON A.gmt_commit = B.gmt_update LEFT JOIN( select to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') gmt_update, count(1) count_refuse from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag = '1'and deal_info is not null group by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') order by to_date(TO_char(gmt_update, 'yyyymmdd'), 'yyyymmdd') ) C ON B.gmt_update = C.gmt_update ORDER BY date_id; commit; --执行完毕 o_status:=1; exception when others then rollback; --发生异常 o_status:=99; o_info:=SQLCODE||'---'||SQLERRM||'---'||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace; end PDW_DAY_HISTORY;
汇总当天数据,其中p_tx_date 为传入的当天时间参数
create or replace procedure PDW_BANK_DEVE_PER_DAY(p_tx_date date, o_status out integer, o_info out varchar2) /************************************************** * 作 者:高想 日 期:2018-06-21 功 能: 汇集每日银行端、开发商端、个人端报卷量 算 法: 1.按日期、各个系统汇总 源 表: bank_pledge、deve_dcxx、per_case 临 时 表: tmp_bank_deve_per_day 目 标 表: dw_bank_deve_per_day(sys_type,个人端:0 银行端:1 开发商端:2 ) 修改历史: 时间 内容 修改人 ------------ ----------------------------------- -------- 2014-3-3 添加注释说明 XXX **************************************************/ is v_tx_date date; v_date_id varchar2(8); begin o_status:=0; v_tx_date:=trunc(p_tx_date); v_date_id:=to_char(v_tx_date,'yyyymmdd'); --清空临时表 --execute immediate 'truncate table tmp_bank_deve_per_day'; delete from dw_bank_deve_per_day where date_id=v_date_id; --插入个人端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) select v_date_id, 0 dummy, (select count(1) from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag='1' and trunc(gmt_commit)=v_tx_date) count_addres, (select count(1) from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag='1' and realestatecaseno is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date ) count_accept, (select count(1) from zzbdc.per_case where commit_flag='1' and deal_info is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date) count_refuse from dual group by dummy; commit; --插入银行端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) select v_date_id, 1 dummy, (select count(1) from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag='1' and trunc(gmt_commit)=v_tx_date) count_addres, (select count(1) from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag='1' and realestatecaseno is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date ) count_accept, (select count(1) from zzbdc.bank_pledge where commit_flag='1' and deal_info is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date) count_refuse from dual group by dummy; commit; --插入开发商端数据 insert into dw_bank_deve_per_day( date_id, sys_type, count_addres, count_accept, count_refuse ) select v_date_id, 2 dummy, (select count(1) from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag='1' and trunc(gmt_commit)=v_tx_date) count_addres, (select count(1) from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag='1' and realestatecaseno is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date ) count_accept, (select count(1) from zzbdc.deve_dcxx where commit_flag='1' and deal_info is not null and trunc(gmt_update)=v_tx_date) count_refuse from dual group by dummy; commit; --执行完毕 o_status:=1; exception when others then rollback; --发生异常 o_status:=99; o_info:=SQLCODE||'---'||SQLERRM||'---'||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace; end PDW_BANK_DEVE_PER_DAY;
create or replace procedure pdw_case_collect(p_tx_date date, o_status out integer, o_info out varchar2) /************************************************** * 作 者:XXX 日 期:2017-11-2 功 能: 整理案卷信息 算 法: 1.按案卷编号汇总业务数,包含所有业务 2.快速转移和抵押使用qicguid作为案卷编号,快速查封以id0作为案卷编号 3.记录案卷各环节时长,注:有回退和移交的情况,每个环节会有多次,这里开始时间 为首次进入该环节时间,结束时间为最后一次完成该环节时间 4.权籍调查regist_type='0701' 不会记录部门、时间 源 表: zzbdc.bdc_djzb, zzbdc.bdc_yw_sh, zzbdc.wfprocess, zzbdc.wfprocesshistory, zzbdc.sysuser, zzbdc.sysdept 临 时 表: 目 标 表: dw_case_collect 修改历史: 时间 内容 修改人 ------------ ----------------------------------- -------- 2014-3-3 添加注释说明 XXX **************************************************/ is v_tx_date date; begin o_status:=0; v_tx_date:=trunc(p_tx_date); --正式业务 --插入新增登记记录 insert into dw_case_collect( caseno, regist_type, regist_type_desc, busi_count, additional_flag, subsystemid ) select a.受理编号, min(a.登记类型), max(a.登记类别), count(a.业务号), max(a.补录标志), max(a.subsystemid) from zzbdc.bdc_djzb a where not exists( select 1 from dw_case_collect b where a.受理编号=b.caseno ) group by a.受理编号; commit; --更新退件标志 update dw_case_collect a set a.refuse_flag='1', a.gmt_refuse=(select max(审核结束时间) from zzbdc.bdc_yw_sh b where a.caseno=b.受理编号) where exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_djzb c where a.caseno=c.受理编号 and c.权属状态='3') and a.refuse_flag='0'; commit; --删卷 update dw_case_collect a set a.refuse_flag='1', a.gmt_refuse=nvl((select max(b.starttime) from zzbdc.wfprocess b where a.caseno=b.caseno),(select max(审核结束时间) from zzbdc.bdc_yw_sh c where a.caseno=c.受理编号)) where not exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_djzb c where a.caseno=c.受理编号) and a.refuse_flag='0' and a.fast_flag='0'; commit; --更新登簿标志 update dw_case_collect a set a.record_flag='1' where exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_djzb b where a.caseno=b.受理编号 and b.登记簿标志=1) and a.record_flag='0'; commit; --更新归档标志 update dw_case_collect a set a.archive_flag='1' where exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_djzb b where a.caseno=b.受理编号 and b.归档标志=1) and a.archive_flag='0'; commit; --更新收件人信息 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by p.caseno order by p.starttime) rn, p.caseno, p.dept, p.utuser, u.uname from zzbdc.wfprocess p left join zzbdc.sysuser u on p.utuser=u.id where p.atext='收件' ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.dept=b.dept, a.user_id=b.utuser, a.user_name=b.uname where a.dept is null; commit; --更新收件人信息 已归档 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by p.caseno order by p.starttime) rn, p.caseno, p.dept, p.utuser, u.uname from zzbdc.wfprocesshistory p left join zzbdc.sysuser u on p.utuser=u.id where p.atext='收件' ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.dept=b.dept, a.user_id=b.utuser, a.user_name=b.uname where a.dept is null; commit; --更新收件人信息 无过程信息 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select 受理编号 caseno,max(受理人员) user_name from zzbdc.bdc_yw_slsq s where exists( select 1 from dw_case_collect c where s.受理编号=c.caseno and c.dept is null and c.user_name is null ) group by 受理编号 ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.user_name=b.user_name; commit; merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by uname order by ustate desc,dno desc,id desc) rn, decode(instr(dno,','),0,dno,substr(dno,1,instr(dno,',')-1)) dept, id, uname from zzbdc.sysuser ) b on(a.user_name=b.uname and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.dept=b.dept, a.user_id=b.id where a.dept is null; --更新各环节时间 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select caseno, min(gmt_accept_start) gmt_accept_start, max(gmt_accept_end) gmt_accept_end, min(gmt_check_start) gmt_check_start, max(gmt_check_end) gmt_check_end, min(gmt_recheck_start) gmt_recheck_start, max(gmt_recheck_end) gmt_recheck_end, min(gmt_ratify_start) gmt_ratify_start, max(gmt_ratify_end) gmt_ratify_end, min(gmt_record_start) gmt_record_start, max(gmt_record_end) gmt_record_end, min(gmt_make_start) gmt_make_start, max(gmt_make_end) gmt_make_end, min(gmt_charge_start) gmt_charge_start, max(gmt_charge_end) gmt_charge_end, min(gmt_send_start) gmt_send_start, max(gmt_send_end) gmt_send_end, max(gmt_archive_start) gmt_archive_start from ( select caseno, decode(atext,'收件',starttime,null) gmt_accept_start, decode(atext,'收件',donetime,null) gmt_accept_end, decode(atext,'初审',starttime,null) gmt_check_start, decode(atext,'初审',donetime,null) gmt_check_end, (case when atext='审核' or atext='复审' then starttime else null end) gmt_recheck_start, (case when atext='审核' or atext='复审' then donetime else null end) gmt_recheck_end, decode(atext,'核定',starttime,null) gmt_ratify_start, decode(atext,'核定',donetime,null) gmt_ratify_end, (case when atext='记载登记薄' or atext='记载登记簿' then starttime else null end) gmt_record_start, (case when atext='记载登记薄' or atext='记载登记簿' then donetime else null end) gmt_record_end, decode(atext,'缮证',starttime,null) gmt_make_start, decode(atext,'缮证',donetime,null) gmt_make_end, decode(atext,'缴费',starttime,null) gmt_charge_start, decode(atext,'缴费',donetime,null) gmt_charge_end, decode(atext,'发证',starttime,null) gmt_send_start, decode(atext,'发证',donetime,null) gmt_send_end, decode(atext,'归档',starttime,null) gmt_archive_start, decode(atext,'归档',donetime,null) gmt_archive_end from zzbdc.wfprocess p where exists( select 1 from zzbdc.wfprocess p1 where p.caseno=p1.caseno and (trunc(p1.starttime)=v_tx_date or trunc(p1.donetime)=v_tx_date) ) ) group by caseno ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_accept_start=b.gmt_accept_start, a.gmt_accept_end=b.gmt_accept_end, a.gmt_check_start=b.gmt_check_start, a.gmt_check_end=b.gmt_check_end, a.gmt_recheck_start=b.gmt_recheck_start, a.gmt_recheck_end=b.gmt_recheck_end, a.gmt_ratify_start=b.gmt_ratify_start, a.gmt_ratify_end=b.gmt_ratify_end, a.gmt_record_start=b.gmt_record_start, a.gmt_record_end=b.gmt_record_end, a.gmt_make_start=b.gmt_make_start, a.gmt_make_end=b.gmt_make_end, a.gmt_charge_start=b.gmt_charge_start, a.gmt_charge_end=b.gmt_charge_end, a.gmt_send_start=b.gmt_send_start, a.gmt_send_end=b.gmt_send_end, a.gmt_archive_start=b.gmt_archive_start; commit; --更新各环节时间 已归档 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select caseno, min(gmt_accept_start) gmt_accept_start, max(gmt_accept_end) gmt_accept_end, min(gmt_check_start) gmt_check_start, max(gmt_check_end) gmt_check_end, min(gmt_recheck_start) gmt_recheck_start, max(gmt_recheck_end) gmt_recheck_end, min(gmt_ratify_start) gmt_ratify_start, max(gmt_ratify_end) gmt_ratify_end, min(gmt_record_start) gmt_record_start, max(gmt_record_end) gmt_record_end, min(gmt_make_start) gmt_make_start, max(gmt_make_end) gmt_make_end, min(gmt_charge_start) gmt_charge_start, max(gmt_charge_end) gmt_charge_end, min(gmt_send_start) gmt_send_start, max(gmt_send_end) gmt_send_end, max(gmt_archive_start) gmt_archive_start, max(gmt_archive_end) gmt_archive_end from ( select caseno, decode(atext,'收件',starttime,null) gmt_accept_start, decode(atext,'收件',donetime,null) gmt_accept_end, decode(atext,'初审',starttime,null) gmt_check_start, decode(atext,'初审',donetime,null) gmt_check_end, (case when atext='审核' or atext='复审' then starttime else null end) gmt_recheck_start, (case when atext='审核' or atext='复审' then donetime else null end) gmt_recheck_end, decode(atext,'核定',starttime,null) gmt_ratify_start, decode(atext,'核定',donetime,null) gmt_ratify_end, (case when atext='记载登记薄' or atext='记载登记簿' then starttime else null end) gmt_record_start, (case when atext='记载登记薄' or atext='记载登记簿' then donetime else null end) gmt_record_end, decode(atext,'缮证',starttime,null) gmt_make_start, decode(atext,'缮证',donetime,null) gmt_make_end, decode(atext,'缴费',starttime,null) gmt_charge_start, decode(atext,'缴费',donetime,null) gmt_charge_end, decode(atext,'发证',starttime,null) gmt_send_start, decode(atext,'发证',donetime,null) gmt_send_end, decode(atext,'归档',starttime,null) gmt_archive_start, decode(atext,'归档',donetime,null) gmt_archive_end from zzbdc.wfprocesshistory ph where exists( select 1 from zzbdc.wfprocesshistory ph1 where ph.caseno=ph1.caseno and (trunc(ph1.starttime)=v_tx_date or trunc(ph1.donetime)=v_tx_date) ) ) group by caseno ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_accept_start=b.gmt_accept_start, a.gmt_accept_end=b.gmt_accept_end, a.gmt_check_start=b.gmt_check_start, a.gmt_check_end=b.gmt_check_end, a.gmt_recheck_start=b.gmt_recheck_start, a.gmt_recheck_end=b.gmt_recheck_end, a.gmt_ratify_start=b.gmt_ratify_start, a.gmt_ratify_end=b.gmt_ratify_end, a.gmt_record_start=b.gmt_record_start, a.gmt_record_end=b.gmt_record_end, a.gmt_make_start=b.gmt_make_start, a.gmt_make_end=b.gmt_make_end, a.gmt_charge_start=b.gmt_charge_start, a.gmt_charge_end=b.gmt_charge_end, a.gmt_send_start=b.gmt_send_start, a.gmt_send_end=b.gmt_send_end, a.gmt_archive_start=b.gmt_archive_start, a.gmt_archive_end=b.gmt_archive_end; commit; --更新缮证数量 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select z.受理编号 caseno,max(z.缮证人员) user_make, sum(decode(instr(nvl(z.缮证证号, z.不动产权证号), '证明'), 0, 1, 0)) c1,--证书 sum(decode(instr(nvl(z.缮证证号, z.不动产权证号), '证明'), 0, 0, 1)) c2--证明 from ( select distinct x.受理编号,x.不动产权证号,y.缮证人员,y.缮证证号,y.印刷序列号 from zzbdc.bdc_djzb x,zzbdc.bdc_yw_sz y where x.业务号=y.业务号 and y.印刷序列号 is not null and trunc(y.缮证时间)=v_tx_date ) z group by z.受理编号 ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.user_make=b.user_make, a.count_make_certificate=b.c1, a.count_make_certification=b.c2; --更新缴费金额 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select s1.受理编号 caseno, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-3','SFBH-5','SFBH-7','SFBH-10') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_redidence, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-4','SFBH-6','SFBH-8','SFBH-9','SFBH-11') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_not_redidence, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-1','SFBH-2') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_production, nvl(sum(nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0))),0) charge from zzbdc.bdc_sfx s1,zzbdc.bdc_sf_config s2 where s1.收费项名称=s2.sfname and exists( select 1 from zzbdc.wfprocesshistory ph where s1.受理编号=ph.caseno and ph.atext='缴费' and trunc(ph.donetime)=v_tx_date ) group by s1.受理编号 ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.charge=b.charge, a.charge_production=b.charge_production, a.charge_redidence=b.charge_redidence, a.charge_not_redidence=b.charge_not_redidence; merge into dw_case_collect a using( select s1.受理编号 caseno, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-3','SFBH-5','SFBH-7','SFBH-10') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_redidence, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-4','SFBH-6','SFBH-8','SFBH-9','SFBH-11') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_not_redidence, nvl(sum(case when s2.sfno in('SFBH-1','SFBH-2') then nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0)) else 0 end),0) charge_production, nvl(sum(nvl(s1.实收额,s1.应收额-nvl(s1.减免额,0))),0) charge from zzbdc.bdc_sfx s1,zzbdc.bdc_sf_config s2 where s1.收费项名称=s2.sfname and exists( select 1 from zzbdc.wfprocess p where s1.受理编号=p.caseno and p.atext in('发证','归档') and p.direction=1 and trunc(p.starttime)=v_tx_date ) group by s1.受理编号 ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.charge=b.charge, a.charge_production=b.charge_production, a.charge_redidence=b.charge_redidence, a.charge_not_redidence=b.charge_not_redidence; commit; --更新登簿人 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by p.caseno order by p.donetime desc,p.pid desc) rn, p.caseno, p.dept, p.utuser, u.uname from zzbdc.wfprocess p left join zzbdc.sysuser u on p.utuser=u.id where p.atext in('记载登记簿','记载登记薄') and donetime is not null ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.user_record=nvl(b.uname,b.utuser),a.record_flag='1' where a.user_record is null and (a.record_flag='1' or a.count_make_certificate>0 or a.count_make_certificate>0 or a.charge>0 or a.gmt_send_start is not null or a.gmt_archive_start is not null); --更新登簿人 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by p.caseno order by p.donetime desc,p.pid desc) rn, p.caseno, p.dept, p.utuser, u.uname from zzbdc.wfprocesshistory p left join zzbdc.sysuser u on p.utuser=u.id where p.atext in('记载登记簿','记载登记薄') and donetime is not null ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.user_record=nvl(b.uname,b.utuser),a.record_flag='1' where a.user_record is null and (a.record_flag='1' or a.count_make_certificate>0 or a.count_make_certificate>0 or a.charge>0 or a.gmt_send_start is not null or a.gmt_archive_start is not null); --快速业务 --插入新增快速业务 insert into dw_case_collect( caseno, regist_type, regist_type_desc, busi_count, user_name, gmt_accept_start, additional_flag, subsystemid, fast_flag ) select distinct a.qicguid, '0102', '快速转移', 1, a.受理人员, a.受理日期, decode(a.补录标志,'1','1','0'), a.subsystemid, '1' from zzbdc.bdc_kszy a where not exists( select 1 from dw_case_collect b where a.qicguid=b.caseno ) union all select distinct a.qicguid, decode(instr(a.抵押类型,'注销'),0,'0201','0204'), decode(instr(抵押类型,'注销'),0,'快速抵押','快速抵押注销'), 1, a.受理人员, a.受理日期, decode(a.补录标志,1,'1','0'), to_number(a.subsystemid), '1' from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy a where not exists( select 1 from dw_case_collect b where a.qicguid=b.caseno ) union all select distinct to_char(id0), decode(instr(a.查封类型,'解查封'),0,'0404','0401'), decode(instr(查封类型,'解查封'),0,'快速解查封','快速查封'), 1, a.受理人员, a.受理日期, decode(a.补录标志,'1','1','0'), to_number(a.subsystemid), '1' from zzbdc.bdc_zz_cfdj a where not exists( select 1 from dw_case_collect b where to_char(a.id0)=b.caseno ); commit; --更新机构和用户id merge into dw_case_collect a using( select rank() over(partition by uname order by ustate desc,dno desc,id desc) rn, decode(instr(dno,','),0,dno,substr(dno,1,instr(dno,',')-1)) dept, id, uname from zzbdc.sysuser ) b on(a.user_name=b.uname and b.rn=1) when matched then update set a.dept=b.dept, a.user_id=b.id where a.fast_flag='1' and a.dept is null; commit; --更新登簿时间 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select distinct qicguid caseno, 登簿时间 gmt_record,登簿人 user_record from zzbdc.bdc_kszy a where trunc(登簿时间)=v_tx_date union all select distinct qicguid, 登簿时间,登簿人 from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy where trunc(登簿时间)=v_tx_date union all select distinct to_char(id0), 登簿时间,登簿人 from zzbdc.bdc_zz_cfdj a where trunc(登簿时间)=v_tx_date ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_record_end=b.gmt_record, a.user_record=b.user_record, a.record_flag='1'; commit; --处理异常数据 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select distinct qicguid caseno,登簿时间 gmt_record,登簿人 user_record from zzbdc.bdc_kszy a where exists(select 1 from dw_case_collect c where a.qicguid=c.caseno and c.record_flag='0') and a.权属状态 in('1','2') union all select distinct qicguid, 登簿时间,登簿人 from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy a where exists(select 1 from dw_case_collect c where a.qicguid=c.caseno and c.record_flag='0') and a.权属状态 in('1','2','4') union all select distinct to_char(id0),登簿时间,登簿人 from zzbdc.bdc_zz_cfdj a where exists(select 1 from dw_case_collect c where to_char(a.id0)=c.caseno and c.record_flag='0') and a.权属状态!='0' ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_record_end=nvl(b.gmt_record,a.gmt_accept_start), a.user_record=b.user_record, a.record_flag='1'; commit; --更新缮证时间 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select distinct qicguid caseno, nvl(缮证时间,登簿时间) gmt_make, 1 c1, 0 c2, 缮证人 user_make from zzbdc.bdc_kszy a where 是否出证='1' and 印刷序列号 is not null and trunc(nvl(缮证时间,登簿时间))=v_tx_date union all select distinct qicguid, nvl(缮证时间,登簿时间), 0, 1, 缮证人 from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy where 是否出证='1' and 印刷序列号 is not null and trunc(nvl(缮证时间,登簿时间))=v_tx_date ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_make_end=b.gmt_make, a.user_make=b.user_make, a.count_make_certificate=b.c1, a.count_make_certification=b.c2; commit; --更新缴费 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select qicguid caseno, 受理日期 gmt_charge, 缴费金额 charge from zzbdc.bdc_kssf where trunc(受理日期)=v_tx_date ) b on (a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.gmt_charge_end=b.gmt_charge, a.charge=b.charge; commit; --更新快速业务相关状态 update dw_case_collect a set refuse_flag='1', gmt_refuse=nvl(gmt_make_end,nvl(gmt_record_end,gmt_accept_start)) where additional_flag='0' and refuse_flag='0' and fast_flag='1' and ( exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_kszy b where a.caseno=b.qicguid and b.权属状态='3') or exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy b where a.caseno=b.qicguid and b.权属状态='3') ); commit; update dw_case_collect a set refuse_flag='1', gmt_refuse=nvl(gmt_make_end,nvl(gmt_record_end,gmt_accept_start)) where additional_flag='0' and refuse_flag='0' and fast_flag='1' and substr(regist_type,1,2)='01' and not exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_kszy b where a.caseno=b.qicguid); commit; update dw_case_collect a set refuse_flag='1', gmt_refuse=nvl(gmt_make_end,nvl(gmt_record_end,gmt_accept_start)) where additional_flag='0' and refuse_flag='0' and fast_flag='1' and substr(regist_type,1,2)='02' and not exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_ksdy b where a.caseno=b.qicguid); commit; update dw_case_collect a set refuse_flag='1', gmt_refuse=nvl(gmt_make_end,nvl(gmt_record_end,gmt_accept_start)) where additional_flag='0' and refuse_flag='0' and fast_flag='1' and substr(regist_type,1,2)='04' and not exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_zz_cfdj b where a.caseno=b.id0); commit; --更新异常标志 没有收件人、收件人已删除、无过程记录 update dw_case_collect set exception_flag=1 where dept is null and additional_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701';--权籍调查 测绘的不算 commit; --快速件受理时间为空 update dw_case_collect set exception_flag=1 where gmt_accept_start is null and refuse_flag='0' and additional_flag='0' and fast_flag='1'; commit; --更新案卷耗时 --处理历史 merge into dw_case_collect a using( select a.caseno,case when a.record_flag='0' then v_tx_date when a.record_flag='1' and ((fast_flag='0' and a.gmt_make_start is null) or (fast_flag='1' and regist_type in('0204','0401','0404'))) then a.gmt_record_end when a.gmt_make_end is not null then a.gmt_make_end else v_tx_date end end_time, trunc(a.gmt_accept_start) start_date, count(1) days from dw_case_collect a left join zzbdc.wfholiday b on b.hday between a.gmt_accept_start and case when a.record_flag='0' then v_tx_date when a.record_flag='1' and ((fast_flag='0' and a.gmt_make_start is null) or (fast_flag='1' and regist_type in('0204','0401','0404'))) then a.gmt_record_end when a.gmt_make_end is not null then a.gmt_make_end else v_tx_date end where a.cost_time is null and gmt_accept_start is not null and a.regist_type!='0701' and a.refuse_flag='0' and a.additional_flag='0' group by a.caseno,a.regist_type,a.record_flag,a.fast_flag,a.gmt_accept_start,a.gmt_make_start,a.gmt_record_end,a.gmt_make_end ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.cost_time=decode(b.start_date, trunc(b.end_time), decode(b.end_time,v_tx_date, b.end_time-b.start_date, b.end_time-a.gmt_accept_start), decode(b.end_time,v_tx_date, b.end_time-b.start_date-b.days, b.end_time-b.start_date-b.days-1)); commit; --未办结 update dw_case_collect set cost_time=v_tx_date-trunc(gmt_accept_start)-(select count(1) from zzbdc.wfholiday where hday>gmt_accept_start and hday<=v_tx_date) where regist_type!='0701' and record_flag='0' and additional_flag='0'; commit; --不发证办结 update dw_case_collect set cost_time=decode( trunc(gmt_record_end), trunc(gmt_accept_start), gmt_record_end-gmt_accept_start, gmt_record_end-trunc(gmt_accept_start)-1-(select count(1) from zzbdc.wfholiday where hday>gmt_accept_start and hday<gmt_record_end)) where ((fast_flag='0' and gmt_make_start is null) or (fast_flag='1' and regist_type in('0204','0401','0404'))) and trunc(gmt_record_end)=v_tx_date and record_flag='1' and additional_flag='0'; commit; --发证已办结 update dw_case_collect set cost_time=gmt_make_end-trunc(gmt_accept_start)-1-(select count(1) from zzbdc.wfholiday where hday>gmt_accept_start and hday<gmt_make_end) where gmt_make_start is not null and trunc(gmt_make_end)=v_tx_date and record_flag='1' and additional_flag='0'; --发证未办结 update dw_case_collect set cost_time=v_tx_date-trunc(gmt_accept_start)-(select count(1) from zzbdc.wfholiday where hday>gmt_accept_start and hday<v_tx_date) where (gmt_make_start is not null or regist_type in('0102','0201')) and gmt_make_end is null and record_flag='1' and additional_flag='0'; commit; --实时预警超期 merge into dw_case_warn a using( select a.caseno,a.dept,nvl(b.atext,'收件') atext,b.uname,a.cost_time,d.房屋坐落||e.产权坐落||f.产权坐落 location, case when a.regist_type in ('0204','0504','0604') then 1 when a.regist_type in ('0201','0221','0304') then 5 when a.regist_type in ('0102','0305') then 7 else 20 end promise_time from dw_case_collect a left join ( select caseno,trim(atext) atext,u.uname,row_number() over(partition by caseno order by pid desc) rn from zzbdc.wfprocess p left join zzbdc.sysuser u on p.utuser=u.id ) b on a.caseno=b.caseno and b.rn=1 left join zzbdc.bdc_ksdy d on a.caseno=d.qicguid left join zzbdc.bdc_kszy e on a.caseno=e.qicguid left join zzbdc.bdc_zz_cfdj f on a.caseno=to_char(f.id0) where (a.record_flag='0' or (a.record_flag='1' and a.gmt_make_start is not null and a.gmt_make_end is null) or ( a.regist_type in('0102','0201') and a.gmt_make_end is null)) and case when a.regist_type in ('0204','0504','0604') then 1 when a.regist_type in ('0201','0221','0304') then 5 when a.regist_type in ('0102','0305') then 7 else 20 end-a.cost_time<=case when a.regist_type in ('0204','0504','0604') then 0 else 1 end and a.gmt_accept_start>to_date('20180101','yyyymmdd') and a.refuse_flag='0' ) b on(a.caseno=b.caseno) when matched then update set a.atext=b.atext,a.user_name=b.uname,a.cost_time=b.cost_time,a.state=decode(b.promise_time-b.cost_time,1,1,2) when not matched then insert(caseno, location, dept, atext, user_name, promise_time, cost_time, state ) values(b.caseno, decode(b.location,null,null,'/'||b.location), b.dept, b.atext, b.uname, b.promise_time, b.cost_time, decode(b.promise_time-b.cost_time,1,1,2) ); commit; delete from dw_case_warn a where exists(select 1 from dw_case_collect b where a.caseno=b.caseno and b.refuse_flag='1'); delete from dw_case_warn a where exists(select 1 from dw_case_collect b where a.caseno=b.caseno and b.regist_type='0304') and exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_yw_sz c where a.caseno=c.受理编号 and c.印刷序列号 is not null and c.缮证时间 is not null); UPDATE DW_CASE_WARN a SET busi_type='1' WHERE a.busi_type IS NULL and exists(SELECT 1 FROM DW_CASE_COLLECT b WHERE a.CASENO=b.caseno AND b.fast_flag='0'); UPDATE DW_CASE_WARN a SET busi_type='2' WHERE a.busi_type IS NULL and exists(SELECT 1 FROM zzbdc.BDC_ZZ_CFDJ b WHERE a.CASENO=to_char(b.id0)); UPDATE DW_CASE_WARN a SET busi_type='3' WHERE a.busi_type IS NULL and exists(SELECT 1 FROM zzbdc.BDC_KSZY b WHERE a.CASENO=b.QICGUID); UPDATE DW_CASE_WARN a SET busi_type='4' WHERE a.busi_type IS NULL and exists(SELECT 1 FROM zzbdc.BDC_KSDY b WHERE a.CASENO=b.QICGUID); --更新所有超期标志 update dw_case_collect set exceed_flag='1' where exceed_flag='0' and additional_flag='0' and cost_time>=20; commit; update dw_case_collect set exceed_flag='1' where exceed_flag='0' and additional_flag='0' and regist_type in('0201','0221','0304') --抵押 联合抵押 预告抵押 5天 and cost_time>=5; commit; update dw_case_collect set exceed_flag='1' where exceed_flag='0' and additional_flag='0' and regist_type in('0102','0305') --转移 转移抵押联合办理 预告注销 7天 and cost_time>=7; commit; update dw_case_collect set exceed_flag='1' where exceed_flag='0' and additional_flag='0' and regist_type in('0204','0504','0604') --抵押注销 地役权注销登记 异议注销 1天 and cost_time>=1; commit; --更新收件部门为1-3,改为1-3-2 update dw_case_collect set dept='1-3-2' where dept='1-3'; commit; --更新登记类型列表 delete from stats_regist_type where group_name='noclass'; insert into stats_regist_type select rownum,'noclass',null,regist_type,regist_type_desc,null from( select distinct regist_type,regist_type_desc from dw_case_collect where additional_flag='0' order by regist_type,regist_type_desc ); commit; --执行完毕 o_status:=1; exception when others then rollback; --发生异常,同样需要清空表,以防止无法修改临时表表结构 o_status:=99; o_info:=SQLCODE||'---'||SQLERRM||'---'||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace; end;
create or replace procedure PDW_CASE_DEAL_DAY(p_tx_date date, o_status out integer, o_info out varchar2) /************************************************** * 作 者:XXX 日 期:2017-11-8 功 能: 汇集每日不同部门不同业务受理业务量 算 法: 1.按日期、部门、业务类型汇总 2.补录、异常和权籍调查数据不会计入 源 表: dw_case_collect 临 时 表: tmp_case_deal_day 目 标 表: dw_case_deal_day 修改历史: 时间 内容 修改人 ------------ ----------------------------------- -------- 2014-3-3 添加注释说明 XXX **************************************************/ is v_tx_date date; v_date_id varchar2(8); begin o_status:=0; v_tx_date:=trunc(p_tx_date); v_date_id:=to_char(v_tx_date,'yyyymmdd'); --清空临时表 execute immediate 'truncate table tmp_case_deal_day'; --插入收件数据 insert into tmp_case_deal_day( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_accept_case, count_accept_busi ) select v_date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno), sum(busi_count) from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_accept_start)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc; commit; --更新初审 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_check_start)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_check_case=b.case_count, a.count_check_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_check_case, count_check_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新复审 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_recheck_start)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_recheck_case=b.case_count, a.count_recheck_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_recheck_case, count_recheck_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新核定 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_ratify_start)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_ratify_case=b.case_count, a.count_ratify_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_ratify_case, count_ratify_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新登簿 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_record_end)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and record_flag='1' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_record_case=b.case_count, a.count_record_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_record_case, count_record_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新缮证 以截止时间计入当天 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count, sum(count_make_certificate) certificate_count, sum(count_make_certification) certification_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_make_end)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' and (count_make_certificate!=0 or count_make_certification!=0) group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_make_case=b.case_count, a.count_make_busi=b.busi_count, a.count_make_certificate=b.certificate_count, a.count_make_certification=b.certification_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_make_case, count_make_busi, count_make_certificate, count_make_certification ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count, b.certificate_count, b.certification_count ); commit; --更新缴费 以截止时间计入当天 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count, sum(charge) charge, sum(charge_production) charge_production, sum(charge_redidence) charge_redidence, sum(charge_not_redidence) charge_not_redidence from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_charge_end)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' and charge!=0 group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_charge_case=b.case_count, a.count_charge_busi=b.busi_count, a.charge=b.charge, a.charge_production=b.charge_production, a.charge_redidence=b.charge_redidence, a.charge_not_redidence=b.charge_not_redidence when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_charge_case, count_charge_busi, charge, charge_production, charge_redidence, charge_not_redidence ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count, b.charge, b.charge_production, b.charge_redidence, b.charge_not_redidence ); commit; --更新发证 存在已发证但没有移交归档情况 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect c where trunc(gmt_send_end)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' and exists(select 1 from zzbdc.bdc_yw_fz z where c.caseno=z.受理编号 and trunc(z.发证时间)<=v_tx_date) group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_send_case=b.case_count, a.count_send_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_send_case, count_send_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新归档 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_archive_end)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and archive_flag='1' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_archive_case=b.case_count, a.count_archive_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_archive_case, count_archive_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新退件 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect where trunc(gmt_refuse)=v_tx_date and additional_flag='0' and exception_flag='0' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_refuse_case=b.case_count, a.count_refuse_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_refuse_case, count_refuse_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更新超期 merge into tmp_case_deal_day a using( select v_date_id date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count(caseno) case_count, sum(busi_count) busi_count from dw_case_collect a where case when trunc(gmt_record_end)=v_tx_date and ((fast_flag='0' and gmt_make_start is null) or (fast_flag='1' and regist_type in('0102','0201'))) then 1 when trunc(gmt_make_end)=v_tx_date and(fast_flag='1' or exists(select 1 from zzbdc.wfprocess p where a.caseno=p.caseno and p.atext in('缴费','发证','归档') and p.flag=1)) then 1 else 0 end=1 and exceed_flag='1' and exception_flag='0' and record_flag='1' and regist_type!='0701' group by dept,regist_type,regist_type_desc ) b on (a.date_id=b.date_id and a.dept=b.dept and a.regist_type=b.regist_type and a.regist_type_desc=b.regist_type_desc ) when matched then update set a.count_exceed_case=b.case_count, a.count_exceed_busi=b.busi_count when not matched then insert ( date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_exceed_case, count_exceed_busi ) values( b.date_id, b.dept, b.regist_type, b.regist_type_desc, b.case_count, b.busi_count ); commit; --更改目标表 delete from dw_case_deal_day where date_id=v_date_id; insert into dw_case_deal_day select date_id, dept, regist_type, regist_type_desc, count_accept_case, count_accept_busi, count_check_case, count_check_busi, count_recheck_case, count_recheck_busi, count_ratify_case, count_ratify_busi, count_record_case, count_record_busi, count_make_case, count_make_busi, count_charge_case, count_charge_busi, charge, charge_production, charge_redidence, charge_not_redidence, count_send_case, count_send_busi, count_archive_case, count_archive_busi, count_refuse_case, count_refuse_busi, count_make_certificate, count_make_certification, count_exceed_case, count_exceed_busi from tmp_case_deal_day; commit; --执行完毕 o_status:=1; exception when others then rollback; --发生异常 o_status:=99; o_info:=SQLCODE||'---'||SQLERRM||'---'||dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace; end PDW_CASE_DEAL_DAY;
create or replace procedure pstats_dept is begin execute immediate 'truncate table stats_dept'; insert into stats_dept select a.dno,b.dno,a.did,a.dname,a.部门简称,a.部门排序,'0' from zzbdc.sysdept a left join zzbdc.sysdept b on a.dpid=b.did; commit; update stats_dept set short_name='市中心' where short_name='市局'; update stats_dept set short_name='东区合署',order_id=10 where dname='东区合署办公'; update stats_dept set short_name='北区合署',order_id=11 where dname='北区合署办公'; update stats_dept set short_name='西区合署',order_id=12 where dname='西区合署办公'; update stats_dept set short_name='新郑市' where dname='新郑市不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='登封市' where dname='登封市不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='中牟县' where dname='中牟县不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='荥阳市' where dname='荥阳市不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='上街区' where dname='上街区不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='新密市' where dname='新密市不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='航空港区' where dname='郑州航空港区不动产登记中心'; update stats_dept set short_name='托管区' where dname='托管区不动产登记中心'; commit; for v in(select did,dno from zzbdc.sysdept) loop insert into stats_dept select dno,v.dno,did,dname,null,null,'1' from zzbdc.sysdept connect by prior did=dpid start with did=v.did; commit; end loop; end pstats_dept;