• K-Means 聚类算法

    K-Means 概念定义:

    K-Means 是一种基于距离的排他的聚类划分方法。

    上面的 K-Means 描述中包含了几个概念:

    • 聚类(Clustering):K-Means 是一种聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)方法。聚类就是将数据对象分组成为多个类或者簇 (Cluster),使得在同一个簇中的对象之间具有较高的相似度,而不同簇中的对象差别较大。
    • 划分(Partitioning):聚类可以基于划分,也可以基于分层。划分即将对象划分成不同的簇,而分层是将对象分等级。
    • 排他(Exclusive):对于一个数据对象,只能被划分到一个簇中。如果一个数据对象可以被划分到多个簇中,则称为可重叠的(Overlapping)。
    • 距离(Distance):基于距离的聚类是将距离近的相似的对象聚在一起。基于概率分布模型的聚类是在一组对象中,找到能符合特定分布模型的对象的集合,他们不一定是距离最近的或者最相似的,而是能完美的呈现出概率分布模型所描述的模型。

    K-Means 问题描述:

    给定一个 n 个对象的数据集,它可以构建数据的 k 个划分,每个划分就是一个簇,并且 k ≤ n。同时还需满足:

    1. 每个组至少包含一个对象。
    2. 每个对象必须属于且仅属于一个簇。

    Simply speaking, K-Means clustering is an algorithm to classify or to group your objects based on attributes/features, into K number of groups. K is a positive integer number. The grouping is done by minimizing the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid. Thus, the purpose of K-means clustering is to classify the data.

    例如,有如下包含 10 条数据的集合。集合中每项描述了一个人的身高(Height: inches)和体重(Weight: kilograms)。

    Height Weight
    (73.0, 72.6) 
    (61.0, 54.4) 
    (67.0, 99.9) 
    (68.0, 97.3) 
    (62.0, 59.0) 
    (75.0, 81.6) 
    (74.0, 77.1) 
    (66.0, 97.3) 
    (68.0, 93.3) 
    (61.0, 59.0)

    通过按照身高和体重的聚类,可以将上述 10 条数据分组成 3 类。

    Height Weight
    (67.0, 99.9) 
    (68.0, 97.3) 
    (66.0, 97.3) 
    (68.0, 93.3)
    (73.0, 72.6) 
    (75.0, 81.6) 
    (74.0, 77.1)
    (61.0, 54.4) 
    (62.0, 59.0) 
    (61.0, 59.0)


    K-Means 算法实现:

    由于 K-Means 算法值针对给定的完整数据集进行操作,不需要任何特殊的训练数据,所以 K-Means 是一种无监督的机器学习方法(Unsupervised Machine Learning Technique)。

    K-Means 算法最常见的实现方式是使用迭代式精化启发法的 Lloyd's algorithm

    • 给定划分数量 k。创建一个初始划分,从数据集中随机地选择 k 个对象,每个对象初始地代表了一个簇中心(Cluster Centroid)。对于其他对象,计算其与各个簇中心的距离,将它们划入距离最近的簇。
    • 采用迭代的重定位技术,尝试通过对象在划分间移动来改进划分。所谓重定位技术,就是当有新的对象加入簇或者已有对象离开簇的时候,重新计算簇的平均值,然后对对象进行重新分配。这个过程不断重复,直到各簇中对象不再变化为止。
    randomly assign all data items to a cluster 
    loop until no change in cluster assignments 
      compute centroids for each cluster 
      reassign each data item to cluster of closest centroid 


    initialize clustering 
      update centroids 
      update clustering 
    end loop

    应用 K-Means 算法到上述身高与体重的示例,聚类过程如下图所示。

    K-Means 优缺点:

    当结果簇是密集的,而且簇和簇之间的区别比较明显时,K-Means 的效果较好。对于大数据集,K-Means 是相对可伸缩的和高效的,它的复杂度是 O(nkt),n 是对象的个数,k 是簇的数目,t 是迭代的次数,通常 k << n,且 t << n,所以算法经常以局部最优结束。

    K-Means 的最大问题是要求先给出 k 的个数。k 的选择一般基于经验值和多次实验结果,对于不同的数据集,k 的取值没有可借鉴性。另外,K-Means 对孤立点数据是敏感的,少量噪声数据就能对平均值造成极大的影响。

    Basic K-Means - Lloyd's algorithm C# 代码实现:

    Code below referenced from Machine Learning Using C# Succinctly by James McCaffrey, and article K-Means Data Clustering Using C#.

      1 using System;
      3 namespace ClusterNumeric
      4 {
      5   class ClusterNumProgram
      6   {
      7     static void Main(string[] args)
      8     {
      9       Console.WriteLine("
    Begin k-means clustering demo
     11       double[][] rawData = new double[10][];
     12       rawData[0] = new double[] { 73, 72.6 };
     13       rawData[1] = new double[] { 61, 54.4 };
     14       rawData[2] = new double[] { 67, 99.9 };
     15       rawData[3] = new double[] { 68, 97.3 };
     16       rawData[4] = new double[] { 62, 59.0 };
     17       rawData[5] = new double[] { 75, 81.6 };
     18       rawData[6] = new double[] { 74, 77.1 };
     19       rawData[7] = new double[] { 66, 97.3 };
     20       rawData[8] = new double[] { 68, 93.3 };
     21       rawData[9] = new double[] { 61, 59.0 };
     23       Console.WriteLine("Raw unclustered height (in.) weight (kg.) data:
     24       Console.WriteLine(" ID Height Weight");
     25       Console.WriteLine("---------------------");
     26       ShowData(rawData, 1, true, true);
     28       int numClusters = 3;
     29       Console.WriteLine("
    Setting numClusters to " + numClusters);
     31       Console.WriteLine("Starting clustering using k-means algorithm");
     32       Clusterer c = new Clusterer(numClusters);
     33       int[] clustering = c.Cluster(rawData);
     34       Console.WriteLine("Clustering complete
     36       Console.WriteLine("Final clustering in internal form:
     37       ShowVector(clustering, true);
     39       Console.WriteLine("Raw data by cluster:
     40       Console.WriteLine(" ID Height Weight");
     41       ShowClustered(rawData, clustering, numClusters, 1);
     43       Console.WriteLine("
    End k-means clustering demo
     44       Console.ReadLine();
     45     }
     47     static void ShowData(
     48       double[][] data, int decimals,
     49       bool indices, bool newLine)
     50     {
     51       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
     52       {
     53         if (indices == true)
     54           Console.Write(i.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " ");
     56         for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
     57         {
     58           double v = data[i][j];
     59           Console.Write(v.ToString("F" + decimals) + "   ");
     60         }
     62         Console.WriteLine("");
     63       }
     65       if (newLine == true)
     66         Console.WriteLine("");
     67     }
     69     static void ShowVector(int[] vector, bool newLine)
     70     {
     71       for (int i = 0; i < vector.Length; ++i)
     72         Console.Write(vector[i] + " ");
     74       if (newLine == true)
     75         Console.WriteLine("
     76     }
     78     static void ShowClustered(
     79       double[][] data, int[] clustering,
     80       int numClusters, int decimals)
     81     {
     82       for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
     83       {
     84         Console.WriteLine("===================");
     85         for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
     86         {
     87           int clusterID = clustering[i];
     88           if (clusterID != k) continue;
     89           Console.Write(i.ToString().PadLeft(3) + " ");
     90           for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
     91           {
     92             double v = data[i][j];
     93             Console.Write(v.ToString("F" + decimals) + "   ");
     94           }
     95           Console.WriteLine("");
     96         }
     97         Console.WriteLine("===================");
     98       }
     99     }
    100   }
    102   public class Clusterer
    103   {
    104     private int numClusters; // number of clusters 
    105     private int[] clustering; // index = a tuple, value = cluster ID 
    106     private double[][] centroids; // mean (vector) of each cluster 
    107     private Random rnd; // for initialization 
    109     public Clusterer(int numClusters)
    110     {
    111       this.numClusters = numClusters;
    112       this.centroids = new double[numClusters][];
    113       this.rnd = new Random(0); // arbitrary seed 
    114     }
    116     public int[] Cluster(double[][] data)
    117     {
    118       int numTuples = data.Length;
    119       int numValues = data[0].Length;
    120       this.clustering = new int[numTuples];
    122       for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k) // allocate each centroid 
    123         this.centroids[k] = new double[numValues];
    125       InitRandom(data);
    127       Console.WriteLine("
    Initial random clustering:");
    128       for (int i = 0; i < clustering.Length; ++i)
    129         Console.Write(clustering[i] + " ");
    130       Console.WriteLine("
    132       bool changed = true; // change in clustering? 
    133       int maxCount = numTuples * 10; // sanity check 
    134       int ct = 0;
    135       while (changed == true && ct <= maxCount)
    136       {
    137         ++ct; // k-means typically converges very quickly 
    138         UpdateCentroids(data); // no effect if fail 
    139         changed = UpdateClustering(data); // no effect if fail 
    140       }
    142       int[] result = new int[numTuples];
    143       Array.Copy(this.clustering, result, clustering.Length);
    144       return result;
    145     }
    147     private void InitRandom(double[][] data)
    148     {
    149       int numTuples = data.Length;
    151       int clusterID = 0;
    152       for (int i = 0; i < numTuples; ++i)
    153       {
    154         clustering[i] = clusterID++;
    155         if (clusterID == numClusters)
    156           clusterID = 0;
    157       }
    158       for (int i = 0; i < numTuples; ++i)
    159       {
    160         int r = rnd.Next(i, clustering.Length);
    161         int tmp = clustering[r];
    162         clustering[r] = clustering[i];
    163         clustering[i] = tmp;
    164       }
    165     }
    167     private void UpdateCentroids(double[][] data)
    168     {
    169       int[] clusterCounts = new int[numClusters];
    170       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
    171       {
    172         int clusterID = clustering[i];
    173         ++clusterCounts[clusterID];
    174       }
    176       // zero-out this.centroids so it can be used as scratch 
    177       for (int k = 0; k < centroids.Length; ++k)
    178         for (int j = 0; j < centroids[k].Length; ++j)
    179           centroids[k][j] = 0.0;
    181       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
    182       {
    183         int clusterID = clustering[i];
    184         for (int j = 0; j < data[i].Length; ++j)
    185           centroids[clusterID][j] += data[i][j]; // accumulate sum 
    186       }
    188       for (int k = 0; k < centroids.Length; ++k)
    189         for (int j = 0; j < centroids[k].Length; ++j)
    190           centroids[k][j] /= clusterCounts[k]; // danger? 
    191     }
    193     private bool UpdateClustering(double[][] data)
    194     {
    195       // (re)assign each tuple to a cluster (closest centroid) 
    196       // returns false if no tuple assignments change OR 
    197       // if the reassignment would result in a clustering where 
    198       // one or more clusters have no tuples. 
    200       bool changed = false; // did any tuple change cluster? 
    202       int[] newClustering = new int[clustering.Length]; // proposed result 
    203       Array.Copy(clustering, newClustering, clustering.Length);
    205       double[] distances = new double[numClusters]; // from tuple to centroids
    207       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i) // walk through each tuple 
    208       {
    209         for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
    210           distances[k] = Distance(data[i], centroids[k]);
    212         int newClusterID = MinIndex(distances); // find closest centroid 
    213         if (newClusterID != newClustering[i])
    214         {
    215           changed = true; // note a new clustering 
    216           newClustering[i] = newClusterID; // accept update 
    217         }
    218       }
    220       if (changed == false)
    221         return false; // no change so bail 
    223       // check proposed clustering cluster counts 
    224       int[] clusterCounts = new int[numClusters];
    225       for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
    226       {
    227         int clusterID = newClustering[i];
    228         ++clusterCounts[clusterID];
    229       }
    231       for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; ++k)
    232         if (clusterCounts[k] == 0)
    233           return false; // bad clustering 
    235       Array.Copy(newClustering, clustering, newClustering.Length); // update 
    236       return true; // good clustering and at least one change 
    237     }
    239     // Euclidean distance between two vectors for UpdateClustering() 
    240     private static double Distance(double[] tuple, double[] centroid)
    241     {
    242       double sumSquaredDiffs = 0.0;
    243       for (int j = 0; j < tuple.Length; ++j)
    244         sumSquaredDiffs += (tuple[j] - centroid[j]) * (tuple[j] - centroid[j]);
    245       return Math.Sqrt(sumSquaredDiffs);
    246     }
    248     // helper for UpdateClustering() to find closest centroid 
    249     private static int MinIndex(double[] distances)
    250     {
    251       int indexOfMin = 0;
    252       double smallDist = distances[0];
    253       for (int k = 1; k < distances.Length; ++k)
    254       {
    255         if (distances[k] < smallDist)
    256         {
    257           smallDist = distances[k];
    258           indexOfMin = k;
    259         }
    260       }
    261       return indexOfMin;
    262     }
    263   }
    264 }



    本篇文章《K-Means 聚类算法》由 Dennis Gao 发表自博客园个人博客,未经作者本人同意禁止以任何的形式转载,任何自动的或人为的爬虫转载行为均为耍流氓。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaochundong/p/kmeans_clustering.html
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