• 字符串测试代码 split(String regex,int limits)用法

    package zhangjiakou.anjoyo;

    public class StringDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args){
     String str = new String("aabcdefg");
     String str1 = new String("abcdefgh");
    // System.out.println(str1.contains(str));
    // System.out.println("******************************");
    // System.out.println(str.endsWith("efg"));
     //valueof 第二个参数指定位置  第三个参数从这个位置开始计数 几个字符转换成字符串
     //指定的第二三个参数 位置越界 字符串越界异常
    // String str2 = str.valueOf(new char[] {'a','b','c'},0,2);
    // System.out.println(str2);
     //System.out.println(str.valueOf(new StringBuffer()));
    /*toCharArray 不管你给不给新建的字符数组长度 这个字符数组对象 保存的都是 这个字符串内容*/ 
    // char[] ch = new char[0];
    // ch = str.toCharArray();
    // for(int i = 0; i < ch.length;i++)
    //  System.out.println(ch[i]);
    // byte[] bt = new byte[]{'a','b',67,68};
    // try{
    // String str3 = new String(bt,0,3,"US-ASCII");
    // System.out.println(str3);
    // }
    // catch(Exception e){
    //  e.printStackTrace();
    // }
     String[] s = str.split("");
     for(int i = 0; i < s.length;i++)

    • split

      public String[] split(String regex,
                   int limit)
      Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.

      The array returned by this method contains each substring of this string that is terminated by another substring that matches the given expression or is terminated by the end of the string. The substrings in the array are in the order in which they occur in this string. If the expression does not match any part of the input then the resulting array has just one element, namely this string.

      The limit parameter controls the number of times the pattern is applied and therefore affects the length of the resulting array. If the limit n is greater than zero then the pattern will be applied at most n - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than n, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched delimiter. If n is non-positive then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible and the array can have any length. If n is zero then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible, the array can have any length, and trailing empty strings will be discarded.

      The string "boo:and:foo", for example, yields the following results with these parameters:

      : 2 { "boo", "and:foo" }
      : 5 { "boo", "and", "foo" }
      : -2 { "boo", "and", "foo" }
      o 5 { "b", "", ":and:f", "", "" }
      o -2 { "b", "", ":and:f", "", "" }
      o 0 { "b", "", ":and:f" }

      An invocation of this method of the form str.split(regex, n) yields the same result as the expression

      Pattern.compile(regex).split(str, n)
      regex - the delimiting regular expression
      limit - the result threshold, as described above
      the array of strings computed by splitting this string around matches of the given regular expression
      PatternSyntaxException - if the regular expression's syntax is invalid
      See Also:
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaoanchen/p/3383454.html
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