其实scrapy想要玩得好,还是需要大量全栈知识的。scrapy 被比喻为爬虫里的django,框架和django类似。
- pip3 install scrapy
- 安装twsited
a. pip3 install wheel
b. 下载twisted http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#twisted
c. 进入下载目录,执行 pip3 install Twisted-xxxxx.whl
- 安装scrapy
d. pip3 install scrapy -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com
- 安装pywin32
e. pip3 install pywin32 -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com
快速使用 Scrapy:
scrapy startproject test
cd test
scrapy genspider chouti chouti.com
# 开爬命令
scrapy crawl chouti --nolog
爬虫文件 chouti.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scrapy # import sys,os # sys.stdout=io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer,encoding='gb18030') # 如果windows cmd有乱码,加此行 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from scrapy.selector import HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.http import Request from ..items import KillerItem class ChoutiSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'chouti' allowed_domains = ['chouti.com'] start_urls = ['https://dig.chouti.com/all/discovery/sh/1'] def parse(self, response): # print(response.text) """ 当起始URL下载完毕后,自动执行parse函数:response封装了响应相关的所有内容。 :param response: :return: """ hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response=response) # 去下载的页面中:找新闻 items = hxs.xpath("//div[@id='content-list']/div[@class='item']") for item in items: # 从当前位置开始找子孙.// //从根开始找子孙 /只找儿子 @ 后面是属性 a[1] 第一个A标签 href = item.xpath('.//div[@class="part1"]//a[1]/@href').extract_first() # a[1]/text() 拿A标签下的文本 .extract_first() 解析第一个文本 text = item.xpath('.//div[@class="part1"]//a[1]/text()').extract_first() item = KillerItem(title=text.strip(), href=href) yield item # 固定写法 交给pipelines # 抓取页码 pages = hxs.xpath('//div[@id="page-area"]//a[@class="ct_pagepa"]/@href').extract() # 解析全部 for page_url in pages: page_url = "https://dig.chouti.com" + page_url yield Request(url=page_url, callback=self.parse) # 回调函数 调用解析器 ''' # 通过自定义的 start_requests 函数来指定不同的回调函数 def start_requests(self): for url in self.start_urls: yield Request(url=url, callback=self.parse2) # 另一种方式:返回一个列表 def start_requests(self): req_list = [] for url in self.start_urls: req_list.append(Request(url=url, callback=self.parse2)) return req_list def parse2(self): pass '''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Define here the models for your scraped items # # See documentation in: # https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/items.html import scrapy class KillerItem(scrapy.Item): # define the fields for your item here like: # name = scrapy.Field() title = scrapy.Field() href = scrapy.Field()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Define your item pipelines here # # Don't forget to add your pipeline to the ITEM_PIPELINES setting # See: https://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html # 需要先开启 settings 中注册 class KillerPipeline(object): def process_item(self, item, spider): self.f.write(item['title'] + ' ') self.f.write(item['href'] + ' ') self.f.flush() return item def open_spider(self, spider): """ 爬虫开始执行时,调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.f = open('url.log', 'a', encoding='utf-8') def close_spider(self, spider): """ 爬虫关闭时,被调用 :param spider: :return: """ self.f.close() class DBPipeline(object): def process_item(self, item, spider): print('数据库', item) return item def open_spider(self, spider): """ 爬虫开始执行时,调用 :param spider: :return: """ print('打开数据') def close_spider(self, spider): """ 爬虫关闭时,被调用 :param spider: :return: """ print('关闭数据库')
settings.py 中加入:
# 优先级0~1000 数字越小,越先执行 ITEM_PIPELINES = { 'killer.pipelines.KillerPipeline': 300, }
后面会用到 scrapy-redis组件,结合redis来实现
先补充个基本的知识: 队列和栈 queue & stack
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding:utf-8 # 定义序列 lst = [] def enpush(i): lst.append(i) print(i) def enpop(): if (len(lst) == 0): print("队列为空,无法出队") else: print("出队元素为:", lst.pop(0)) # 右入左出 enpush(10) enpush(20) enpush(2) print("当前列表为:", lst) enpop() enpop() enpop() enpop() # 定义序列 lis = [] def pop(): if (len(lis) == 0): print("栈为空", "无法出栈") else: print("此次出栈元素:", lis.pop()) def push(i): lis.append(i) # 右入右出 push(1) push(2) push(3) print("当前栈内:",lis) pop() pop() pop() pop()
import redis conn = redis.Redis(host='',port=6379) # conn.set('k1','v1') # conn.get('k1') # 1. 集合的操作 ''' v =conn.sadd('test1','aaa') # 集合名称,数据 返回1成功 0失败 print(v) conn.sadd('test1','bbb','ccc','ddd') a = conn.scard('test1') # 集合中的数量 print(a) b = conn.smembers('test1') print(b) ''' # 2. 列表的操作 # 左插入 """ conn.lpush('users','alex','bob') conn.lpush('users','carry','david') res = conn.lrange('users',0,10) print(res) # 右插入 conn.rpush('users','Emilly') # 左弹出 t = conn.lpop('users') print(t) """ w = conn.keys() print(w)
有个redis管理工具:redis-desktop-manager 网上可以下载到。
在settings中启用 scrapy-redis 具体可参考武神的链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/articles/6229292.html
################连接redis的信息######################## REDIS_HOST = 'localhost' # 主机名 REDIS_PORT = 6379 # 端口 # REDIS_URL = 'redis://user:pass@hostname:9001' # 连接URL(优先于以上配置) REDIS_PARAMS = {} # Redis连接参数 # REDIS_PARAMS['redis_cls'] = 'myproject.RedisClient' # 指定连接Redis的Python模块 不写则默认:redis.StrictRedis REDIS_ENCODING = "utf-8" # 自定义去重规则 利用redis的内部实现,只需加下面一行即可 DUPEFILTER_CLASS = "scrapy_redis.dupefilter.RFPDupeFilter"
REDIS_PARAMS = {} 默认:REDIS_PARAMS = {'socket_timeout': 30,'socket_connect_timeout': 30,'retry_on_timeout': True,'encoding': REDIS_ENCODING,})
如果还想用 redis的调度器,则再加上以下配置
######## 以下参数会将任务和去重规则都放入redis中 # 引擎来执行:自定义调度器 既使用调度器又使用去重规则 SCHEDULER = "scrapy_redis.scheduler.Scheduler" # 默认使用优先级队列(默认 广度优先),其他:PriorityQueue(有序集合 广度优先),FifoQueue(列表 广度优先)、LifoQueue(列表 深度优先) SCHEDULER_QUEUE_CLASS = 'scrapy_redis.queue.PriorityQueue' SCHEDULER_QUEUE_KEY = '%(spider)s:requests' SCHEDULER_SERIALIZER = "scrapy_redis.picklecompat" SCHEDULER_PERSIST = True SCHEDULER_FLUSH_ON_START = False # SCHEDULER_IDLE_BEFORE_CLOSE = 10 SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_KEY = '%(spider)s:dupefilter' SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_CLASS = 'scrapy_redis.dupefilter.RFPDupeFilter' DUPEFILTER_DEBUG = False
SCHEDULER_DUPEFILTER_CLASS = 'scrapy.dupefilters.RFPDupeFilter'
使用redis pipeline做持久化,则在settings中加入:
ITEM_PIPELINES = { #启用 redis pipeline 持久化 'scrapy_redis.pipelines.RedisPipeline':301, }
此时,爬虫中的 yield item 将进入redis保存
import scrapy import sys,io from scrapy.selector import Selector,HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.http import Request from ..items import S3ScrapyTestItem class ChoutiSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'chouti_redis' allowed_domains = ['chouti.com'] start_urls = ['https://dig.chouti.com/'] def parse(self, response): hxs1 = Selector(response=response).xpath('//div[@id="content-list"]/div[@class="item"]') for i in hxs1: # 取 A 标签内容与链接 # href = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/@href').extract_first() print(href) title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/text()').extract_first().strip() if not title: # 下面方法虽然取出了包含<span>的内容,但是有太多空格 title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]') title = title.xpath('string(.)').extract_first().strip() # 去掉空白 title = title.replace(" ", '').replace(" ", '').replace(" ", '') # 所有的子节点文本 # title = "".join(i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]//text()').extract().strip()) print(title, ' ') # items 职责是格式化,包装成对象 yield S3ScrapyTestItem(title=title, href=href)
如果想要使用redis来设置起始 urls ,除了设置redis连接外,还要在配置文件中增加:
爬虫中主类继承 RedisSpider 不再写 start_urls
import scrapy import sys,io from scrapy.selector import Selector,HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.http import Request from ..items import S3ScrapyTestItem from scrapy_redis.spiders import RedisSpider # 继承RedisSpider 将会去redis中取出 start_ursl class ChoutiSpider(RedisSpider): name = 'chouti_redis' allowed_domains = ['chouti.com'] def parse(self, response): hxs1 = Selector(response=response).xpath('//div[@id="content-list"]/div[@class="item"]') for i in hxs1: # 取 A 标签内容与链接 # href = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/@href').extract_first() print(href) title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/text()').extract_first().strip() if not title: # 下面方法虽然取出了包含<span>的内容,但是有太多空格 title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]') title = title.xpath('string(.)').extract_first().strip() # 去掉空白 title = title.replace(" ", '').replace(" ", '').replace(" ", '') # 所有的子节点文本 # title = "".join(i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]//text()').extract().strip()) print(title, ' ') # 配置文件中'scrapy_redis.pipelines.RedisPipeline':301, 将决定下面的结果存入 redis yield S3ScrapyTestItem(title=title, href=href)
此时运行scrapy crawl chouti_redis 后,爬虫将一直处于待命状态
一旦redis中对应的键中出现数据,爬虫将自动开始动作。或者也可以先设置好redis中的start_urls 再运行爬虫。
简单地在 redis 中插入一个url, 运行py
import redis conn = redis.Redis(host='localhost',port=6379) # 起始URL的key: conn.lpush("chouti_redis:start_urls","https://dig.chouti.com/all/hot/recent/1")
在练习的过程中,一直没能下载到图片,直到发现,我把图片的地址从https 改成http立刻好了。
pipelines 中增加两个类,详见下面代码:
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol from twisted.web.client import Agent, getPage, ResponseDone, PotentialDataLoss # 增加下面两个类: class _ResponseReader(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self, finished, txresponse, file_name): self._finished = finished self._txresponse = txresponse self._bytes_received = 0 self.filename = "img/%s" % file_name self.f = open(self.filename, mode='wb') def dataReceived(self, bodyBytes): self._bytes_received += len(bodyBytes) # 一点一点地下载 self.f.write(bodyBytes) self.f.flush() def connectionLost(self, reason): if self._finished.called: return if reason.check(ResponseDone): # 下载完成 self._finished.callback((self._txresponse, 'success')) elif reason.check(PotentialDataLoss): # 下载部分 self._finished.callback((self._txresponse,'partial')) else: # 下载异常 self._finished.errback(reason) self.f.close() # 大文件下载 class BigfilePipeline(object): def process_item(self, item, spider): # 创建一个下载文件任务 if item['type'] == 'file': # print('文件名是:',item['img_src']) agent = Agent(reactor) # 实例化Agent d = agent.request( method=b'GET', uri=bytes(item['img_src'], encoding='ascii') ) # print('图片地址',bytes(item['img_src'], encoding='ascii')) # 当文件开始下载,自动执行self._cb_bodyready d.addCallback(self._cb_bodyready, file_name=item['file_name']) return d else: return item def _cb_bodyready(self, txresponse, file_name): # 创建 Deferred 对象,控制直到下载完成后,再关闭连接, 如果没有defer,则下载不成功。 d = defer.Deferred() # 目的是等待下载完成 d.addBoth(self.download_result) # 没有执行到这里 txresponse.deliverBody(_ResponseReader(d, txresponse, file_name)) return d def download_result(self, response): pass
settings中注册 BigfilePipeline
ITEM_PIPELINES = { 's3_scrapy_test.pipelines.S3ScrapyTestPipeline': 306, 's3_scrapy_test.pipelines.BigfilePipeline': 304, 'scrapy_redis.pipelines.RedisPipeline':307, }
爬虫文件:注意爬图片时的 item_obj的内容
import scrapy from scrapy.selector import Selector, HtmlXPathSelector from scrapy.http import Request from ..items import S3ScrapyTestItem class Chouti2Spider(scrapy.Spider): name = 'chouti2' allowed_domains = ['chouti.com'] start_urls = ['https://dig.chouti.com/'] # 设置数组用来存储 urls 并且手动去重 # 其实 Request 已经自带去重选项 visited_urls = set() def parse(self, response): """ response.meta = {'depth':''} # 深度 """ # 取包含每条新闻的 div hxs1 = Selector(response=response).xpath('//div[@id="content-list"]/div[@class="item"]') for i in hxs1: # 取 A 标签内容与链接 # href = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/@href').extract_first() print(href) title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]/text()').extract_first().strip() if not title: # 下面方法虽然取出了包含<span>的内容,但是有太多空格 title = i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]') title = title.xpath('string(.)').extract_first().strip() # 去掉空白 title = title.replace(" ",'').replace(" ",'').replace(" ",'') # 所有的子节点文本 # title = "".join(i.xpath('.//a[@class="show-content color-chag"]//text()').extract().strip()) print(title, ' ') # 爬图片 img_src = i.xpath('.//div[@class="news-pic"]/img[@alt="抽屉新热榜"]/@original').extract_first() img_name = i.xpath('.//div[@class="news-pic"]/img[@alt="抽屉新热榜"]/@lang').extract_first() img_src = "http:%s" %(img_src) img_name = "%s.jpg" %(img_name) # items 职责是格式化,包装成对象 item_obj = S3ScrapyTestItem(title=title,href=href,file_name=img_name,img_src=img_src,type='file') # pipelines 是用来持久化 别忘了在settings里注册 # 将item对象传递给pipelines处理 yield item_obj '''取页码链接''' # hxs = Selector(response=response).xpath('//div[@id="dig_lcpage"]//a/@href').extract() # 使用 starts-with 查找 # hxs = Selector(response=response).xpath('//a[starts-with(@href,"/all/hot/recent/")]/@href').extract() # 使用正则 hxs2 = Selector(response=response).xpath('//a[re:test(@href,"/all/hot/recent/d+")]/@href').extract() for i in hxs2: # 使用md5转变成定长 # md5_url = self.md5(i) # if md5_url in self.visited_urls: if i in self.visited_urls: # print("已经存在", i) pass else: self.visited_urls.add(i) # print(i) i = "https://dig.chouti.com%s" %i # 将要访问的新 url 添加到调度器 yield Request(url=i, callback=self.parse) # 如果重写 start_requests 则可以指定最开始处理请求的方法 # settings 中指定 DEPTH_LIMIT 表示深度 def md5(self,url): import hashlib obj = hashlib.md5() obj.update(bytes(url,encoding='utf-8')) return obj.hexdigest()
import scrapy class S3ScrapyTestItem(scrapy.Item): # define the fields for your item here like: # name = scrapy.Field() title = scrapy.Field() href = scrapy.Field() img_src = scrapy.Field() file_name = scrapy.Field() type = scrapy.Field()
scrapy crawl chouti2 --nolog
就会发现图片已经进入了 img目录。