• 序列化战争:主流序列化框架Benchmark





    • JSON类 
    • 二进制类 
      • 老牌劲旅Hessian(以前很喜欢用的)
      • 功能全面而强大的FST
      • 后起之秀Kryo
    • XML类 
      • StAX(Streaming API for XML)
      • Thoughwork的XStream
    • RPC类 
      • Protobuf:这里“偷了点懒”,因为Protobuf和Thrift都要安装、编译,所以这里使用了Protostuff,可以在运行时自动获取对象的Schema信息,省去了额外安装和手动编写协议格式文件的过程(Protostuff真是太好了!)。
      • Thrift、Apache Avro:同上,都需要预编译。

    Why does Jackson-JSON call BSON the “smile format” of JSON? 
    BSON and Smile are two distinct binary formats. They are related in that they are both based on the logical format of JSON (i.e., key-value objects) but they are distinct in that they write incompatible binary formats (you can neither directly read Smile as BSON nor vice-versa). They also have different incompatible features (e.g., BSON defines a date type, while Smile does not as far as I can tell.) BSON is the binary serialization used by MongoDB for network transfer and disk serialization. Smile is the binary JSON format used by the Jackson project.

            <!-- JSON BEGIN -->
            <!-- JSON END -->
            <!-- JSON-like BEGIN -->
            <!-- JSON-like END -->
            <!-- Binary BEGIN -->
            <!-- Binary END -->
            <!-- XML BEGIN -->
            <!-- XML END -->
            <!-- RPC BEGIN -->
            <!-- RPC END -->
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    2.1 测试对象


    public class SerializerBenchmark {
        private static final int WARMUP_COUNT = 100;
        private static final int TEST_COUNT = 1000 * 1000;
        /** Column index */
        private static final int COL_SER_SIZE = 0;
        private static final int COL_SER_COST = 1;
        private static final int COL_DER_COST = 2;
        /** Dictionary for random generation */
        private static final char[] ALPHA =
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Serializer[] serializers =
                    // ============= JSON ==============
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                        public String name() {
                            return "Jackson";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.readValue(data, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
                        public String name() {
                            return "Gson";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) {
                            return gson.toJson(obj).getBytes();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) {
                            return gson.fromJson(new String(data), type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        public String name() {
                            return "FastJSON";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) {
                            return JSON.toJSONBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) {
                            return JSON.parseObject(data, type);
                    // ============= JSON-like ==============
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new SmileFactory());
                        public String name() {
                            return "Jackson-smile";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.readValue(data, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new SmileFactory());
                            mapper.registerModule(new AfterburnerModule());
                        public String name() {
                            return "Jackson-smile-afterburner";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.readValue(data, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new SmileFactory());
                            mapper.registerModule(new DefaultScalaModule());
                        public String name() {
                            return "Jackson-smile-scala";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.readValue(data, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
                        public String name() {
                            return "Jackson-yaml";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.writeValueAsBytes(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return mapper.readValue(data, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private MessagePack msgpack = new MessagePack();
                        public String name() {
                            return "MessagePack";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return msgpack.write(obj);
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class type) throws Exception {
                            return msgpack.read(data, Person.class);
                    // ============= Binary ==============
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private Schema<Person> schema = RuntimeSchema.getSchema(Person.class);
                        private LinkedBuffer buffer = LinkedBuffer.allocate();
                        public String name() {
                            return "Protostuff";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) {
                            byte[] data = ProtobufIOUtil.toByteArray(obj, schema, buffer);
                            return data;
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) {
                            Person obj = new Person();
                            ProtobufIOUtil.mergeFrom(data, obj, schema);
                            return obj;
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        public String name() {
                            return "Hessian";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            Hessian2Output output = new Hessian2Output(bytes);
                            output.close(); // flush to avoid EOF error
                            return bytes.toByteArray();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            Hessian2Input input = new Hessian2Input(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
                            return (Person) input.readObject();
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private FSTObjectInput input = new FSTObjectInput();
                        private FSTObjectOutput output = new FSTObjectOutput();
                        public String name() {
                            return "FST";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            return output.getCopyOfWrittenBuffer();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return (Person) input.readObject();
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private Kryo kryo = new Kryo();
                        private byte[] buffer = new byte[512];
                        private Output output = new Output(buffer, -1);
                        private Input input = new Input(buffer);
                        public String name() {
                            return "Kryo";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) {
                            output.setBuffer(buffer, -1);   // reset
                            kryo.writeObject(output, obj);
                            return output.toBytes();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) {
                            return kryo.readObject(input, type);
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        public String name() {
                            return "JDK Built-in";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            new ObjectOutputStream(out).writeObject(obj);
                            return out.toByteArray();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return (Person) new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)).readObject();
                    // ============= XML ==============
                    new Serializer<Person>() {
                        private XStream xstream = new XStream();
                        public String name() {
                            return "XStream";
                        public byte[] serialize(Person obj) throws Exception {
                            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            xstream.toXML(obj, out);
                            return out.toByteArray();
                        public Person deserialize(byte[] data, Class<Person> type) throws Exception {
                            return (Person) xstream.fromXML(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
            // Sheet
            int[] testCase = { 10, 100, 1000 };
            String[] sheetNames = new String[testCase.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetNames.length; i++) {
                sheetNames[i] = "Size=" + testCase[i];
            // Row
            String[] rowNames = new String[serializers.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < rowNames.length; i++) {
                rowNames[i] = serializers[i].name();
            // Column
            String[] colNames = new String[3];
            colNames[0] = "Size";
            colNames[1] = "Ser";
            colNames[2] = "Der";
            Reporter reporter = new Reporter(sheetNames, rowNames, colNames);
            for (int i = 0; i < testCase.length; i++) {
                int length = testCase[i];
                System.out.printf("===== Round [%d]: %d =====
    ", i, length);
                for (int j = 0; j < serializers.length; j++) {
                    testSerializer(reporter, length, i, j, serializers[j]);
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    2.2 测试Runner


        private static void testSerializer(Reporter reporter,
                                           int length,
                                           int sheet,
                                           int row,
                                           Serializer<Person> serializer)
                throws Exception {
            System.out.println("===== " + serializer.name() + " =====");
            // 1.Warm-up and validate
            System.out.println("Pre-warmup & Check correctness...");
            Person p1 = newPerson(length);
            for (int i = 0; i < WARMUP_COUNT; i++) {
                byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(p1);
                Person p2 = serializer.deserialize(bytes, Person.class);
                if (!p1.equals(p2)) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(p1 + " not equals to " + p2);
            int serSize = serializer.serialize(p1).length;
            System.out.printf("%s serialization size[%d]
    ", serializer.name(), serSize);
            reporter.report(sheet, row, COL_SER_SIZE, serSize);
            // 2.Serialization
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) {
            long serCostTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
            System.out.printf("%s serialization benchmark[%d]
    ", serializer.name(), serCostTime);
            reporter.report(sheet, row, COL_SER_COST, serCostTime);
            // Warm up again
            for (int i = 0; i < WARMUP_COUNT; i++) {
                byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(p1);
                serializer.deserialize(bytes, Person.class);
            // 3.De-Serialization
            byte[] bytes = serializer.serialize(p1);
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++) {
                serializer.deserialize(bytes, Person.class);
            long derCostTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
            System.out.printf("%s de-serialization benchmark[%d]
    ", serializer.name(), derCostTime);
            reporter.report(sheet, row, COL_DER_COST, derCostTime);
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    3.1 报告生成

    这里“偷了点小懒”,用Apache Common Lang提供的StringUtils中的pad()方法排版。

        static class Reporter {
            private final String[] sheetNames;
            private final String[] rowNames;
            private final String[] colNames;
            private final long[][][] table;
            Reporter(String[] sheetNames,
                     String[] rowNames,
                     String[] colNames) {
                this.sheetNames = sheetNames;
                this.rowNames = rowNames;
                this.colNames = colNames;
                this.table = new long[sheetNames.length]
            public void report(int sheet, int row, int col, long val) {
                table[sheet][row][col] = val;
            public String generateFinalReport() {
                StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
                    report.append(center(sheetNames[i], 50, '*'))
                    // 1.Header
                    final int width0 = 30;
                    final int width1 = 10;
                    report.append(rightPad("", width0));
                    for (String colName : colNames) {
                        report.append(rightPad(colName, width1));
                    // 2.Row
                    for (int j = 0; j < table[i].length; j++) {
                        report.append(rightPad(rowNames[j], width0));
                        for (int k = 0; k < table[i][j].length; k++) {
                                    String.valueOf(table[i][j][k]), width1));
                return report.toString();
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    3.2 测试结果


    • Kryo占用空间最小,其次是MessagePack和Protostuff(Protobuf)。
    • Protostuff在不同数据长度下表现都非常出色
    • JSON以及类JSON框架中,Jackson+Smile格式+Afterburner模块的组合表现最好。
    • XStream出奇地慢,印象中XStream挺快的吧,难道有优化参数没配?
                                  Size      Ser       Der       
    Jackson                       39        602       758       
    Gson                          38        1204      1181      
    FastJSON                      38        573       608       
    Jackson-smile                 35        415       465       
    Jackson-smile-afterburner     35        305       377       
    Jackson-smile-scala           34        522       590       
    Jackson-yaml                  39        4233      5638      
    MessagePack                   15        891       1075      
    Protostuff                    17        148       130       
    Hessian                       84        2459      1233      
    FST                           73        334       481       
    Kryo                          13        98        117       
    JDK Built-in                  138       1462      4526      
    XStream                       169       6088      13007     
                                  Size      Ser       Der       
    Jackson                       129       403       565       
    Gson                          128       1056      1248      
    FastJSON                      129       522       571       
    Jackson-smile                 126       426       472       
    Jackson-smile-afterburner     126       454       371       
    Jackson-smile-scala           126       452       639       
    Jackson-yaml                  129       5250      5330      
    MessagePack                   108       948       976       
    Protostuff                    107       172       192       
    Hessian                       176       2528      1513      
    FST                           163       288       470       
    Kryo                          105       440       134       
    JDK Built-in                  228       1332      4559      
    XStream                       259       5913      12797     
                                  Size      Ser       Der       
    Jackson                       1029      1412      1411      
    Gson                          1029      4614      3855      
    FastJSON                      1029      2476      2011      
    Jackson-smile                 1026      1052      1343      
    Jackson-smile-afterburner     1025      1105      1232      
    Jackson-smile-scala           1025      1058      1452      
    Jackson-yaml                  1029      18983     13065     
    MessagePack                   1008      2101      2010      
    Protostuff                    1008      1172      838       
    Hessian                       1075      4358      6587      
    FST                           1063      1083      1567      
    Kryo                          1005      2675      921       
    JDK Built-in                  1128      2502      8537      
    XStream                       1158      10633     16981    


  • 相关阅读:
    JVisualVM 模拟一次内存泄漏场景分析
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/findumars/p/7251379.html
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