#Timing test for "sort on fourth word"
#Specifically,two lines>=4 words will be sorted
#lexographically on the 4th,5th,etc..words
#Any line with fewer than four words will sorted to
# the end ,and will occur in "natural" order
import sys,string,time
wrerr = sys.stderr.write
#native custom sort
def fourth_word(ln1,ln2):
lst1 = string.split(ln1)
lst2 = string.split(ln2)
#Compare "long" lines
if(len(lst1)>=4 and len(lst2)>=4):
return cmp(lst1[3:],lst2[3:])
#Long lines before short lines
elif(len(lst1)>=4 and len(lst2)<4):
return -1
#Short lines before long lines
elif(len(ls1)<4 and len(lst2)>=4):
return 1
else: #natural order
return cmp(ln1,ln2)
#Dont count the read itself in the time
lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
#Time the custom comparison sort
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
wrerr("Custom comparison func in %3.2f secs" % (end-start))
lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
#Time the schwartzian sort
start = time.time()
for n in range(len(lines)):
lst = string.split(lines[n])
lines[n] = (lst[3:],lines[n])
lines[n] = (['\377'],lines[n])
for n in range(len(lines)):
lines[n] = lines[n][1]
end = time.time()
wrerr("Schwartzian transform sort in %3.2f secs" % (end-start))