• Python装饰器详解

    def html_tags(tag_name):
        print('begin outer function.')
        def wrapper_(func):
            print("begin of inner wrapper function.")
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                content = func(*args, **kwargs)
                print("<{tag}>{content}</{tag}>".format(tag=tag_name, content=content))
            print('end of inner wrapper function.')
            return wrapper
        print('end of outer function')
        return wrapper_
    # @html_tags('h1')
    def hello(name='Toby'):
        return 'Hello {}!'.format(name)
    # 1、将@html_tags('h1')换成如下表示方式:
    hello = html_tags('h1')(hello)
    # 则代码由上往下加载时,先执行html_tags('h1'),则会打印出:
    # begin outer function.
    # end of outer function
    # 2、执行完,将wrapper_函数返回,此时:"hello = html_tags('h1')(hello)"相当于变为:
    # "hello = wrapper_(hello)"
    # 3、则紧接着执行wrapper_(hello)函数,则会打印出:
    # begin of inner wrapper function.
    # end of inner wrapper function.
    # 4、执行完,将wrapper函数返回,此时:"hello = wrapper_(hello)"即相当于变为:
    # "hello = wrapper"
    # 而此时wrapper函数已经返回并且由'hello'变量指引。
    # wrapper函数的实现为:
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        content = hello(*args, **kwargs)
        print("<{tag}>{content}</{tag}>".format(tag='h1', content=content))
    # 5、代码接着往下加载:
    # hello()即相当于wrapper(),则会打印出:
    # <h1>Hello Toby!</h1>
    # 6、代码继续往下加载:
    # 继续调用hello()则相当于wrapper(),由于wrapper已经被hello变量所指引,现在是客观存在的函数,故:
    # 还是打印出:
    # <h1>Hello Toby!</h1>
    # begin outer function.
    # end of outer function
    # begin of inner wrapper function.
    # end of inner wrapper function.
    # <h1>Hello Toby!</h1>
    # <h1>Hello Toby!</h1>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fengting0913/p/15392497.html
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