• 【原创】oracle 12cR2 RU RUR patch 最新补丁 查找与安装



    1. Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database (文档 ID 756671.1)
    2. Oracle Database - Overview of Database Patch Delivery Methods for and greater (文档 ID 2337415.1)
    3. Quick Reference to Patch Numbers for Database PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches and Patchsets (Doc ID 1454618.1)
    4. Critical Patch Update (CPU) Program July 2018 Patch Availability Document (PAD) (文档 ID 2394520.1)
    5. Release Update介绍以及FAQ (文档 ID 2289879.1)


    The Database PSU is available for Database installations and the Grid Infrastructure (GI) PSU / Database Proactive BP for Clusterware installations for Database and prior.

    Starting with Database, the Quarterly Release Updates (Updates) will replace Bundle patches and Quarterly Release Update Revisions (Revisions) will replace the PSU's to improve the quality and experience of proactive maintenance.

    For more information on Database Release Update (Update) and Release Update Revision (Revision) see My Oracle Support Note 2285040.1 Release Update Introduction and FAQ.

    These patches are released quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct). There may be Monthly updates released in the first few months of a new release to accelerate stabilization.

    The Update and Revision strategy replaces the legacy Patchset Update (PSU) and the legacy Database Bundle Patch (DBBP) for database software and subsequent feature releases. As of July, 2017, the legacy terms 'Patchset', 'Patchset Update', and "Database Bundle Patch' are not used for database software and subsequent feature releases. Note that for Database versions 12.1 and 11.2 Oracle continues to release quarterly PSUs and BPs.


    1. 从12.2.0.1开始,季度RU替代了BP (非windows BP),季度RUR替代了PSU来提高主动维护的质量和经验。对于数据库版本12.1和11.2,Oracle继续发布季度PSUs和BPs。

    2. RUR是针对上一季度前或两季度前的RU的修订,可以完整安装,不必安装之前的RU。

    3. RUR偏向于安全方面的补丁,而RU同时包含功能性更新和安全性更新。Revision Release.Update.1落后于Update3个月,Revision Release.Update.2落后于Update 6个月。

    4. 和Revision(RUR)同期发布的Update(RU)包含Revision(RU)的内容。

    5. 在Updates和Revisions 之间来回切换是可能的。但是是有限制的,新的patch必须是之前patch的超集。为了避免补丁冲突,客户应该坚持一贯的政策,即在每季维护周期中始终采用相同的Revision级别 (比如 Release.Update.0, Release.Update.1 或者 Release.Update.2)。

    三、补丁系统的改变 (Doc ID: 2289879.1)


    为了支持与安全相关的修复以及高优先级的非安全修复,将在每年的1月,4月,7月和10月每个季度发布一个 Release Updates (Updates)。 Oracle的季度发布的Updates包含客户最有可能遇到的错误的修复:

    • 查询优化器错误修复,在之前版本的PSU以及BP中并不包含的这些修复被加入到Updates中,但是默认是禁用的。
    • Updates包含安全相关的补丁。
    • Updates会经过 广泛的测试,包括功能测试,压力测试,性能测试以及破坏性测试。
    • 及时应用Updates可以降低碰到已知问题的可能性。
    • Updates在RAC环境下可以使用rolling的方式不停机安装。

    除了季度性发布的Updates, Release Update Revisions (Revisions) 也会每个季度发行,包含对Updates的回退修复以及包含最新的安全方面的修复

    • 在每个Update发布后的六个月内,会有2个针对这个Update的Revisions 。比如, Release.Update.1 和 Release.Update.2,这里"1" 和 "2"代表的是Revision。


    某些客户可能已达到稳定状态,并希望优先考虑安全更新而不是功能修复。在这种情况下,他们可能选择应用 Revisions。当他们应用 Release.Update.1,他们落后Update的内容3个月。 当他们应用 Revision Release.Update.2,他们落后Update的内容6个月。通过选择延迟3或6个月的新Update的内容,客户可以采取更保守的方法来进行数据库软件维护,但是他们仍有可能会碰到已在最新Update中包含的已知问题。


    1、安装原则:(文档 ID 2337415.1)



    2、补丁查询:(文档 ID 756671.1)

    2.1、GI Patch (also include Database Patch)


     以上补丁二选择一,根据实际情况,可以安装RU: 28183653,或安装RUR:28251142,都已经包含了数据库最新的安全补丁。

    建议安装 RU:28183653,包括功能性更新和安全更新。

    查询另一个文档:(Doc ID 1454618.1)

    也是RU: 28183653,和 RUR:28251142。

    Revision 2是针对上两个季度,即 JAN 2018当时发布的RU的修订。




    OJVM 安装 RU:27923353

    (Doc id: 2289879.1)

    Q17: 在应用OJVM Update前,是否需要先安装Database Update/Revision?

    A: 答案会随不同的OJVM Update而不同。请参考要安装的OJVM Update的README的前提条件部分。

    (Doc ID 1454618.1)



    (Doc ID 2394520.1)


    Patch 28317269 - Combo of OJVM Component Release Update + Grid Infrastrusture Jul 2018 Release Update

    This document is accurate at the time of release. For any changes and additional information regarding this patch, see these related documents that are available at My Oracle Support (http://support.oracle.com/):

    • Document 854428.1 Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products
    • Document 2359048.1 Oracle Database / Grid Infrastructure / OJVM Release Update and Release Update Revision Jul 2018 Known Issues

    This patch is not Oracle RAC Rolling installable. However, starting with the Jul2017 OJVM RU (Update) patchset for, the OJVM Update may be installed in a "Conditional Rolling Install" fashion for the following use cases:

    • No OJVM usage
    • OJVM used by non-critical jobs and programs
    • OJVM used by critical functions isolated as services
    • OJVM used extensively, not isolated, and downtime is tolerated
    • OJVM used by critical functions and minimal downtime is required

    See My Oracle Support Document 2217053.1 for more details.

    Patch 28317292 - Combo of OJVM Component Release Update + Database Jul 2018 Release Update

    This document is accurate at the time of release. For any changes and additional information regarding this patch, see these related documents that are available at My Oracle Support (http://support.oracle.com/):

    • Document 2359048.1 Oracle Database / Grid Infrastructure / OJVM Release Update and Release Update Revision Jul 2018 Known Issues

    This patch is not Oracle RAC Rolling installable. However, starting with the Jul2017 OJVM RU (Update) patchset for, the OJVM Update may be installed in a "Conditional Rolling Install" fashion for the following use cases:

    • No OJVM usage
    • OJVM used by non-critical jobs and programs
    • OJVM used by critical functions isolated as services
    • OJVM used extensively, not isolated, and downtime is tolerated
    • OJVM used by critical functions and minimal downtime is required

    See My Oracle Support Document 2217053.1 for more details.

    Patch 27923353 - Oracle JavaVM Component Release Update

    This document describes how you can install Patch 27923353 - Oracle JavaVM Release Update (OJVM RU) on your Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (

    This patch is not Oracle RAC Rolling installable. However, the OJVM RU may be installed in a "Conditional Rolling Install" fashion for the following use cases:

    • No OJVM usage
    • OJVM used by non-critical jobs and programs
    • OJVM used by critical functions isolated as services
    • OJVM used extensively, not isolated, and downtime is tolerated
    • OJVM used by critical functions and minimal downtime is required

    This patch is Database Vault installable. Review My Oracle Support Document 1195205.1 for details on how to apply this patch to a Database Vault environment.

    This patch is not Data Guard Standby First Installable.


    OPatch Utility Information

    You must use the OPatch utility version or later to apply this patch for all platforms.


    How To Download And Install The Latest OPatch(6880880) Version (文档 ID 274526.1) 





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  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/fengaix6/p/9446616.html
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