if(exists(select * from sysobjects where xtype = 'P' and name = 'CCIVR_GetCusInfo')) begin drop procedure CCIVR_GetCusInfo end go create procedure CCIVR_GetCusInfo @ProductSN varchar(50),--主机编号 @CustomerID varchar(50),--客户ID @CustomerPassword varchar(50),--客户密码 @StationID varchar(50),--服务站ID @Phone varchar(50),--来电号码 @MethodCode varchar(50),--方法Code @ServiceFlag varchar(50),--服务属性标签 @CustomerLevel varchar(50), --客户级别 @ResultMsg varchar(200) output--返回信息 as begin select ec.CustomerID as CustomerID,c.CustomerID as UserID from BS_CustomerPhone cp inner join BS_Contactor c on cp.CustomerID = c.CustomerID inner join BS_EnterpriseCustomer ec on ec.CustomerID = c.ParentID where (cp.FullPhone = SUBSTRING(@Phone,2,11) --Parameter and substring(cp.Phone,1,3) in ('013','014','015','018')) or (cp.AreaNo + cp.Phone = @Phone --Parameter and substring(cp.Phone,1,3) not in ('013','014','015','018')) end