物元是描述事物的名称、特征及量值3个基本元素的简称,在形式上可记为M=(N,c,v)=(N,c,c(N))。其中M、N、c、v分别是Matter、Name, Character, Value的缩写。可拓集合是用关联度将模糊集合的[0,1]闭合区间连续取值拓广到(-∞,+∞)实数轴,以表达物元的量值为实轴上的一点时符合要求的程度。物元分析是研究物元及其变化并用以解决矛盾问题的规律和方法,可拓学是用形式化的工具,从定性和定量两个角度去研究解决矛盾问题的规律和方法。物元可拓法结合二者,是将辨证逻辑和形式逻辑相结合的可拓逻辑,丰富了事物的内涵,客观地反映了物质世界的真实状态。
Dim sRow As Integer, sCol As Integer '起始的行与列
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer '循环变量
Dim Xj As Double '定义实测值
Dim Aij As Double, Bij As Double '定义标准域区间
Dim Apj As Double, Bpj As Double '定义节域变量
Dim YZS As Integer '定义评价因子个数
Dim DJS As Integer '定义评价等级数
sRow = InputBox("请输入监测数据第一个数的行号!", "输入行号", 0)
sCol = InputBox("请输入监测数据第一个数的列号!", "输入列号", 0)
YZS = InputBox("请输入评价因子个数!", "输入因子个数", 0)
DJS = InputBox("请输入评价等级个数!", "输入评价等级数", 0)
With Sheets("sheet1")
For i = 1 To DJS
Cells(sRow + DJS + 2 + i, sCol - 1).Value = "关联函数k_等级" & i
Next i
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, sCol - 1).Value = "X/S"
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, sCol - 1).Value = "归一化权重"
For i = 1 To DJS
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol - 1).Value = "关联度K_等级" & i
Next i
Cells(sRow + 3 * DJS + 5, sCol - 1).Value = "可拓指数"
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Xj = Cells(sRow, j).Value '实测值
Apj = Cells(sRow + 1, j).Value '可拓域最小值
Bpj = Cells(sRow + DJS + 2, j).Value '可拓域最大值
For i = 1 To DJS
Aij = Cells(sRow + i, j).Value
Bij = Cells(sRow + i + 1, j).Value
If Xj > Aij And Xj < Bij Then 'xj<Xij 点x位于本标准之内
If Xj <= ((Aij + Bij) / 2) Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = -(Aij - Xj) / (Bij - Aij)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = -(Xj - Bij) / (Bij - Aij)
End If
Else 'xj<>Xij 点x位于本标准之外
If Xj < Aij Then 'x位于标准的左边,此时有x<(ai+bi)/2
If Xj <= (Apj + Bpj) / 2 Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Aij - Xj) / (Apj - Aij)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Aij - Xj) / (2 * Xj - Bpj - Aij)
End If
ElseIf Xj > Bij Then 'x位于标准的右边,此时有x>(ai+bi)/2
If Xj <= (Apj + Bpj) / 2 Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Xj - Bij) / (Apj + Bij - 2 * Xj)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Xj - Bij) / (Bij - Bpj)
End If
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Dim a As Double
a = 0
For i = 1 To DJS + 2
a = a + Cells(sRow + i, j)
Next i
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, j).Value = Cells(sRow, j).Value * (DJS + 2) / a
Next j
a = 0
For i = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
a = a + Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, i)
Next i
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, j).Value = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, j).Value / a
Next j
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, sCol + YZS) = "综合关联度"
For i = 1 To DJS
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, j).Value = Cells(sRow + DJS + 2 + i, j).Value * Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, j).Value
Next j
Dim k As Integer
a = 0
For k = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
a = a + Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, k) '综合关联度累加
Next k
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value = a
Next i
Dim Kmax, Kmin As Double
Kmax = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + 1, sCol + YZS).Value
Kmin = Kmax
For i = 2 To DJS
If Kmax < Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value Then
Kmax = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value
End If
If Kmin > Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value Then
Kmin = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value
End If
Next i
Dim KXP() As Double
ReDim KXP(DJS) As Double
For i = 1 To DJS
KXP(i) = (Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value - Kmin) / (Kmax - Kmin)
Next i
Dim FZ, FM As Double
For i = 1 To DJS
FZ = FZ + i * KXP(i)
FM = FM + KXP(i)
Next i
Cells(sRow + 3 * DJS + 5, sCol).Value = FZ / FM
End With
实例文件Dim i As Integer, j As Integer '循环变量
Dim Xj As Double '定义实测值
Dim Aij As Double, Bij As Double '定义标准域区间
Dim Apj As Double, Bpj As Double '定义节域变量
Dim YZS As Integer '定义评价因子个数
Dim DJS As Integer '定义评价等级数
sRow = InputBox("请输入监测数据第一个数的行号!", "输入行号", 0)
sCol = InputBox("请输入监测数据第一个数的列号!", "输入列号", 0)
YZS = InputBox("请输入评价因子个数!", "输入因子个数", 0)
DJS = InputBox("请输入评价等级个数!", "输入评价等级数", 0)
With Sheets("sheet1")
For i = 1 To DJS
Cells(sRow + DJS + 2 + i, sCol - 1).Value = "关联函数k_等级" & i
Next i
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, sCol - 1).Value = "X/S"
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, sCol - 1).Value = "归一化权重"
For i = 1 To DJS
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol - 1).Value = "关联度K_等级" & i
Next i
Cells(sRow + 3 * DJS + 5, sCol - 1).Value = "可拓指数"
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Xj = Cells(sRow, j).Value '实测值
Apj = Cells(sRow + 1, j).Value '可拓域最小值
Bpj = Cells(sRow + DJS + 2, j).Value '可拓域最大值
For i = 1 To DJS
Aij = Cells(sRow + i, j).Value
Bij = Cells(sRow + i + 1, j).Value
If Xj > Aij And Xj < Bij Then 'xj<Xij 点x位于本标准之内
If Xj <= ((Aij + Bij) / 2) Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = -(Aij - Xj) / (Bij - Aij)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = -(Xj - Bij) / (Bij - Aij)
End If
Else 'xj<>Xij 点x位于本标准之外
If Xj < Aij Then 'x位于标准的左边,此时有x<(ai+bi)/2
If Xj <= (Apj + Bpj) / 2 Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Aij - Xj) / (Apj - Aij)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Aij - Xj) / (2 * Xj - Bpj - Aij)
End If
ElseIf Xj > Bij Then 'x位于标准的右边,此时有x>(ai+bi)/2
If Xj <= (Apj + Bpj) / 2 Then
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Xj - Bij) / (Apj + Bij - 2 * Xj)
Cells(sRow + i + DJS + 2, j).Value = (Xj - Bij) / (Bij - Bpj)
End If
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Dim a As Double
a = 0
For i = 1 To DJS + 2
a = a + Cells(sRow + i, j)
Next i
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, j).Value = Cells(sRow, j).Value * (DJS + 2) / a
Next j
a = 0
For i = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
a = a + Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, i)
Next i
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, j).Value = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 3, j).Value / a
Next j
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, sCol + YZS) = "综合关联度"
For i = 1 To DJS
For j = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, j).Value = Cells(sRow + DJS + 2 + i, j).Value * Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4, j).Value
Next j
Dim k As Integer
a = 0
For k = sCol To sCol + YZS - 1
a = a + Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, k) '综合关联度累加
Next k
Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value = a
Next i
Dim Kmax, Kmin As Double
Kmax = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + 1, sCol + YZS).Value
Kmin = Kmax
For i = 2 To DJS
If Kmax < Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value Then
Kmax = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value
End If
If Kmin > Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value Then
Kmin = Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value
End If
Next i
Dim KXP() As Double
ReDim KXP(DJS) As Double
For i = 1 To DJS
KXP(i) = (Cells(sRow + 2 * DJS + 4 + i, sCol + YZS).Value - Kmin) / (Kmax - Kmin)
Next i
Dim FZ, FM As Double
For i = 1 To DJS
FZ = FZ + i * KXP(i)
FM = FM + KXP(i)
Next i
Cells(sRow + 3 * DJS + 5, sCol).Value = FZ / FM
End With