• 百度云人脸识别API人脸对比

     1 from urllib import request
     2 import base64
     3 import requests
     4 import re
     5 import json
     6 import urllib
     7 import os
    10 # 获取token
    11 def get_token(client_id,client_secret):
    12     host = 'https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id='+ client_id + '&client_secret='+ client_secret + ''
    13     headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'}
    14     res = requests.post(host, headers=headers)
    15     access_token = re.findall('"access_token":"(.*?)"', res.text)[0]
    16     return access_token
    18 # 打开文件夹
    19 def geturlPath(path):
    20     dirs = os.listdir(path)
    21     lst = []
    22     for dir1 in dirs:
    23         pa = path + dir1
    24         lst.append(pa)
    25     return lst
    27 # 打开本地图片,并转化为base64
    28 def open_pic2base(image):
    29     f = open(image,'rb')
    30     img = base64.b64encode(f.read()).decode('utf-8')
    31     return img
    33 # 对两张图片进行对比
    34 def check2pic(client_id,client_secret,image1,image2):
    35     request_url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/face/v3/match"
    36     for image in image2:
    37         a = open_pic2base(image)
    38         b = base64.b64decode(a)
    39         params = json.dumps(
    40             [{"image": open_pic2base(image1), "image_type": "BASE64","quality_control": "LOW"},
    41              {"image": a, "image_type": "BASE64","quality_control": "LOW"}])
    43         # 调用接口
    44         access_token = get_token(client_id, client_secret)
    45         request_url = request_url + "?access_token=" + access_token
    46         params = params.encode("utf-8")
    47         request = urllib.request.Request(url=request_url, data=params)
    48         request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    50         response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
    51         content = response.read()
    52         score = 0
    53         if content:
    54             result = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
    55             if result["error_code"] == 0:
    56                 score = result["result"]["score"]
    57                 if score > 75:
    58                     with open('G:/images6/'+ image.split('/')[-1],'wb') as f:
    59                         f.write(b)
    60                         f.close()
    61             else:
    62                 errors = {}
    63                 error_msg = result["error_msg"]
    64                 errors[image.split('/')[-1]] = error_msg
    65                 print(errors)
    66 if __name__ == '__main__':
    67     client_id = '***************'
    68     client_secret = '*******************'
    69     path = r'G:/images5/'
    71     image1 = 'G:images2gu1.jpg'
    72     image2 = geturlPath(path)
    74     # 将两张图片进行对比,得出相似分
    75     check2pic(client_id,client_secret,image1,image2)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/erlchixiha/p/11805011.html
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