1. MERGE :可一次性实现对数据的 INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE等,用法如下:

    SQL> select * from st_a;

    ID          NAME
    ---------- ----------
    1     F
    100    Z

    SQL> select * from st_b;

    ID      NAME
    ---------- ----------
    1     A
    2     B
    3     C
    100    Z

    SQL> merge into st_a a using st_b b on (a.id=b.id)
    2 when matched then
    3 update set a.name=b.name
    4 delete where id=100
    5 when not matched then
    6 insert values (b.id,b.name);

    4 rows merged.

    SQL> select * from st_a;

    ID    NAME
    ---------- ----------
    1     A
    2     B
    3     C


    2. WITH:定义的结果集,表名都是临时的,不存储在数据库中,可以将查询的结果集定义别名,用于SQL语句的调用

    SQL> with temp_a as (select id,sum(sal) sumsal from st_a group by id) --注意逗号

    2 temp_b as (select sum(sumsal)/count(*) avgsal from temp_a)

    3 select * from temp_a where sumsal <(select avgsal from temp_b);

    ID    SUMSAL
    ---------- ----------
    1     7000


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eniniemand/p/14057215.html
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