一.             介绍




    二.             信号


    1)  控制信号:片选(SC#),同步时钟(CLK),时钟有效(CLKEN),读写选择(WE#),数据有效(DQM)等;

    2)  地址选择信号:行地址选择(RAS#),列地址选择(CAS#),行/列地址线(SA0-SA12)分时复用,Bank地址线(BA0-BA1);

    3)  数据信号:双向数据端口(DQ0-DQ15)。



    >>DQM:输入输出掩码 input/output mask, DQM is sampled HIGH and is an input mask signal for write access and an output enable signal for read access. LDQM corresponds to DQ[7:0], and UDQM corresponds to DQ[15:8]. read时,DQM高电平时,DQ输出高阻态,数据不可用;DQM低电平时,DO提供有效数据。write时,DQM高电平,相应数据忽略;DQM低电平时,相应数据写入内存。

    三.             工作方式


    SDRAM采用突发方式进行数据传输,即对同一行中相邻的存储单元连续进行数据传输,连续传输所涉及的存储单元(列)的数量就是突发长度(Burst Lengths)。工作时只要给出起始地址和突发长度,SDRAM就会依次自动对后面相应数量的列进行读写操作。SDRAM支持的突发长度为1、2、4、8或全页





    四.             命令




    5. A10 LOW:BA0,BA1决定哪个bank预充电,A10 HIGH:所有bank预充电(BA0,BA1无关)。

    6. This command is AUTO REFRESH if CKE is HIGH, SELF REFRESH if CKE is LOW.

    7. Internal refresh counter controls row addressing; all inputs and I/Os are “Don’t Care” except for CKE.

    8. A[11:0] define the op-code written to the mode register






    (4)执行加载模式寄存器(LOAD MODE REGISTER)命令,完成对SDRAM工作模式的设定。



    The ACTIVE command is used to activate a row in a particular bank for a subsequent access. The value on the BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the address provided selects the row. This row remains active for accesses until a PRECHARGE command is issued to that bank. A PRECHARGE command must be issued before opening a different row in the same bank.


    The READ command is used to initiate a burst read access to an active row. The values on the BA0 and BA1 inputs select the bank; the address provided selects the starting column location. The value on input A10 determines whether auto precharge is used. If auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed is precharged at the end of the READ burst; if auto precharge is not selected, the row remains open for subsequent accesses. Read data appears on the DQ subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. (提前两个时钟周期DQM已设置好,read时内存芯片负责DQM输出) If a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ will be HighZ two clocks later; if the DQM signal was registered LOW, the DQ will provide valid data.


    The WRITE command is used to initiate a burst write access to an active row. The values on the BA0 and BA1 inputs select the bank; the address provided selects the starting column location. The value on input A10 determines whether auto precharge is used. If auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed is precharged at the end of the write burst; if auto precharge is not selected, the row remains open for subsequent accesses. Input data appearing on the DQ is written to the memory array, subject to(受制于) the DQM input logic level appearing coincident with the data. If a given DQM signal is registered LOW, the corresponding data is written to memory; if the DQM signal is registered HIGH, the corresponding data inputs are ignored and a WRITE is not executed to that byte/column location.


    The PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. The bank(s) will be available for a subsequent row access a specified time (tRP) after the PRECHARGE command is issued. Input A10 determines whether one or all banks are to be precharged, and in the case where only one bank is precharged, inputs BA0 and BA1 select the bank. Otherwise BA0 and BA1 are treated as “Don’t Care.” After a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands are issued to that bank.


    The BURST TERMINATE command is used to truncate either fixed-length or continuous page bursts. The most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINATE command is truncated.


    刷新有两种方式,自动刷新(AUTO REFRESH)和自刷新(SELF REFRESH)。

    Mode Register

    The mode register defines the specific mode of operation, including burst length (BL), burst type, CAS latency (CL), operating mode, and write burst mode. The mode register is programmed via the LOAD MODE REGISTER command and retains the stored information until it is programmed again or the device loses power.

    Mode register bits M[2:0] specify the BL; M3 specifies the type of burst; M[6:4] specify the CL; M7 and M8 specify the operating mode; M9 specifies the write burst mode; and M10–Mn should be set to zero to ensure compatibility with future revisions. Mn+ 1 and Mn+ 2 should be set to zero to select the mode register.

    The mode registers must be loaded when all banks are idle, and the controller must wait tMRD before initiating the subsequent operation. Violating either of these requirements will result in unspecified operation.


    When a READ or WRITE command is issued, a block of columns equal to the burst length is effectively selected. All accesses for that burst take place within this block, meaning that the burst wraps within the block when a boundary is reached. The block is uniquely selected by A[8:1] when BL = 2, A[8:2] when BL = 4, and A[8:3] when BL = 8. The remaining (least significant) address bit(s) is (are) used to select the starting location within the block. Continuous page bursts wrap within the page when the boundary is reached.

    The ordering of accesses within a burst is determined by the burst length, the burst type, and the starting column address.


    CAS Latency

    The CAS latency (CL) is the delay, in clock cycles, between the registration of a READ command and the availability of the output data. The latency can be set to two or three clocks.

    If a READ command is registered at clock edge n, and the latency is mclocks, the data will be available by clock edge n + m. The DQ start driving as a result of the clock edge one cycle earlier (n + m- 1), and provided that the relevant access times are met, the data is valid by clock edge n + m. For example, assuming that the clock cycle time is such that all relevant access times are met, if a READ command is registered at T0 and the latency is programmed to two clocks, the DQ start driving after T1 and the data is valid by T2.


    Write Burst Mode

    When M9 = 0, the burst length programmed via M[2:0] applies to both READ and WRITE bursts; when M9 = 1, the programmed burst length applies to READ bursts, but write accesses are single-location (nonburst) accesses.


    Bank/Row Activation

    After a row is opened with the ACTIVE command, a READ or WRITE command can be issued to that row, subject to the tRCD specification. tRCD (MIN) should be divided by the clock period and rounded up to the next whole number to determine the earliest clock edge after the ACTIVE command on which a READ or WRITE command can be entered. tRCD 由时钟周期决定,并且要延迟到最小时钟周期。For example, a tRCD specification of 20ns with a 125 MHz clock (8ns period) results in 2.5 clocks, rounded to 3. This is reflected in Figure 21 (page 49), which covers any case where 2 < tRCD (MIN)/tCK ≤3. (The same procedure is used to convert other specification limits from time units to clock cycles.)


    CL :CAS(READ) latency,列选择到数据输出的时间(注册读取命令到第一个输出数据之间的延迟),见READ 命令。

    tRAS:ACTIVE-to-PRECHARGE command,内存行地址控制器激活时间。

    tRCD:ACTIVE-to-READ or WRITE delay,行选择(RAS)到列选择(CAS)延迟。

    tRP:PRECHARGE command period,内存行地址控制器预充电时间(内存从结束一个行访问到重新开始的间隔时间),注册预充电命令(由于要访问不同的行)到bank/row可用(可激活)的延迟,见PRECHARGE命令。






    1. 《SDRAM的工作原理》,中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究。
    2. 《DDR2 SDRAM控制器的设计及FPGS验证》,刘冠男,欧明双,宋何娟,中国集成电路CIC。
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