• PX4 FMU启动流程 2. 二、 nsh_initscript

    PX4 FMU启动流程 2. 二、 nsh_initscript

    PX4 FMU启动流程 2. 二、 nsh_initscript

                                                                                 -------- 转载请注明出处

                                                                                 -------- 2014-11-27.冷月追风

                                                                                 -------- email:merafour@163.com 

     * Name: nsh_initscript
     * Description:
     *   Attempt to execute the configured initialization script.  This script
     *   should be executed once when NSH starts.  nsh_initscript is idempotent
     *   and may, however, be called multiple times (the script will be executed
     *   once.

    int nsh_initscript(FAR struct nsh_vtbl_s *vtbl)
      static bool initialized;
      bool already;
      int ret = OK;

      /* Atomic test and set of the initialized flag */

      already     = initialized;
      initialized = true;

      /* If we have not already executed the init script, then do so now */

      if (!already)
          ret = nsh_script(vtbl, "init", NSH_INITPATH); // /etc/init.d/rcS

      return ret;
    #define CONFIG_NSH_ROMFSMOUNTPT "/etc"
    #define CONFIG_NSH_INITSCRIPT "init.d/rcS"
    #undef NSH_INITPATH

    我们很容易得出完整的路径是: “/etc/init.d/rcS”,这是一个脚本,在系统启动的时候需要调用的一个脚本,并且由 nsh进行解析。我们到不妨稍微看看这些脚本。
        但其实我们根本就不用到: “ROMFS_ROOT”目录下去查看这些脚本,去 Bulid目录下即可查看,我们可以找到一个 “romfs_scratch”目录。

    set MODE autostart
    set USB autoconnect
    if rgbled start
            set HAVE_RGBLED 1
            rgbled rgb 16 16 16
            set HAVE_RGBLED 0
    echo "[init] looking for microSD..."
    if mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /fs/microsd
     echo "[init] card mounted at /fs/microsd"
            set HAVE_MICROSD 1
     tone_alarm start
     echo "[init] no microSD card found"
            set HAVE_MICROSD 0
     tone_alarm 2
            if [ $HAVE_RGBLED == 1 ]
                    rgbled rgb 16 0 0
    if [ -f /fs/microsd/etc/rc ]
     echo "[init] reading /fs/microsd/etc/rc"
     sh /fs/microsd/etc/rc
    if [ -f /fs/microsd/etc/rc.txt ]
     echo "[init] reading /fs/microsd/etc/rc.txt"
     sh /fs/microsd/etc/rc.txt
    if [ $USB != autoconnect ]
     echo "[init] not connecting USB"
     if sercon
      echo "[init] USB interface connected"
      echo "[init] No USB connected"
    if [ -f /etc/init.d/rc.APM -a $HAVE_MICROSD == 1 -a ! -f /fs/microsd/APM/nostart ]
     echo Running rc.APM
     sh /etc/init.d/rc.APM
            nshterm /dev/ttyACM0 &

    这其中有些是 nsh内嵌的命令,有些是 “g_builtins”数组中定义的命令。
        从脚本中我们看到,先是设置 LED,接这挂载 SD卡。 SD卡挂载上来之后就执行 SD卡中的脚本。最后再通过 “/etc/init.d/rc.APM”脚本去初始化飞控。

    int nsh_script(FAR struct nsh_vtbl_s *vtbl, FAR const char *cmd,
                   FAR const char *path)
      char *fullpath;
      FILE *stream;
      char *buffer;
      char *pret;
      int ret = ERROR;

      /* The path to the script may be relative to the current working directory */

      fullpath = nsh_getfullpath(vtbl, path);// /etc/init.d/rcS
      if (!fullpath)
          return ERROR;

      /* Get a reference to the common input buffer */

      buffer = nsh_linebuffer(vtbl);
      if (buffer)
          /* Open the file containing the script */

          stream = fopen(fullpath, "r");
          if (!stream)
              nsh_output(vtbl, g_fmtcmdfailed, cmd, "fopen", NSH_ERRNO);
              return ERROR;

          /* Loop, processing each command line in the script file (or
           * until an error occurs)

              /* Get the next line of input from the file */

              pret = fgets(buffer, CONFIG_NSH_LINELEN, stream);
              if (pret)
                  /* Parse process the command.  NOTE:  this is recursive...
                   * we got to cmd_sh via a call to nsh_parse.  So some
                   * considerable amount of stack may be used.

                  ret = nsh_parse(vtbl, buffer);
          while (pret && ret == OK);

      return ret;

    这其中调用了一个核心的函数是 “nsh_parse”,该函数用于解析 nsh脚本,而且是按行进行解析的。而前面只是获取脚本的完整路径跟 buffer,然后用文件操作函数打开脚本,再接着就是按行读入并解析。

      /* Does this command correspond to a builtin command?
       * nsh_builtin() returns:
       *   -1 (ERROR)  if the application task corresponding to 'argv[0]' could not
       *               be started (possibly because it doesn not exist).
       *    0 (OK)     if the application task corresponding to 'argv[0]' was
       *               and successfully started.  If CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID is
       *               defined, this return value also indicates that the
       *               application returned successful status (EXIT_SUCCESS)
       *    1          If CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID is defined, then this return value
       *               indicates that the application task was spawned successfully
       *               but returned failure exit status.
       * Note the priority if not effected by nice-ness.

    #if defined(CONFIG_NSH_BUILTIN_APPS) && (!defined(CONFIG_NSH_FILE_APPS) || !defined(CONFIG_FS_BINFS))
      ret = nsh_builtin(vtbl, argv[0], argv, redirfile, oflags);
      if (ret >= 0)
          /* nsh_builtin() returned 0 or 1.  This means that the builtin
           * command was successfully started (although it may not have ran
           * successfully).  So certainly it is not an NSH command.

          /* Free the redirected output file path */

          if (redirfile)

          /* Save the result:  success if 0; failure if 1 */

          if (cmdline_exp != NULL)

          return nsh_saveresult(vtbl, ret != OK);

      /* No, not a built in command (or, at least, we were unable to start a
       * builtin command of that name).  Treat it like an NSH command.


    从注释中我们知道返回值为 0的时候表示应用成功启动。当然注释并不能够告诉我们太多的细节。
        熟悉 main函数定义形式的都知道 argv数组中 argv[0]所表示的意义。 argv数组是按下面的方式构造的:

      /* Parse out the command at the beginning of the line */

      saveptr = cmdline;
      cmd = nsh_argument(vtbl, &saveptr);

      /* Handler if-then-else-fi */

      if (nsh_ifthenelse(vtbl, &cmd, &saveptr) != 0)
          goto errout;

      /* Handle nice */

      if (nsh_nice(vtbl, &cmd, &saveptr) != 0)
          goto errout;

      /* Check if any command was provided -OR- if command processing is
       * currently disabled.

      if (!cmd || !nsh_cmdenabled(vtbl))
      if (!cmd)
          /* An empty line is not an error and an unprocessed command cannot
           * generate an error, but neither should they change the last
           * command status.

          if (cmdline_exp != NULL)

          return OK;

      /* Parse all of the arguments following the command name.  The form
       * of argv is:
       *   argv[0]:      The command name.
       *   argv[1]:      The beginning of argument (up to CONFIG_NSH_MAXARGUMENTS)
       *   argv[argc-3]: Possibly '>' or '>>'
       *   argv[argc-2]: Possibly <file>
       *   argv[argc-1]: Possibly '&'
       *   argv[argc]:   NULL terminating pointer
       * Maximum size is CONFIG_NSH_MAXARGUMENTS+5

      argv[0] = cmd;
      for (argc = 1; argc < MAX_ARGV_ENTRIES-1; argc++)
          argv[argc] = nsh_argument(vtbl, &saveptr);
          if (!argv[argc])

      argv[argc] = NULL;

      /* Check if the command should run in background */

      if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[argc-1], "&") == 0)
          vtbl->np.np_bg = true;
          argv[argc-1] = NULL;

        举个例子,加入命令行为:“mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /fs/microsd”,那么经过解析之后在 argv数组将是:
       *   argv[0]: mount
       *   argv[1]: -t
       *   argv[2]: vfat
       *   argv[3]: /dev/mmcsd0
       *   argv[4]: /fs/microsd
       *   argv[5]: NULL terminating pointer

    "&"表示把进程放到后台运行。其实熟悉 Linux的人一看到这个命令行就知道它会被解析成什么样。因为我们在 Linux应用编程中解析命令行参数的时候必须要了解这个,当然 Linux并没有要求所有的应用程序都提供解析命令行参数的功能。关于命令行参数解析的作用和意义这里就没必要说了,因为我们现在看的是流程,而不是教你怎么去解析命令行参数。

     * Name: nsh_builtin
     * Description:
     *    Attempt to execute the application task whose name is 'cmd'
     * Returned Value:
     *   <0          If exec_builtin() fails, then the negated errno value
     *               is returned.
     *   -1 (ERROR)  if the application task corresponding to 'cmd' could not
     *               be started (possibly because it doesn not exist).
     *    0 (OK)     if the application task corresponding to 'cmd' was
     *               and successfully started.  If CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID is
     *               defined, this return value also indicates that the
     *               application returned successful status (EXIT_SUCCESS)
     *    1          If CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID is defined, then this return value
     *               indicates that the application task was spawned successfully
     *               but returned failure exit status.

    int nsh_builtin(FAR struct nsh_vtbl_s *vtbl, FAR const char *cmd,
                    FAR char **argv, FAR const char *redirfile, int oflags)
      int ret = OK;

      /* Lock the scheduler in an attempt to prevent the application from
       * running until waitpid() has been called.


      /* Try to find and execute the command within the list of builtin
       * applications.

      ret = exec_builtin(cmd, (FAR char * const *)argv, redirfile, oflags);
      if (ret >= 0)



      /* If exec_builtin() or waitpid() failed, then return -1 (ERROR) with the
       * errno value set appropriately.

      if (ret < 0)
          return ERROR;

      return ret;

    容易看出来我把出错处理部分给去掉了。对于该函数的注释,其实要不要都无所谓,对英文不太懂的人像我就只是看一眼而已,更多的还是看代码。在 Linux应用编程中我们如果要调用一个 shell命令就会用到一个 “exec”函数。这这里作用是一样的。

    int exec_builtin(FAR const char *appname, FAR char * const *argv,
                     FAR const char *redirfile, int oflags)
      FAR const struct builtin_s *builtin;
      posix_spawnattr_t attr;
      posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions;
      struct sched_param param;
      pid_t pid;
      int index;
      int ret;

      /* Verify that an application with this name exists */

      index = builtin_isavail(appname);
      if (index < 0)
          ret = ENOENT;
          goto errout_with_errno;

      /* Get information about the builtin */

      builtin = builtin_for_index(index);
      if (builtin == NULL)
          ret = ENOENT;
          goto errout_with_errno;

      /* Initialize attributes for task_spawn(). */

      ret = posix_spawnattr_init(&attr);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_errno;

      ret = posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&file_actions);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_attrs;

      /* Set the correct task size and priority */

      param.sched_priority = builtin->priority;
      ret = posix_spawnattr_setschedparam(&attr, &param);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_actions;

      ret = task_spawnattr_setstacksize(&attr, builtin->stacksize);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_actions;

       /* If robin robin scheduling is enabled, then set the scheduling policy
        * of the new task to SCHED_RR before it has a chance to run.

      ret = posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_RR);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_actions;

      ret = posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr,
                                     POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM |
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_actions;
      ret = posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM);
      if (ret != 0)
          goto errout_with_actions;

      /* Is output being redirected? */

      if (redirfile)
          /* Set up to close open redirfile and set to stdout (1) */

          ret = posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&file_actions, 1,
                                                 redirfile, O_WRONLY, 0644);
          if (ret != 0)
              sdbg("ERROR: posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen failed: %d ", ret);
              goto errout_with_actions;

      /* Start the built-in */

      ret = task_spawn(&pid, builtin->name, builtin->main, &file_actions,
                       &attr, (argv) ? &argv[1] : (FAR char * const *)NULL,
                       (FAR char * const *)NULL);
      if (ret != 0)
          sdbg("ERROR: task_spawn failed: %d ", ret);
          goto errout_with_actions;

      /* Free attibutes and file actions.  Ignoring return values in the case
       * of an error.

      /* Return the task ID of the new task if the task was sucessfully
       * started.  Otherwise, ret will be ERROR (and the errno value will
       * be set appropriately).

      return pid;



      return ERROR;

    记住这里有个变量: “struct builtin_s *builtin”,它是到数组 “g_builtins”中去取值。取到值之后就设置进程的属性,最后通过 “task_spawn”函数启动一个新的进程。
        这样我们就看到了 Nuttx是如何启动我们的进程的。
        突然发觉我们好像还漏掉了什么东西。因为我们知道 nsh命令不仅有我们写的命令,还有 Nuttx内嵌的命令,确切地所应该是 nsh内嵌的命令吧。那么这些命令有是如何被调用的呢?我们又到底遗漏了什么呢?我们又是否有一些比较好的方法去找到这些信息呢?
        有一个稍微简单却繁杂的方法是:找到脚本中有系统提供的命令如 mount,然后我们可以匹配到这样一些信息:

    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:302:int cmd_mount(FAR struct nsh_vtbl_s *vtbl, int argc, char **argv)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:313:  /* The mount command behaves differently if no parameters are provided */
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:318:      return mount_show(vtbl, argv[0]);
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:322:  /* Get the mount options.  NOTE: getopt() is not thread safe nor re-entrant.
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:419:  /* Perform the mount */
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:421:  ret = mount(fullsource, fulltarget, filesystem, 0, NULL);
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:424:      nsh_output(vtbl, g_fmtcmdfailed, argv[0], "mount", NSH_ERRNO);
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_mntcmds.c:443: * Name: cmd_nfsmount

    看到 “cmd_mount”函数就有一种看到希望的感觉。因为该函数的命名很特殊,以 “cmd_”开头。我们写程序在给符号命名的时候通常会遵循一个默认的规则(记住这个不是规定更不是标准),就是望文生义。这说明该函数提供了 Nuttx系统的 “mount”命令。就这样,我找到了一个数组:

    static const struct cmdmap_s g_cmdmap[] =
      { "cat",      cmd_cat,      2, CONFIG_NSH_MAXARGUMENTS, "<path> [<path> [<path> ...]]" },
    # endif
      { "cd",       cmd_cd,       1, 2, "[<dir-path>|-|~|..]" },
    # endif
      { "cp",       cmd_cp,       3, 3, "<source-path> <dest-path>" },
    # endif

    #ifdef CONFIG_NET
      { "ifconfig", cmd_ifconfig, 1, 11, "[nic_name [<ip-address>|dhcp]] [dr|gw|gateway <dr-address>] [netmask <net-mask>] [dns <dns-address>] [hw <hw-mac>]" },
    # endif
      { "ifdown",   cmd_ifdown,   2, 2,  "<nic_name>" },
      { "ifup",     cmd_ifup,     2, 2,  "<nic_name>" },
    # endif

      { "ls",       cmd_ls,       1, 5, "[-lRs] <dir-path>" },
    # endif

      { "mkdir",    cmd_mkdir,    2, 2, "<path>" },
    # endif

      { "mount",    cmd_mount,    5, 5, "-t <fstype> [<block-device>] <mount-point>" },
    #    else
      { "mount",    cmd_mount,    1, 5, "[-t <fstype> [<block-device>] <mount-point>]" },
    #  endif
    # endif

    #if defined(CONFIG_NET) && defined(CONFIG_NET_ICMP) && defined(CONFIG_NET_ICMP_PING) && 
      { "ping",     cmd_ping,     2, 6, "[-c <count>] [-i <interval>] <ip-address>" },
    # endif

      { "pwd",      cmd_pwd,      1, 1, NULL },
    # endif

      { NULL,       NULL,         1, 1, NULL }

    这个数组明显是被我裁过的,我只留下了 Linux中比较具有代表性的几个命令。其类型如下:

    struct cmdmap_s
      const char *cmd;        /* Name of the command */
      cmd_t       handler;    /* Function that handles the command */
      uint8_t     minargs;    /* Minimum number of arguments (including command) */
      uint8_t     maxargs;    /* Maximum number of arguments (including command) */
      const char *usage;      /* Usage instructions for 'help' command */

    跟 “g_builtins”数组一样,命令匹配由一个专门的字符串完成。既然这个数组都找到了,那么现在的问题是这个数组在哪里使用了。

    bitcraze@bitcraze-vm:~/apm/PX4Firmware$ grep -nr g_cmdmap ../PX4NuttX/apps/
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/examples/ftpc/ftpc_main.c:81:static const struct cmdmap_s g_cmdmap[] =
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/examples/ftpc/ftpc_main.c:120:  for (ptr = g_cmdmap; ptr->cmd; ptr++)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/examples/ftpc/ftpc_main.c:249:   for (cmdmap = g_cmdmap; cmdmap->cmd; cmdmap++)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:97:#define NUM_CMDS      ((sizeof(g_cmdmap)/sizeof(struct cmdmap_s)) - 1)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:147:static const struct cmdmap_s g_cmdmap[] =
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:518:          nsh_output(vtbl, "%-12s", g_cmdmap[k].cmd);
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:581:  for (cmdmap = g_cmdmap; cmdmap->cmd; cmdmap++)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:611:  for (cmdmap = g_cmdmap; cmdmap->cmd; cmdmap++)
    ../PX4NuttX/apps/nshlib/nsh_parse.c:777:  for (cmdmap = g_cmdmap; cmdmap->cmd; cmdmap++)

    这个时候我才发现自己刚才匹配 “mount”是多么幸运。因为加入我匹配的是 “ls”命令,我可能就会找到 “ftpc_main.c”里边去,毕竟在那么多的匹配结果里边人是很容易犯错的。
        经过帅选,最后确定了函数 “nsh_execute”。

    static int nsh_execute(FAR struct nsh_vtbl_s *vtbl, int argc, char *argv[])
      const struct cmdmap_s *cmdmap;
      const char            *cmd;
      cmd_t                  handler = cmd_unrecognized;
      int                    ret;

      /* The form of argv is:
       * argv[0]:      The command name.  This is argv[0] when the arguments
       *               are, finally, received by the command vtblr
       * argv[1]:      The beginning of argument (up to CONFIG_NSH_MAXARGUMENTS)
       * argv[argc]:   NULL terminating pointer

      cmd = argv[0];

      /* See if the command is one that we understand */

      for (cmdmap = g_cmdmap; cmdmap->cmd; cmdmap++)
          if (strcmp(cmdmap->cmd, cmd) == 0)
              /* Check if a valid number of arguments was provided.  We
               * do this simple, imperfect checking here so that it does
               * not have to be performed in each command.

              if (argc < cmdmap->minargs)
                  /* Fewer than the minimum number were provided */

                  nsh_output(vtbl, g_fmtargrequired, cmd);
                  return ERROR;
              else if (argc > cmdmap->maxargs)
                  /* More than the maximum number were provided */

                  nsh_output(vtbl, g_fmttoomanyargs, cmd);
                  return ERROR;
                  /* A valid number of arguments were provided (this does
                   * not mean they are right).

                  handler = cmdmap->handler;

       ret = handler(vtbl, argc, argv);
       return ret;

    所以我们看到,最后是通过 “cmdmap->handler”找到了命令对应的函数,并通过指针 “handler”进行调用。而函数 “nsh_execute”其实有两种方式进行调用:线程和函数调用。当然这都发生在 nsh解析函数 “nsh_parse”里边。

      /* Handle the case where the command is executed in background.
       * However is app is to be started as builtin new process will
       * be created anyway, so skip this step.

      if (vtbl->np.np_bg)
          struct sched_param param;
          struct nsh_vtbl_s *bkgvtbl;
          struct cmdarg_s *args;
          pthread_attr_t attr;
          pthread_t thread;

          /* Get a cloned copy of the vtbl with reference count=1.
           * after the command has been processed, the nsh_release() call
           * at the end of nsh_child() will destroy the clone.

          /* Set up the thread attributes */

          (void)pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_NSH);
          (void)pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &param);

          /* Execute the command as a separate thread at the appropriate priority */

          ret = pthread_create(&thread, &attr, nsh_child, (pthread_addr_t)args);
          if (ret != 0)
              nsh_output(vtbl, g_fmtcmdfailed, cmd, "pthread_create", NSH_ERRNO_OF(ret));
              goto errout;

          /* Detach from the pthread since we are not going to join with it.
           * Otherwise, we would have a memory leak.


          nsh_output(vtbl, "%s [%d:%d] ", cmd, thread, param.sched_priority);
          uint8_t save[SAVE_SIZE];

          ret = nsh_execute(vtbl, argc, argv);
    static pthread_addr_t nsh_child(pthread_addr_t arg)
      struct cmdarg_s *carg = (struct cmdarg_s *)arg;
      int ret;

      dbg("BG %s ", carg->argv[0]);

      /* Execute the specified command on the child thread */

      ret = nsh_execute(carg->vtbl, carg->argc, carg->argv);

      /* Released the cloned arguments */

      dbg("BG %s complete ", carg->argv[0]);
      return (void*)ret;

        所以,如果我们要把系统命令放在后台运行就定义宏 “CONFIG_NSH_DISABLEBG”,否则就是直接调用。而这些过程,都是发生在调用 “nsh_builtin”函数之后。
        回过头来一看才发现函数 “nsh_parse”都已经看了个七七八八了。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/eastgeneral/p/10879658.html
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