• CV学习日志:CV开发之立体仿真器






             (3)关于相机位姿:创建max=256或num目标,Z坐标=randu(-101,-150),Y坐标=LastY+randu(0,9),X坐标=LastX+randu(0,9),num为成像目标数少于min=64时值,RPY=同时绕XYZ轴旋转旋转e=randu(-5, 5)。








      1 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
      2 #include <opencv2/viz.hpp>
      3 #include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 using namespace cv;
      7 class MotionSim
      8 {
      9 public:
     10     static void TestMe(int argc, char** argv)
     11     {
     12         MotionSim motionSim(false);
     13         motionSim.camFovX = 45;
     14         motionSim.camFovY = 30;
     15         motionSim.camRand = 10;
     16         motionSim.enableVerbose = false;
     17         motionSim.runMotion(false, false, 7);
     18         motionSim.visMotion();
     19     }
     21 public:
     22     struct MotionView
     23     {
     24         Mat_<double> r = Mat_<double>(3, 1);
     25         Mat_<double> t = Mat_<double>(3, 1);
     26         Mat_<double> q = Mat_<double>(4, 1);
     27         Mat_<double> rt = Mat_<double>(6, 1);
     28         Mat_<double> radian = Mat_<double>(3, 1);
     29         Mat_<double> degree = Mat_<double>(3, 1);
     30         Mat_<double> R = Mat_<double>(3, 3);
     31         Mat_<double> T = Mat_<double>(3, 4);
     32         Mat_<double> K;
     33         Mat_<double> D;
     34         Mat_<Vec3d> point3D;
     35         Mat_<Vec2d> point2D;
     36         Mat_<int> point3DIds;
     37         string print(string savePath = "")
     38         {
     39             string str;
     40             str += fmt::format("r: {}
    ", cvarr2str(r.t()));
     41             str += fmt::format("t: {}
    ", cvarr2str(t.t()));
     42             str += fmt::format("q: {}
    ", cvarr2str(q.t()));
     43             str += fmt::format("rt: {}
    ", cvarr2str(rt.t()));
     44             str += fmt::format("radian: {}
    ", cvarr2str(radian.t()));
     45             str += fmt::format("degree: {}
    ", cvarr2str(degree.t()));
     46             str += fmt::format("R: {}
    ", cvarr2str(R));
     47             str += fmt::format("T: {}
    ", cvarr2str(T));
     48             str += fmt::format("K: {}
    ", cvarr2str(K));
     49             str += fmt::format("D: {}
    ", cvarr2str(D.t()));
     50             if (savePath.empty() == false) { FILE* out = fopen(savePath.c_str(), "w"); fprintf(out, str.c_str()); fclose(out); }
     51             return str;
     52         }
     53     };
     54     static string cvarr2str(InputArray v)
     55     {
     56         Ptr<Formatted> fmtd = cv::format(v, Formatter::FMT_DEFAULT);
     57         string dst; fmtd->reset();
     58         for (const char* str = fmtd->next(); str; str = fmtd->next()) dst += string(str);
     59         return dst;
     60     }
     61     static void euler2matrix(double e[3], double R[9], bool forward = true, int argc = 0, char** argv = 0)
     62     {
     63         if (argc > 0)
     64         {
     65             int N = 999;
     66             for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)//OpenCV not better than DIY
     67             {
     68                 //1.GenerateData
     69                 Matx31d radian0 = radian0.randu(-3.14159265358979323846, 3.14159265358979323846);
     70                 Matx33d R; euler2matrix(radian0.val, R.val, true);
     71                 const double deg2rad = 3.14159265358979323846 * 0.0055555555555555556;
     72                 const double rad2deg = 180 * 0.3183098861837906715;
     74                 //2.CalcByOpenCV
     75                 Matx31d radian1 = cv::RQDecomp3x3(R, Matx33d(), Matx33d()) * deg2rad;
     77                 //3.CalcByDIY
     78                 Matx31d radian2; euler2matrix(R.val, radian2.val, false);
     80                 //4.AnalyzeError
     81                 double infRadian0Radian1 = norm(radian0, radian1, NORM_INF);
     82                 double infRadian1Radian2 = norm(radian1, radian2, NORM_INF);
     84                 //5.PrintError
     85                 cout << endl << "LoopCount: " << k << endl;
     86                 if (infRadian0Radian1 > 0 || infRadian1Radian2 > 0)
     87                 {
     88                     cout << endl << "5.1PrintError" << endl;
     89                     cout << endl << "infRadian0Radian1: " << infRadian0Radian1 << endl;
     90                     cout << endl << "infRadian1Radian2: " << infRadian1Radian2 << endl;
     91                     if (0)
     92                     {
     93                         cout << endl << "5.2PrintDiff" << endl;
     94                         cout << endl << "radian0-degree0:" << endl << radian0.t() << endl << radian0.t() * rad2deg << endl;
     95                         cout << endl << "radian1-degree1:" << endl << radian1.t() << endl << radian1.t() * rad2deg << endl;
     96                         cout << endl << "radian2-degree2:" << endl << radian2.t() << endl << radian2.t() * rad2deg << endl;
     97                         cout << endl << "5.3PrintOthers" << endl;
     98                         cout << endl << "R:" << endl << R << endl;
     99                     }
    100                     cout << endl << "Press any key to continue" << endl; std::getchar();
    101                 }
    102             }
    103             return;
    104         }
    105         if (forward)//check with 3D Rotation Converter
    106         {
    107             double sinR = std::sin(e[0]);
    108             double sinP = std::sin(e[1]);
    109             double sinY = std::sin(e[2]);
    110             double cosR = std::cos(e[0]);
    111             double cosP = std::cos(e[1]);
    112             double cosY = std::cos(e[2]);
    114             //RPY indicates: first Yaw aroundZ, second Pitch aroundY, third Roll aroundX
    115             R[0] = cosY * cosP; R[1] = cosY * sinP * sinR - sinY * cosR; R[2] = cosY * sinP * cosR + sinY * sinR;
    116             R[3] = sinY * cosP; R[4] = sinY * sinP * sinR + cosY * cosR; R[5] = sinY * sinP * cosR - cosY * sinR;
    117             R[6] = -sinP;       R[7] = cosP * sinR;                      R[8] = cosP * cosR;
    118         }
    119         else
    120         {
    121             double vs1 = std::abs(R[6] - 1.);
    122             double vs_1 = std::abs(R[6] + 1.);
    123             if (vs1 > 1E-9 && vs_1 > 1E-9)
    124             {
    125                 e[2] = std::atan2(R[3], R[0]); //Yaw aroundZ
    126                 e[1] = std::asin(-R[6]);//Pitch aroundY
    127                 e[0] = std::atan2(R[7], R[8]); //Roll aroundX
    128             }
    129             else if (vs_1 <= 1E-9)
    130             {
    131                 e[2] = 0; //Yaw aroundZ
    132                 e[1] = 3.14159265358979323846 * 0.5;//Pitch aroundY
    133                 e[0] = e[2] + atan2(R[1], R[2]); //Roll aroundX
    134             }
    135             else
    136             {
    137                 e[2] = 0; //Yaw aroundZ
    138                 e[1] = -3.14159265358979323846 * 0.5;//Pitch aroundY
    139                 e[0] = -e[2] + atan2(-R[1], -R[2]); //Roll aroundX
    140             }
    141         }
    142     };
    143     static void quat2matrix(double q[4], double R[9], bool forward = true)
    144     {
    145         if (forward)//refer to qglviwer
    146         {
    147             double L1 = std::sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
    148             if (std::abs(L1 - 1) > 1E-9) { std::printf("Not uint quaternion: NormQ=%.9f
    ", L1); abort(); }
    150             double xx = 2.0 * q[1] * q[1];
    151             double yy = 2.0 * q[2] * q[2];
    152             double zz = 2.0 * q[3] * q[3];
    154             double xy = 2.0 * q[1] * q[2];
    155             double xz = 2.0 * q[1] * q[3];
    156             double wx = 2.0 * q[1] * q[0];
    158             double yz = 2.0 * q[2] * q[3];
    159             double wy = 2.0 * q[2] * q[0];
    161             double wz = 2.0 * q[3] * q[0];
    163             R[0] = 1.0 - yy - zz;
    164             R[4] = 1.0 - xx - zz;
    165             R[8] = 1.0 - xx - yy;
    167             R[1] = xy - wz;
    168             R[3] = xy + wz;
    170             R[2] = xz + wy;
    171             R[6] = xz - wy;
    173             R[5] = yz - wx;
    174             R[7] = yz + wx;
    175         }
    176         else
    177         {
    178             double onePlusTrace = 1.0 + R[0] + R[4] + R[8];// Compute one plus the trace of the matrix
    179             if (onePlusTrace > 1E-9)
    180             {
    181                 double s = sqrt(onePlusTrace) * 2.0;
    182                 double is = 1 / s;
    183                 q[0] = 0.25 * s;
    184                 q[1] = (R[7] - R[5]) * is;
    185                 q[2] = (R[2] - R[6]) * is;
    186                 q[3] = (R[3] - R[1]) * is;
    187             }
    188             else
    189             {
    190                 std::printf("1+trace(R)=%.9f is too small and (R11,R22,R33)=(%.9f,%.9f,%.9f)
    ", onePlusTrace, R[0], R[4], R[8]);
    191                 if ((R[0] > R[4]) && (R[0] > R[8]))//max(R00, R11, R22)=R00
    192                 {
    193                     double s = sqrt(1.0 + R[0] - R[4] - R[8]) * 2.0;
    194                     double is = 1 / s;
    195                     q[0] = (R[5] - R[7]) * is;
    196                     q[1] = 0.25 * s;
    197                     q[2] = (R[1] + R[3]) * is;
    198                     q[3] = (R[2] + R[6]) * is;
    199                 }
    200                 else if (R[4] > R[8])//max(R00, R11, R22)=R11
    201                 {
    202                     double s = sqrt(1.0 - R[0] + R[4] - R[8]) * 2.0;
    203                     double is = 1 / s;
    204                     q[0] = (R[2] - R[6]) * is;
    205                     q[1] = (R[1] + R[3]) * is;
    206                     q[2] = 0.25 * s;
    207                     q[3] = (R[5] + R[7]) * is;
    208                 }
    209                 else//max(R00, R11, R22)=R22
    210                 {
    211                     double s = sqrt(1.0 - R[0] - R[4] + R[8]) * 2.0;
    212                     double is = 1 / s;
    213                     q[0] = (R[1] - R[3]) * is;
    214                     q[1] = (R[2] + R[6]) * is;
    215                     q[2] = (R[5] + R[7]) * is;
    216                     q[3] = 0.25 * s;
    217                 }
    218             }
    219             double L1 = std::sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
    220             if (L1 < 1e-9) { std::printf("Wrong rotation matrix: NormQ=%.9f
    ", L1); abort(); }
    221             else { L1 = 1 / L1; q[0] *= L1; q[1] *= L1; q[2] *= L1; q[3] *= L1; }
    222         }
    223     }
    224     static void vec2quat(double r[3], double q[4], bool forward = true)
    225     {
    226         if (forward)//refer to qglviwer
    227         {
    228             double theta = std::sqrt(r[0] * r[0] + r[1] * r[1] + r[2] * r[2]);
    229             if (std::abs(theta) < 1E-9)
    230             {
    231                 q[0] = 1; q[1] = q[2] = q[3] = 0;
    232                 std::printf("Rotation approximates zero: Theta=%.9f
    ", theta);
    233             };
    235             q[0] = std::cos(theta * 0.5);
    236             double ss = std::sin(theta * 0.5) / theta;
    237             q[1] = r[0] * ss;
    238             q[2] = r[1] * ss;
    239             q[3] = r[2] * ss;
    240         }
    241         else
    242         {
    243             double L1 = std::sqrt(q[0] * q[0] + q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3]);
    244             if (std::abs(L1 - 1) > 1E-9) { std::printf("Not uint quaternion: NormQ=%.9f
    ", L1); abort(); }
    246             double theta = 2 * acos(q[0]);
    247             if (theta > 3.14159265358979323846) theta = 2 * 3.14159265358979323846 - theta;
    248             double thetaEx = theta / std::sin(theta * 0.5);
    249             r[0] = q[1] * thetaEx;
    250             r[1] = q[2] * thetaEx;
    251             r[2] = q[3] * thetaEx;
    252         }
    253     }
    254     static void vec2matrix(double r[3], double R[9], bool forward = true, int argc = 0, char** argv = 0)
    255     {
    256         if (argc > 0)
    257         {
    258             int N = 999;
    259             for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) //refer to the subsequent article for more details
    260             {
    261                 //1.GenerateData
    262                 Matx31d r0 = r0.randu(-999, 999);
    263                 Matx33d R0; cv::Rodrigues(r0, R0);
    265                 //2.CalcByOpenCV
    266                 Matx33d R1;
    267                 Matx31d r1;
    268                 cv::Rodrigues(r0, R1);
    269                 cv::Rodrigues(R0, r1);
    271                 //3.CalcByDIY
    272                 Matx33d R2;
    273                 Matx31d r2;
    274                 vec2matrix(r0.val, R2.val, true);
    275                 vec2matrix(r2.val, R0.val, false);
    277                 //4.AnalyzeError
    278                 double infR1R2 = norm(R1, R2, NORM_INF);
    279                 double infr1r2 = norm(r1, r2, NORM_INF);
    281                 //5.PrintError
    282                 cout << endl << "LoopCount: " << k << endl;
    283                 if (infR1R2 > 1E-12 || infr1r2 > 1E-12)
    284                 {
    285                     cout << endl << "5.1PrintError" << endl;
    286                     cout << endl << "infR1R2: " << infR1R2 << endl;
    287                     cout << endl << "infr1r2: " << infr1r2 << endl;
    288                     if (0)
    289                     {
    290                         cout << endl << "5.2PrintDiff" << endl;
    291                         cout << endl << "R1: " << endl << R1 << endl;
    292                         cout << endl << "R2: " << endl << R2 << endl;
    293                         cout << endl;
    294                         cout << endl << "r1: " << endl << r1.t() << endl;
    295                         cout << endl << "r2: " << endl << r2.t() << endl;
    296                         cout << endl << "5.3PrintOthers" << endl;
    297                     }
    298                     cout << endl << "Press any key to continue" << endl; std::getchar();
    299                 }
    300             }
    301             return;
    302         }
    304         if (forward)
    305         {
    306             double theta = std::sqrt(r[0] * r[0] + r[1] * r[1] + r[2] * r[2]);
    307             if (theta < 1E-9)
    308             {
    309                 R[0] = R[4] = R[8] = 1.0;
    310                 R[1] = R[2] = R[3] = R[5] = R[6] = R[7] = 0.0;
    311                 std::printf("Rotation approximates zero: Theta=%.9f
    ", theta);
    312                 return;
    313             }
    314             double cs = cos(theta);
    315             double sn = sin(theta);
    316             double itheta = 1. / theta;
    317             double cs1 = 1 - cs;
    318             double nx = r[0] * itheta;
    319             double ny = r[1] * itheta;
    320             double nz = r[2] * itheta;
    322             double nxnx = nx * nx, nyny = ny * ny, nznz = nz * nz;
    323             double nxny = nx * ny, nxnz = nx * nz, nynz = ny * nz;
    324             double nxsn = nx * sn, nysn = ny * sn, nzsn = nz * sn;
    326             R[0] = nxnx * cs1 + cs;
    327             R[3] = nxny * cs1 + nzsn;
    328             R[6] = nxnz * cs1 - nysn;
    330             R[1] = nxny * cs1 - nzsn;
    331             R[4] = nyny * cs1 + cs;
    332             R[7] = nynz * cs1 + nxsn;
    334             R[2] = nxnz * cs1 + nysn;
    335             R[5] = nynz * cs1 - nxsn;
    336             R[8] = nznz * cs1 + cs;
    338             if (0)
    339             {
    340                 Mat_<double> dRdu({ 9, 4 }, {
    341                     2 * nx * cs1, 0, 0, (nxnx - 1) * sn,
    342                     ny * cs1, nx * cs1, -sn, nxny * sn - nz * cs,
    343                     nz * cs1, sn, nx * cs1, nxnz * sn + ny * cs,
    344                     ny * cs1, nx * cs1, sn, nxny * sn + nz * cs,
    345                     0, 2 * ny * cs1, 0, (nyny - 1) * sn,
    346                     -sn, nz * cs1, ny * cs1, nynz * sn - nx * cs,
    347                     nz * cs1, -sn, nx * cs1, nxnz * sn - ny * cs,
    348                     sn, nz * cs1, ny * cs1, nynz * sn + nx * cs,
    349                     0, 0, 2 * nz * cs1, (nznz - 1) * sn });
    351                 Mat_<double> dudv({ 4, 4 }, {
    352                     itheta, 0, 0, -nx * itheta,
    353                     0, itheta, 0, -ny * itheta,
    354                     0, 0, itheta, -nz * itheta,
    355                     0, 0, 0, 1 });
    357                 Mat_<double> dvdr({ 4, 3 }, {
    358                     1, 0, 0,
    359                     0, 1, 0,
    360                     0, 0, 1,
    361                     nx, ny, nz });
    363                 Mat_<double> Jacobian = dRdu * dudv * dvdr;//rows=9 cols=3
    364             }
    365         }
    366         else
    367         {
    368             double sx = R[7] - R[5];
    369             double sy = R[2] - R[6];
    370             double sz = R[3] - R[1];
    371             double sn = sqrt(sx * sx + sy * sy + sz * sz) * 0.5;
    372             double cs = (R[0] + R[4] + R[8] - 1) * 0.5;
    373             double theta = acos(cs);
    374             double ss = 2 * sn;
    375             double iss = 1. / ss;
    376             double tss = theta * iss;
    377             r[0] = tss * sx;
    378             r[1] = tss * sy;
    379             r[2] = tss * sz;
    381             if (0)
    382             {
    383                 Mat_<double> drdu({ 3, 4 }, {
    384                     tss, 0, 0, (sn - theta * cs) * iss * iss * sx * 2,
    385                     0, tss, 0, (sn - theta * cs) * iss * iss * sy * 2,
    386                     0, 0, tss, (sn - theta * cs) * iss * iss * sz * 2 });
    388                 Mat_<double> dudR({ 4, 9 }, {
    389                     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0,
    390                     0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0,
    391                     0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    392                     -iss, 0, 0, 0, -iss, 0, 0, 0, -iss });
    394                 Mat_<double> Jacobian = drdu * dudR;//rows=3 cols=9
    395             }
    396         }
    397     }
    399 private:
    400     const int nHorPoint3D = 100;
    401     const int nVerPoint3D = 100;
    402     const double varPoint3DXY = 10.;
    403     const double minPoint3DZ = 1.;
    404     const double maxPoint3DZ = 99.;
    405     const double minCamZ = 101.;
    406     const double maxCamZ = 150.;
    407     const double varCamDegree = 10.;
    408     Mat_<Vec3d> allPoint3D = Mat_<Vec3d>(nVerPoint3D * nHorPoint3D, 1);
    409     Mat_<double> allPoint3DZ = Mat_<double>(nVerPoint3D * nHorPoint3D, 1);
    410     Mat_<double> K;
    411     Mat_<double> D;
    412     const double deg2rad = 3.14159265358979323846 * 0.0055555555555555556;
    413     const double rad2deg = 180 * 0.3183098861837906715;
    415 public:
    416     int camRows = 480;
    417     int camCols = 640;
    418     int camFovY = 90;
    419     int camFovX = 90;
    420     int camRand = 10;//append random[0,camRand] to camera intrinsics
    421     int nCamDist = 5;//refer to opencv for value domain
    422     int nMinMotion = 32; // no less than X motion views
    423     int nMaxMotion = INT_MAX; // no more than X motion views
    424     int nPoint2DThenExit = 32;//exit when less than X pixies
    425     int rotMode = 1 + 2 + 4;//0=noRot 1=xAxis 2=yAxis 4=zAxis
    426     bool noTrans = false;//translate or not while motion
    427     bool world2D = false;//planar world or not
    428     bool rndSeek = true;//use random seek or not
    429     bool enableVerbose = false;//check motions one by one or not
    430     vector<MotionView> motionViews;//World Information: RightX, FrontY, DownZ
    431     MotionSim(bool run = true, bool world2D0 = false, bool noTrans0 = false, int rotMode0 = 7) { if (run) runMotion(world2D0, noTrans0, rotMode0); }
    433 public:
    434     void runMotion(bool world2D0 = false, bool noTrans0 = false, int rotMode0 = 7)
    435     {
    436         world2D = world2D0;
    437         noTrans = noTrans0;
    438         rotMode = rotMode0;
    439         motionViews.clear();
    440         if (rndSeek) cv::setRNGSeed(clock());
    441         while (motionViews.size() < nMinMotion)
    442         {
    443             //1.GetAllPoint3D
    444             if (world2D) allPoint3DZ = 0.;
    445             else cv::randu(allPoint3DZ, -maxPoint3DZ, -minPoint3DZ);//DownZ
    446             for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < nVerPoint3D; ++i)
    447                 for (int j = 0; j < nHorPoint3D; ++j, ++k)
    448                     allPoint3D(k) = Vec3d((j + cv::randu<double>()) * varPoint3DXY, (i + cv::randu<double>()) * varPoint3DXY, allPoint3DZ(i, j));
    450             //2.GetCamParams
    451             double camFx = camCols / 2. / std::tan(camFovX / 2. * deg2rad) + cv::randu<double>() * camRand;
    452             double camFy = camRows / 2. / std::tan(camFovY / 2. * deg2rad) + cv::randu<double>() * camRand;
    453             double camCx = camCols / 2. + cv::randu<double>() * camRand;
    454             double camCy = camRows / 2. + cv::randu<double>() * camRand;
    455             K.create(3, 3); K << camFx, 0, camCx, 0, camFy, camCy, 0, 0, 1;
    456             D.create(nCamDist, 1); cv::randu(D, -1.0, 1.0);
    458             //3.GetAllMotionView
    459             motionViews.clear();
    460             for (int64 k = 0; ; ++k)
    461             {
    462                 //3.1 JoinCamParams
    463                 MotionView view;
    464                 view.K = K.clone();
    465                 view.D = D.clone();
    467                 //3.2 GetCamTrans
    468                 if (k == 0) view.t(0) = view.t(1) = 0;
    469                 else
    470                 {
    471                     view.t(0) = motionViews[k - 1].t(0) + cv::randu<double>() * varPoint3DXY;
    472                     view.t(1) = motionViews[k - 1].t(1) + cv::randu<double>() * varPoint3DXY;
    473                 }
    474                 view.t(2) = minCamZ + cv::randu<double>() * (maxCamZ - minCamZ);
    475                 view.t(2) = -view.t(2);//DownZ
    476                 if (noTrans && k != 0) { view.t(0) = motionViews[0].t(0); view.t(1) = motionViews[0].t(1); view.t(2) = motionViews[0].t(2); }
    478                 //3.3 GetCamRot: degree-->radian-->matrix-->vector&quaternion
    479                 view.degree = 0.;
    480                 if (rotMode & 1) view.degree(0) = cv::randu<double>() * varCamDegree;
    481                 if (rotMode & 2) view.degree(1) = cv::randu<double>() * varCamDegree;
    482                 if (rotMode & 4) view.degree(2) = cv::randu<double>() * varCamDegree;
    483                 view.radian = view.degree * deg2rad;
    484                 euler2matrix(view.radian.ptr<double>(), view.R.ptr<double>());
    485                 cv::Rodrigues(view.R, view.r);
    486                 quat2matrix(view.q.ptr<double>(), view.R.ptr<double>(), false);
    487                 cv::hconcat(view.R, view.t, view.T);
    488                 cv::vconcat(view.r, view.t, view.rt);
    490                 //3.4 GetPoint3DAndPoint2D
    491                 Mat_<Vec2d> allPoint2D;
    492                 cv::projectPoints(allPoint3D, -view.r, -view.R.t() * view.t, view.K, view.D, allPoint2D);
    493                 for (int k = 0; k < allPoint2D.total(); ++k)
    494                     if (allPoint2D(k)[0] > 0 && allPoint2D(k)[0] < camCols && allPoint2D(k)[1] > 0 && allPoint2D(k)[1] < camRows)
    495                     {
    496                         view.point2D.push_back(allPoint2D(k));
    497                         view.point3D.push_back(allPoint3D(k));
    498                         view.point3DIds.push_back(k);
    499                     }
    501                 //3.5 PrintDetails
    502                 motionViews.push_back(view);
    503                 if (enableVerbose)
    504                 {
    505                     cout << endl << view.print();
    506                     cout << fmt::format("view={}   features={}
    ", k, view.point2D.rows);
    507                     double minV = 0, maxV = 0;//Distortion makes some minV next to maxV
    508                     int minId = 0, maxId = 0;
    509                     cv::minMaxIdx(allPoint2D.reshape(1, int(allPoint2D.total()) * allPoint2D.channels()), &minV, &maxV, &minId, &maxId);
    510                     cout << fmt::format("minInfo:({}, {})", minId, minV) << allPoint3D(minId / 2) << allPoint2D(minId / 2) << endl;
    511                     cout << fmt::format("maxInfo:({}, {})", maxId, maxV) << allPoint3D(maxId / 2) << allPoint2D(maxId / 2) << endl;
    512                     cout << "Press any key to continue" << endl; std::getchar();
    513                 }
    514                 if (view.point2D.rows < nPoint2DThenExit || motionViews.size() > nMaxMotion) break;
    515             }
    516         }
    517     }
    518     void visMotion()
    519     {
    520         //1.CreateWidgets
    521         Size2d validSize(nHorPoint3D * varPoint3DXY, nVerPoint3D * varPoint3DXY);
    522         Mat_<cv::Affine3d> camPoses(int(motionViews.size()), 1); for (int k = 0; k < camPoses.rows; ++k) camPoses(k) = cv::Affine3d(motionViews[k].T);
    523         viz::WText worldInfo(fmt::format("nMotionView: {}
    K: {}
    D: {}", motionViews.size(), cvarr2str(K), cvarr2str(D)), Point(10, 240), 10);
    524         viz::WCoordinateSystem worldCSys(1000);
    525         viz::WPlane worldGround(Point3d(validSize.width / 2, validSize.height / 2, 0), Vec3d(0, 0, 1), Vec3d(0, 1, 0), validSize);
    526         viz::WCloud worldPoints(allPoint3D, Mat_<Vec3b>(allPoint3D.size(), Vec3b(0, 255, 0)));
    527         viz::WTrajectory camTraj1(camPoses, viz::WTrajectory::FRAMES, 8);
    528         viz::WTrajectorySpheres camTraj2(camPoses, 100, 2);
    529         viz::WTrajectoryFrustums camTraj3(camPoses, Matx33d(K), 4., viz::Color::yellow());
    530         worldCSys.setRenderingProperty(viz::OPACITY, 0.1);
    531         worldGround.setRenderingProperty(viz::OPACITY, 0.1);
    532         camTraj2.setRenderingProperty(viz::OPACITY, 0.6);
    534         //2.ShowWidgets
    535         static viz::Viz3d viz3d(__FUNCTION__);
    536         viz3d.showWidget("worldInfo", worldInfo);
    537         viz3d.showWidget("worldCSys", worldCSys);
    538         viz3d.showWidget("worldGround", worldGround);
    539         viz3d.showWidget("worldPoints", worldPoints);
    540         viz3d.showWidget("camTraj1", camTraj1);
    541         viz3d.showWidget("camTraj2", camTraj2);
    542         viz3d.showWidget("camTraj3", camTraj3);
    544         //3.UpdateWidghts
    545         static const vector<MotionView>& views = motionViews;
    546         viz3d.registerKeyboardCallback([](const viz::KeyboardEvent& keyboarEvent, void* pVizBorad)->void
    547             {
    548                 if (keyboarEvent.action != viz::KeyboardEvent::KEY_DOWN) return;
    549                 static int pos = 0;
    550                 if (keyboarEvent.code == ' ')
    551                 {
    552                     size_t num = views.size();
    553                     size_t ind = pos % num;
    554                     double xmin3D = DBL_MAX, ymin3D = DBL_MAX, xmin2D = DBL_MAX, ymin2D = DBL_MAX;
    555                     double xmax3D = -DBL_MAX, ymax3D = -DBL_MAX, xmax2D = -DBL_MAX, ymax2D = -DBL_MAX;
    556                     for (size_t k = 0; k < views[ind].point3D.rows; ++k)
    557                     {
    558                         Vec3d pt3 = views[ind].point3D(int(k));
    559                         Vec2d pt2 = views[ind].point2D(int(k));
    560                         if (pt3[0] < xmin3D) xmin3D = pt3[0];
    561                         if (pt3[0] > xmax3D) xmax3D = pt3[0];
    562                         if (pt3[1] < ymin3D) ymin3D = pt3[1];
    563                         if (pt3[1] > ymax3D) ymax3D = pt3[1];
    564                         if (pt2[0] < xmin2D) xmin2D = pt2[0];
    565                         if (pt2[0] > xmax2D) xmax2D = pt2[0];
    566                         if (pt2[1] < ymin2D) ymin2D = pt2[1];
    567                         if (pt2[1] > ymax2D) ymax2D = pt2[1];
    568                     }
    569                     if (pos != 0)
    570                     {
    571                         for (int k = 0; k < views[ind == 0 ? num - 1 : ind - 1].point3D.rows; ++k) viz3d.removeWidget("active" + std::to_string(k));
    572                         viz3d.removeWidget("viewInfo");
    573                         viz3d.removeWidget("camSolid");
    574                     }
    575                     for (int k = 0; k < views[ind].point3D.rows; ++k) viz3d.showWidget("active" + std::to_string(k), viz::WSphere(views[ind].point3D(k), 5, 10));
    576                     viz3d.showWidget("viewInfo", viz::WText(fmt::format("CurrentMotion: {}
    ValidPoints: {}
    Min3DXY_Min2DXY: {}, {}, {}, {}
    Max3DXY_Max2DXY: {}, {}, {}, {}
    Rot_Trans_Euler: {}
    577                         ind, views[ind].point3D.rows, xmin3D, ymin3D, xmin2D, ymin2D, xmax3D, ymax3D, xmax2D, ymax2D,
    578                         cvarr2str(views[ind].r.t()) + cvarr2str(views[ind].t.t()) + cvarr2str(views[ind].degree.t())), Point(10, 10), 10));
    579                     viz3d.showWidget("camSolid", viz::WCameraPosition(Matx33d(views[ind].K), 10, viz::Color::yellow()), cv::Affine3d(views[ind].T));
    580                     ++pos;
    581                 }
    582             }, 0);
    583         viz3d.spin();
    584     }
    585 };
    587 int main(int argc, char** argv) { MotionSim::TestMe(argc, argv); return 0; }
    View Code





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