typedef struct listNode { struct listNode *prev; struct listNode *next; void *value; } listNode;链表定义:
typedef struct list { listNode *head; listNode *tail; void *(*dup)(void *ptr); void (*free)(void *ptr); int (*match)(void *ptr, void *key); unsigned long len; } list;当中的三个函数指针先不用管,后面遇到了再看详细是干什么的,另外还实现了一个迭代器,有点c++的味道在里面
typedef struct listIter { listNode *next; int direction; } listIter;
list *listCreate(void) { struct list *list; if ((list = malloc(sizeof(*list))) == NULL) return NULL; list->head = list->tail = NULL; list->len = 0; list->dup = NULL; list->free = NULL; list->match = NULL; return list; }
list *listAddNodeHead(list *list, void *value) { listNode *node; if ((node = malloc(sizeof(*node))) == NULL) return NULL; node->value = value; if (list->len == 0) { list->head = list->tail = node; node->prev = node->next = NULL; } else { node->prev = NULL; node->next = list->head; list->head->prev = node; list->head = node; } list->len++; return list; }
void listRelease(list *list) { unsigned long len; listNode *current, *next; current = list->head; len = list->len; while(len--) { next = current->next; if (list->free) list->free(current->value); free(current); current = next; } free(list); }
/* Returns a list iterator 'iter'. After the initialization every * call to listNext() will return the next element of the list. * * This function can't fail. */ listIter *listGetIterator(list *list, int direction) { listIter *iter; if ((iter = malloc(sizeof(*iter))) == NULL) return NULL; if (direction == AL_START_HEAD) iter->next = list->head; else iter->next = list->tail; iter->direction = direction; return iter; }