• Nginx CORS实现JS跨域

    1. 什么是跨域

    简单地理解就是因为JavaScript同源策略的限制,a.com 域名下的js无法操作b.com或是c.a.com域名下的对象。


    • 如果是协议和端口造成的跨域问题“前台”是无能为力的,
    • 在跨域问题上,域仅仅是通过“协议+域名+端口”来识别,两个不同的域名即便指向同一个ip地址,也是跨域的。

    2. 跨域解决方案

    跨域解决方案有多种,大多是利用JS Hack:

    3. CORS

    CORS: 跨域资源共享(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/

    当前几乎所有的浏览器(Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox 3.5+, Safari 4+和 Chrome 3+)都可通过名为跨域资源共享(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)的协议支持ajax跨域调用。(see: http://caniuse.com/#search=cors)

    Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari 都使用的是 XMLHttpRequest2 对象, IE使用XDomainRequest。XMLHttpRequest2的Request属性:open()、setRequestHeader()、timeout、withCredentials、upload、send()、send()、abort()。


    启用 CORS 请求

    假设您的应用已经在 example.com 上了,而您想要从 www.example2.com 提取数据。一般情况下,如果您尝试进行这种类型的 AJAX 调用,请求将会失败,而浏览器将会出现“源不匹配”的错误。利用 CORS,www.example2.com 服务端只需添加一个HTTP Response头,就可以允许来自 example.com 的请求:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.com
    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true(可选)

    可将 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 添加到某网站下或整个域中的单个资源。要允许任何域向您提交请求,请设置如下:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true(可选)

    其实,该网站 (html5rocks.com) 已在其所有网页上均启用了 CORS。启用开发人员工具后,您就会在我们的响应中看到 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 了。


    如果服务器端已启用了 CORS,那么提交跨域请求就和普通的 XMLHttpRequest 请求没什么区别。例如,现在 example.com 可以向 www.example2.com 提交请求了:

    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // xhr.withCredentials = true; //如果需要Cookie等
    xhr.open('GET', 'http://www.example2.com/hello.json');
    xhr.onload = function(e) {
      var data = JSON.parse(this.response);

    4. 服务端Nginx配置


    对于简单请求,如GET,只需要在HTTP Response后添加Access-Control-Allow-Origin。

    对于非简单请求,比如POST、PUT、DELETE等,浏览器会分两次应答。第一次preflight(method: OPTIONS),主要验证来源是否合法,并返回允许的Header等。第二次才是真正的HTTP应答。所以服务器必须处理OPTIONS应答。



    1. 首先查看http头部有无origin字段;
    2. 如果没有,或者不允许,直接当成普通请求处理,结束;
    3. 如果有并且是允许的,那么再看是否是preflight(method=OPTIONS);
    4. 如果是preflight,就返回Allow-Headers、Allow-Methods等,内容为空;
    5. 如果不是preflight,就返回Allow-Origin、Allow-Credentials等,并返回正常内容。


    location /pub/(.+) {
        if ($http_origin ~ <允许的域(正则匹配)>) {
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin";
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' "true";
            if ($request_method = "OPTIONS") {
                add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 86400;
                add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE';
                add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'reqid, nid, host, x-real-ip, x-forwarded-ip, event-type, event-id, accept, content-type';
                add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
                add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain, charset=utf-8';
                return 204;
        # 正常nginx配置

    但是由于Nginx 的 if 是邪恶的,所以配置就相当地让人不爽(是我的配置不够简洁吗?)。下面nginx-spdy-push里/pub接口启用CORS的配置:

    # push publish
    # broadcast channel name must start with '_'
    # (i.e., normal channel must not start with '_')
    # GET    /pub/channel_id -> get statistics about a channel
    # POST   /pub/channel_id -> publish a message to the channel
    # DELETE /pub_admin?id=channel_id -> delete the channel
    #rewrite_log on;
    # server_name test.gw.com.cn
    # listen      2443 ssl spdy
    location ~ ^/pub/([-_.A-Za-z0-9]+)$ {
        set $cors "local";
        # configure CORS based on https://gist.github.com/alexjs/4165271
        # (See: http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-cors-20130129/#access-control-allow-origin-response-header )
        if ( $http_origin ~* "https://.+.gw.com.cn(?=:[0-9]+)?" ) {
            set $cors "allow";
        if ($request_method = "OPTIONS") {
            set $cors "${cors}options";
        # if CORS request is not a simple method
        if ($cors = "allowoptions") {
            # Tells the browser this origin may make cross-origin requests
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin";
            # in a preflight response, tells browser the subsequent actual request can include user credentials (e.g., cookies)
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' "true";
            # === Return special preflight info ===
            # Tell browser to cache this pre-flight info for 1 day
            add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 86400;
            # Tell browser we respond to GET,POST,OPTIONS in normal CORS requests.
            # Not officially needed but still included to help non-conforming browsers.
            # OPTIONS should not be needed here, since the field is used
            # to indicate methods allowed for 'actual request' not the preflight request.
            # GET,POST also should not be needed, since the 'simple methods' GET,POST,HEAD are included by default.
            # We should only need this header for non-simple requests  methods (e.g., DELETE), or custom request methods (e.g., XMODIFY)
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE';
            # Tell browser we accept these headers in the actual request
            add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'reqid, nid, host, x-real-ip, x-forwarded-ip, event-type, event-id, accept, content-type';
            # === response for OPTIONS method ===
            # no body in this response
            add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
            # (should not be necessary, but included for non-conforming browsers)
            add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain, charset=utf-8';
            # indicate successful return with no content
            return 204;
        if ($cors = "allow") {
            rewrite /pub/(.*) /pub_cors/$1 last;
        if ($cors = "local") {
            rewrite /pub/(.*) /pub_int/$1 last;
    location ~ /pub_cors/(.*) {
        # Tells the browser this origin may make cross-origin requests
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin";
        # in a preflight response, tells browser the subsequent actual request can include user credentials (e.g., cookies)
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' "true";
        push_stream_publisher                   admin; # enable delete channel
        set $push_stream_channel_id             $1;
        push_stream_store_messages              on;  # enable /sub/ch.b3
        push_stream_channel_info_on_publish     on;
    location ~ /pub_int/(.*) {
      #  internal;
        push_stream_publisher                   admin; # enable delete channel
        set $push_stream_channel_id             $1;
        push_stream_store_messages              on;  # enable /sub/ch.b3
        push_stream_channel_info_on_publish     on;

    5. 客户端javascript代码


    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    //xhr.withCredentials = true;
    xhr.open("POST", "https://test.gw.com.cn:2443/pub/ch1", true);
    // xhr.setRequestHeader("accept", "application/json");
    xhr.onload = function()  {
      $('back').innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
      $('ch1').value = + $('ch1').value + 1;
    xhr.onerror = function() {
      alert('Woops, there was an error making the request.');

    页面的域是https://spdy.gw.com.cn, XMLHttpRequest的域是https://test.gw.com.cn:2443,不同的域,并且Post方式。

    用Chrome测试,可以发现有一次OPTIONS应答。如过没有OPTIONS应答,可能是之前已经应答过,被浏览器缓存了'Access-Control-Max-Age' 86400;,清除缓存,再试验。

    6. 相关链接

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